Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 33: Run away

After being completely liberated, Linger will no longer have to hide his head as before, but we still try to avoid direct contact with the opponent's main force. Besides, there is a mess on the ground above the head, and it is not clear what was born. We do n’t know until we understand the situation. Suitable for going out and bumping.

Take everyone all the way to the door of the base of the Statue of Liberty sculpture. The secret door on this side has been closed, but now we are not worried about being exposed, so we just removed the door directly. It is not in the outside hall. As empty as we want, there is no one. In fact, the opposite is true. The room is almost full of people, and the number is almost square. There are dozens of corpses lying on the surface, and there are nearly a hundred people and monsters fighting. It's a complete mess.

A guy covered in dark mist killed the soldiers around him, and then appeared. We just came out of the gate and immediately slashed them. I reached out to let everyone take a step back and lifted my feet in the middle of the guy. One foot. It felt as if it had kicked the entity, and the black mist didn't seem to be completely illusory. The strength of this foot was not small, the guy flew out immediately, and turned over the other two people.

"It's hilarious!" Wina stood beside me and said, "What do I think of these people on the shadow planet?"

"It's not like, it's just the ground." I looked at the situation outside by the way. "It seems that the monsters on the red planet have also come, no wonder the ground is so fierce."

"Isn't that right?" Wei Na said, "while they fought, we quickly touched the muddy water and touched the fish to get things away. I don't want to be always sealed. The feeling of lack of strength is really uncomfortable, and the body is like noodles."

Linger said, "Get out of here first, then I'll clean up the people here."

Kristina stopped Linger: "Let me do it." She gave her staff a face. "Aura of Lightning." A circle of white circles quickly spread outward with the staff as the center. When When the aura passed by the feet of those people, all of them twitched like an electric shock, and this aura was not just a circle, but a circle of circles that constantly spread outward, each of which would strengthen the power on the basis of the previous one, Not only are people scrambling around. Even the corpses on the ground trembled. The aura flashed for half a minute, and then Kristina lifted the staff, and the aura disappeared immediately. The people in the room all fell neatly. It went on, and many people fell down and still pumping there. "That's it."

"You are so fierce!" Linger said, "This kind of large-scale magic seems to work well. Teach me another day, right?"

"Certainly." Kristina agreed very politely. After all, Pluto would still give it.

After clearing the enemies here, we quickly walked out of the room, and the outside and inside were almost the same. They were playing everywhere, and they were messing up. The shadow planet earth, the shadow warrior and the monsters of the red planet are not a group of land, and they attacked here at the same time today. It is probably a coincidence that the two sides not only attacked the forces of the Statue of Liberty at the same time, they were also fighting each other. Therefore, the land was disrupted.

"Vena, in which direction are you equipped?"


"Everyone keep up. Linger, really red, open the way with me. After Kristina and Noreen, the gold coins protect Weiner and that little girl."


I stretched out my hand: "Magic pets, it is your time to express the throne of the Seal of God."

"Wait a long time!" Fortunately, the first one rushed out of Fenglong Space. "Let's open the road."

Our large pets are amazingly destructive, and can attack freely in this environment. There is no need to worry about accidental injury. There are no people around here. The three parties are enemies. Even the buildings here are not their own. Not distressed.

Because there is a large magic pet to open the way, we don't even need to find the way. When we meet the building block, we will directly demolish it. The people of the Statue of Liberty are fighting with the two planet earth people in various places, and they have no time to control us, maybe None of them knew we were out yet. But there is a saying that the road of the enemy is narrow. Anyway, I think it makes sense. When Wei Na confirmed that the building in front of her was where her equipment was located, she just saw the Statue of Liberty. We walked out of the room side by side with the God of Guns. Both of us held our arms at the same time, but it only took one second to seal the throne, and everyone quickly responded.

"Spread out." This was the shout of gunslinger, because Kristina's staff had already been lit. Kristina's first turret should actually be a free artillery, and her mobile strength was her strength. There is a set of magic of Kristina's magic, a total of three magics. As long as you use them in order, the basic front is no one. Now the starting point is the first magic of this set of magic-electric ball spray. This magic power is small , But the coverage area is large. And the activation speed is fast, even faster than the magic missile.

