Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 5: I chase me chase me chase

Everyone was stupid standing in place and didn't know what to do. Fortunately, after the war beast got up from the ground, both looked at me and the black youth nervously. Both beasts knew that they were in trouble. The war beast carefully moved to the black youth, and then turned into a muscular macho figure, but luck returned to me and returned to human form.

"That ... I didn't mean it! I ..." Lucky explained.

I raised my hand to stop the lucky explanation: "It's okay, it's just an accident." I was just surprised, not angry. Our dragon race is a new human being, the more this kind is not only reflected in the body, but also the mentally complete. After an accident, it doesn't make sense to blame others. Other than making the accused sad, it doesn't make any sense to the incident itself. Human beings at this time usually make vigorous efforts to reprimand those who make mistakes, just as the black youth opposite is doing. But we are not so emotional. As long as it is not intentional, there is nothing to scold. The person who makes the mistake is actually the most uncomfortable person. Instead of scolding him, he should comfort him appropriately.

Although Zhenhong is a member of the Longyuan Secret Organization, she is still human, and she is emotional, but she does n’t know what to say if I do n’t have any fire. Besides, luck isn't her magic pet, and it's not her turn to scold. She just gave her a lucky glance and said to me, "What now?"

I said, "Wait a minute. I have some questions to prove. Give me a minute."

True Red nodded and stood by the side waiting for my decision, and the enemy stopped. There is no resentment between us both. The other party is a guild of African countries. We don't even know us. This battle is just a match. Nothing will be lost even if we die, so there is nothing to hate. Now that the mission objective is gone, the battle becomes meaningless. Everyone didn't know if they should continue to fight until the situation was clear.

A minute soon arrived, and the crowd was already agitating. But did not continue to do so. As soon as Zhenhong was about to speak, I took the lead and said, "Don't wait. Kill the people here and collect the debris right away."


I explained: "If the mission goal is really destroyed, then this mission is insolvent. None of us can complete the mission, and we can never leave this mission space. The real-time system is used. Most of the missions are temporarily assigned , So if there is an error, we will get an urgent repair of the system. We all waited for a minute without hearing the system prompt, then there is only one possibility-the task has not changed. "


"I know. The target was broken. But the recognition is to grab this sculpture and it is also a sculpture. As long as you grab all the fragments, it is no different from the task requirement. The task requirement is to grab the sculpture. And There is no requirement to keep it as it is, just grab every piece and make sure it is complete. "

"It really is smart." Zhenhong took out a crystal from her body and said magic to the crystal after entering her magic power. "Everyone listens, the mission remains the same, but the target is broken. Each piece must be snatched to complete the mission, and one piece cannot be pulled down. Perform immediately."

After entering the mission, for the convenience of command, we equipped everyone with a simple one-way communication crystal. Anyway, we do n’t care about this energy production. As soon as the people on our side got the exact order, they started to work. The other party did not have such a good device, and only instinctively resumed the counterattack after seeing us do it, but this slow step put them into a great disadvantage. What's more, just such a long pause has caused our cavalry to rush into many people, and now the enemy is completely surrounded in the center.

I didn't rush to rush to fight. Instead, he quickly unfolded the mist of death on his body. I didn't expand the coverage this time, but concentrated the fog in a small area near the target. Due to the narrowing of the scope, the concentration of the fog has risen sharply, which not only improves the infection ability, but also seriously hinders the enemy's sight.

After opening the fog, I quickly released darts and Bailang, and asked them to look for fragments after they separated. In addition, Fenglong no longer needed to follow me. After releasing all the magic pets, she was also sent out to help me search for the fragments. I had one wing and a lot of feathers fell down. Then they changed into a steel goblin and a goblin in the air. Under our guidance, they quickly flew out to help collect debris. This was not enough. I opened the wormhole again, and a large number of ghost beetles crawled out of the wormhole, then swarmed out and started to carry debris.

Because the pieces of the sculpture are mission items. So I can't put it in any space, including my Fenglong space. But I still have a way to collect these things. All debris collected was quickly carried into the sky. Then the air cavalry, which is relatively weak, is responsible for transporting them to the rear of our front and stacking them.

Of course, the enemy will not watch us carry debris, but our guild will be guarded by a spear and have absolute air domination. The enemy's flying units cannot threaten our air transport team at all.

The little bugs I released wielded the spirit of ants moving, especially the ghost beetle. My current strength can summon two million, and its handling is very scary. However, despite the scary number of my summoned creatures, the collection process is still not progressing smoothly. The main reason is that there are too many enemies. The sculpture was too big, and the inertia was huge when it fell down, so many fragments flew far away, and even more terribly, it even penetrated into the enemy's body. If those people were alive, it would be better, as long as the person with the existing strange wounds rushed to grab it. The most troublesome is that some fragments broke into the dead body after the bomber flew out. The dead wouldn't yell, and we could only do a detailed inspection of each body to determine if debris was inside. This is a troublesome thing, not to mention the battlefield here. We had to find debris all over the place, and if I had so many bugs to use, it would be impossible to complete.

Although the ghost worms have evolved a lot from the original dark tongs, they have not given up on their native ability to devour. Instead it has evolved more powerfully. When collecting the debris, they directly took away the corpses on the ground, so that it could be easier to determine whether any debris was trapped in the corpse, and whether the debris was completely collected,

The problem is actually quite simple. Because once the debris is transported to our team, it is considered to be grabbed by us, and once the debris is gathered, the task will end directly, without us having to confirm whether all the debris has been collected. All we have to do is keep looking. As long as the task is not over, it means that it is not ready.

At first, the other side saw that our attack was only instinctively defensive, but they already understood our intention when our air cavalry transported the debris. The black youth immediately ordered himself to start collecting debris, but he shouted a little bit late, and by the time they noticed, we had already taken away most of it.

It was okay to have more debris at first. The most troublesome thing was that after most of the debris was shipped out. Because the mission is not over, we know that there must be some debris that has not been shipped back, so we have to continue to find, but the debris on the ground is getting less and less, it is difficult to find, if the lack of land is only the last piece. That's almost no different from a haystack. When the sculpture fell down, the fragment had a splash radius of more than 200 meters. Afterwards, the crowd was kicked and kicked during the battle. Even if the fragments appeared one kilometer away, I would not be surprised.

I have to say that our opponents are still very clever. Although they started a little slower at first, after all, this is the center of their position, and they are still crowded with many pieces. In their current state, they were useless even if they grabbed a piece of silk. Even if we can't find the pieces, as long as we can kill all the opponents, the system will judge us to win. But the other side thought of a possible loophole.

The condition of their victory in this competition was when the sculpture entered the city. Hold on to the throne of the Seal of God for a period of time even if victory. But this "entering the city" is actually very particular about it. In many races such as racing and horse racing, the moment of crossing the line is actually based on the head or horse head touching the hour line. So if this "entering the city" is explained in accordance with the rules of most competitions, it means that as long as any point on the sculpture enters the gate, the timing will start, which means that the opponent does not have to grab all the sculptures. Just sending any piece of sculpture into the city will cause the timing system to activate.

If they had this idea at the beginning of the game, we would probably lose. However, after all, this kind of alternative is not what everyone thinks about. Now it is because of entering such a chaotic state that it is forced to rush and it is a last resort.

The black youth quickly selected hundreds of flying creatures under his own hands and flew out. The route they took was completely different. I don't know who brought the debris and who didn't. The only way is to stop everyone. Fortunately, there is a spear in our guild, and we are unparalleled in terms of degree. The ground-air cavalry that the other party flew out of was all entangled by our people, and quickly fell into a scuffle. Hundreds of small war groups appeared in the sky of the Seal of the Throne at one time.

It may be that the light sky route is not safe. The black young man actually organized another central breakthrough and sent a team of cavalry out. The team of cavalry spread out as soon as they crossed our line of defense and used it again. False tactics. We don't know which side to chase, so we have to send more people to stop them together.