The people on the side of the Statue of Liberty were not even prepared for a magic, and saw that dense electric **** flew over here. The God of Guns shouted and spread, but it did not respond when they heard it. A lot of people were still The electric ball hits, but this magic is not fatal, as long as it is not 300 or below, people can rarely directly kill the ground. However, this magic has a paralyzing effect, and its real use is to win time for the second magic of Kristina. Sigil throne, whether you hide or block it will delay time.

The goddess of liberty and the gun **** landed on the ground and fluttered. Although there were not many land recruits, they still delayed the time for the seal of the throne. When they got up and prepared to fight back, they saw that this side had appeared. A huge magic land.

Cristina held the staff to point to the sky, her ground and her long skirts were flying. A huge colored magic array over ten meters in diameter was suspended in front of the ground, and there was a terrible electric light flashing on it.

Cristina suddenly pointed his staff forward: "All Attribute Magic Storm." There was a sudden flash on the magic array. A lot of ice cones, electric balls, fireballs, wind blades, space blades, dark devouring balls, light missiles, dirt Spirit bullets almost flew out like a jet. Looking at the overwhelming magic of the earth, let alone the player, even the goddess of liberty is stupid. Magic shields are usually single-line protection, and generally each kind of magic has Specially restrained magic, but how to stop the whole line of magic? No matter what type of magic protection you call, it will eventually be passed by the same magic, so no matter how you block it, you will be hit. Of course, unblocking the result is more terrible.

There is almost no response time. The people around the Goddess of Liberty and the God of the Gun are completely submerged by the overwhelming magical flood of magic. This magic value is a large number of durations. The length of the Seal of Gods is long. It can fully consume the number of enemy land. After the magic has passed, only the combat power will be relatively strong. This is the second trick of Chris Dina, which suppresses magic in a large area. The name of the first turret is not a fake land.

This magic sprayed for nearly a minute, let alone people, and even the strong side of the house was lost. After waiting for the magic to end, I saw that there were still more than twenty light **** on the opposite side. There are two or three people. The people with the gun **** and the goddess of liberty are not ordinary people. Most of them survived by cooperative defense. But Kristina is still a third move.

"The Thunder Trial."

A terrible lightning bolt fell from the sky and hit the front shield directly. That shield was finished in an instant, and three people inside were bombarded with no **** left. The first lightning didn't end immediately afterwards, followed by again It was one. It was directly hit the top of the protective cover where the gun **** was. There were five mages standing next to the gun god, and the protective cover was not immediately knocked down, but three of them were spraying blood and falling down, and the protective cover was also weak. The ground was almost invisible.

Just before the third lightning was about to fall to the ground at the same time, the God of Guns fired first. Kristina's lightning flashed directly in front of him, and the bullet was burned by the thunderbolt. This attack magic can also be used for defense as long as the land is used. Ground, but the technical requirements are relatively high.

Our side is not just Kristina, since Kristina has won the time for the throne of the Seal of God, then we should get on. Just after the gun God had fired, I had arrived at his place to protect Next to the hood, I stabbed directly at a mage with eternity. The mage frowned and thickened the protective cover in an attempt to resist my sword. But eternal suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, and the sword tip entered the inside of the protective cover. There was no obstacle at all. As soon as the sword tip entered the protective cover, it immediately materialized. Only the part in contact with the protective cover was still in a foggy state. The mage could watch the sword falling on his neck unbelievably.

The gun **** has turned his gun and pointed at me, and his protective cover is no longer there without four mages. I have no ability to resist his bullets, not to mention being beaten on my body. I have flashed out when I was standing. The Gun God still wanted to track the shot, but felt that something was behind him, scared him to lie down and rolled out.

The face that was really punched into the face with a punch, all the bricks in the nearby three meters inland were cracked, or it was not flashing fast. The cracking ground should be the head of the gun **** land. But the last mage around him failed to flash away. The attack was rubbed by Real Red. As a result, it flew out and hung up. The mage had the weakest physical protection, and it was enough to be wiped by a physical madman who was scared by such soldiers.