The sculpture before was a big whole. If the other party wants to take it away, it must be pushed forward as a whole, so we can stop them if we don't make a central breakthrough at all. Right now the other party just wanted to send a small number of people out, and our little cavalry couldn't stop it. Our large troops have already arrived, but they are chasing behind the enemy and cannot help the air cavalry intercepted by the front. We can only rely on ourselves to find a way.

The young man who sent a team of knights out seemed not very satisfied. He actually organized another assault and then sent a bunch of cavalry out of our front. This man is the same as before, and when he comes out, he throws the duck and runs away, which is completely a rogue tactic.

In fact, even if they send the debris to the city, it is not necessarily a victory, because the result of starting the timing as soon as the debris enters the city is only a speculation, maybe the task standard is fully entered. Of course, as long as this is possible, I can't let them achieve it. In case we really start timing as soon as we enter a slice, aren't we busy?

The black young man watched with pride as I rode flying birds in the sky to chase down the suspect soldiers he dispatched, although he couldn't really treat me. But looking at my busy schedule there and taking him like he can't help, he can get a sense of balance in his heart.

I'm desperate to die anyway. These air cavalry are flying around like silly sheep. I feel like a shepherd, chasing those outlying sheep everywhere! Compared with me, their fighting power can be said to be one touch, but they run around one by one, but I have to waste a lot of time chasing the throne of the Seal of God everywhere. It's not over yet, if you kill them, you'll have to check if you are wearing debris. It's a headache!

Rogue tactics are shameless, but have to admit that the results are often very good. I was disoriented by the suspects, but he took the opportunity to personally break through with a small group of people. I was chasing after the enemies in the sky, and it really made me get back some pieces, but when I came back, the young man who had been directing the battle was gone. Looking around without seeing anyone, I sent an inquiry signal to my summoned creature. Actually, there was a report from the evil knight who seemed to see the guy breaking through his position and heading towards the city.

I directed the bird to catch up like a fire, hoping that the mount that the guy was looking for was not fast. His lion is still a sculpture. He shouldn't be so suitable for a temporary change of mount, probably something like a high-end war horse.

The birds flew all the way with the sound, and they caught up with the **** within a few minutes. I do n’t know, I was shocked at first glance. This boy actually ran there with more than a dozen people, and even more terribly, they actually carried a parcel on each person's back, and it goes without saying that they knew what was wrapped in it. I didn't expect that there were so many people out there. It was a bit of a mistake for me to chase them out alone.

The young black man soon showed up to me. Not only was he not afraid, but he proudly lifted up the package in Yang's hand. "Haha! Don't try to block us. The city walls can already be seen in front of me. I know that your summoned creatures have been left on the side, so many of us are running separately. You can chase at most one or two of them. Don't bother. "

He makes sense. My summoned creatures are indeed left over there

The magic pets cooperate with the true red and small creatures to collect debris in the center of the enemy position. The evil spirit knight and the bell knight both cooperate with the air cavalry in front of the position to block the enemy's way. The control spirit was not on his body. Now beside me is the phantom of the flying bird and Zhenghe who is in harmony with me, and these two are mounts. One is a helper creature. It doesn't look like it can stand on its own. It's really impossible to chase a dozen people at the same time. However, I don't really have nothing.

"Huh! Are you too proud to be too early?" I lowered Asuka and said loudly, "I didn't want to appear in this state, but you forced me."

A sudden flash of light appeared on my body, and a beautiful woman with a red armour appeared on my side. She is the queen, the mother of the ghost beetle. I already had the ability to fight alone from my body before, but I have not used her as a hidden strength all the time.

The young man was a little surprised, and then proudly said, "Is that right? But ... two people are still too busy, right?"

I didn't answer, but rolled a whirlwind from my feet, and the silver moon holding the staff of the sun appeared in place.

"Become a woman?" The young man froze.

I don't care about him. Just beckoned. The pink dragon that had been pink appeared on my shoulder. Although my two numbers are merged, the system still considers them to be two characters. So the guild benefits are doubled, and naturally I also have two dragons. Of course, in addition to Fenglong, Yinyue also has a steel claw, a spear, and a rainbow tree demon and a fur ball. The steel claw's fighting power is enough to chase one person alone, and the spears cooperate with the flying birds, and intercepting three people should not be a problem. The fur ball and the rainbow tree combined to block one should be fine. The Queen herself can intercept two or three people, which can already intercept eight people. I let Fenglong open the space again, and Hung Hom and Steel Teeth jumped out together.

Although the previous battle was very tense, I never changed shape, so I did not release these two levels of magic pets. Although the magic pet around Yinyue is less than the large one of Ziri, these two magic pets are not ordinary goods. Steel Tooth is King Kong Unicorn, the destructive force is equivalent to the level of a large group of dragons together, and his King Kong is not bad, this is very abnormal. Hung Hom is just a fox sperm, but she has a high level of generations. Even the genuine fox fairy is her junior, and her own strength can be imagined. It's a pity that she has been held in heaven for too long, and she has become frustrated with the world, so she always doesn't pay much attention when fighting. Otherwise, she might be the strongest of my magic pets.

With these two guys in, blocking a dozen or twenty people is absolutely no problem. Besides, I have combat effectiveness myself, isn't it trivial to block one or two people?

Seeing the sky suddenly has so many monsters, and there are two big guys, the youth's face is finally wrong. No longer talking, the youth made a scattered gesture to the people around them, and those people immediately started to flee. I do n’t even need to draw a picture here, everyone is separated. My own pursuit target is of course the other boss.

"Don't run in a hurry!" I landed lightly on the young man's escape. "You just talked so much, didn't you?"

As soon as the young man pulled the reins, the horsemen stood up and stopped. "I didn't expect you to be a woman."

"No. I'm a man, just handsomer than you."

"You ...!" I just called him ugly. Of course he was angry, but he quickly restrained. "Even if you transform, what about you? Your magic pet is scattered. Can this body block me? I admit that your previous body was strong, but this ...?"

A whirlwind rolled up around me again, and I returned to the Purple Sun form, and then changed back to the Silver Moon form. "Unfortunately, I can switch back and forth at will."

The youth really started to be afraid this time. Before, he thought I was transformed to summon the new magic pets, but since I can switch back and forth at will, but still maintain the silver moon form to fight with him, it can only explain one point-this form is more powerful.

that's the truth. The level of Silver Moon is slightly lower than that of Large, and its overall combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Large. However, Yinyue's fighting power is mainly on her own body, and Ziri's fighting power is mainly the magic pet, so Yinyue should be more powerful than Ziri in a single player battle. However, because Yinyue's image is so beautiful, it is always misunderstood as a woman, so I am psychologically opposed to this trumpet. If it is not possible, I will try to play without Yinyue.

I paused on the ground with my staff. "Did you give it up obediently, and then let me beat you down and grab it?"

The youth was only a little scared for a moment, and then let go. "I know I can't beat you. I have heard that the first player in the game, Zi Ri, is very powerful. This time it is in a competitive state. There is no death penalty. I have to try your full strength."

"It seems you are going to let me beat you down!" I thought for a while and then said to him, "But you can't know my full combat power ~ ~ because most of my combat power It's all left on the battlefield. However, you will be lucky to try my level of magic. You should be honored, I rarely fight with magic. "

"Then I still take advantage of you?" The young man suddenly rushed forward without warning.

"It's shameless! The sneak attack has been used!" A flame magic ring spread rapidly along the ground, and the young warhorse was instantly burned into coke. I just paused the two wands for fun.

The war horse was burned to death, but the youth flew up and rushed at me from the air. I pointed his staff at him. "Fire Dragon Jet."

A pile of fly ash landed on the grassland, and I turned to look ahead. The magic pets have begun to gather towards me. None of the cavalry that has just dispersed has reached the city wall. The important thing is that the steel teeth and red cymbals are too strong to fight, and these people cannot resist at all.

When I received the fragments from the magic pets, I actually heard the system prompt. "Mission completed." Damn, these are actually the last few pieces, no wonder they can't be found there!

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