Zhenhong pulled out her arm and was about to chase, and the binuo slot suddenly rushed up from the side and knocked out the real red. The binuo slot wanted to attack continuously, but I fell from the sky and stood on his shoulder. A guy almost stepped on his knees. Binocchi reached out and grabbed my foot, but I jumped off his shoulder with a backflip. Binocchi turned angrily and rushed up, but really red rushed up again He had to turn around to meet the real red ground attack. Two people hit their fists together, and each side took three steps back. Both sides were national weapons, and they were all power-type grounds, as if nobody had taken advantage. In fact, the real red is taking advantage. As soon as the Binocchio continues to chase me, my arms suddenly become a bit inflexible. The real red boxing with the power skills is in it. The main principle of the technique is to use different degrees to send the power out for a certain distance and then explode. Its interrupted blow is to let the power explode at the instant of contact. It can directly hurt the internal organs of the opponent without causing skin trauma.

The gears in the robotic arm were cracked as soon as the binocular groove was retracted. The entire right arm was almost immobile.

Suddenly I rushed up with the newly deformed eternity, and Pinocchio blocked his arm with a panic in a panic. As a result, instead of hitting him, I rushed past him. Pinocchio looked puzzledly. Look at me again, but now I am holding a strange thing in one hand, and the two things are connected with a silk thread, and the silk thread is interrupted and entangled on his ground. This is actually the rescue in the lower channel just now. Wei Na and the little girl used a ground saw, but now I wrapped it around the Pinot Noir.

I suddenly tightened the steel wire suddenly, and there was a jarring frictional sound on eternity. The binok screamed and shivered. His whole body was full of sparks, and the steel wire was quickly falling into his body into the condor. The holder of the famous Chinese weapon was attacked, and he immediately came over to help, but he cut a knife on the wire with his weapon. Who knows that the knife was cut as soon as he touched it. This is itself a cutting wire, which is of course harder than pure A broken knife is much higher.

Condor took a half step back in fright, and at the same time, Binuo trotted a scream, and then suddenly broke up, and the whole person broke up. The condor was startled. Hurry back, but I have made eternity Changed the shape again. Now the eternal root is held in my hand like a hilt, but the front is like a maneuvering blade with a silk thread in the middle. I slammed it hard at the condor, and the maneuvering blade spun out and flew out I instantly caught up with the condor and wrapped two punches on him, and then I suddenly pulled the handle.The condor was cut into pieces and scattered when it didn't even scream.

I was proud, and suddenly felt something on my waist. The voice of the gun **** appeared behind my ground: "Go to death." Boom.

A gunshot accompanied me with a terrible impact and flew me out, making a loud noise. I directly dressed a house and flew into the small square opposite, stopping several talents in a row and stopping.

"Wow ... keke ..." I climbed up with blood on my body. I felt like it was cool on my waist and felt no pain at all. I looked down and saw a big hole in my stomach. The entire upper body and the lower body are even a bit fleshy and almost smashed. The gun of God is originally powerful, and the power at such a close distance is amazing and almost killed. Fortunately, I have a guard collar. The vitality of the devil pet quickly saved me back, but only half of the body is left, and if this battle continues, it will be finished sooner or later.

A few American players saw me with a disability and immediately came over with a smirk. Obviously they knew me. Just when they were proudly preparing to fall down the ground, a flash of lightning suddenly passed around them. As a result, several people rolled their heads together. Then, the body spurted blood and walked two more steps before falling down. The dart mouth fell a blade around me and glared at other enemies. The magic pets felt it when I was injured, but the darts Fastest, so come first.

Although the darts smashed three players to surprise others, the darts were too small after all, not a visual threat, so no one was really scared, they still dared to rush up.

"Go! Even our boss dares to move and don't want to live?" Fortunately, they finally arrived. Several big guys scared all the enemies along the way. But more giant beasts appeared, and the big red scorpion was simply Climbing out from underneath, the red ground stabbed around and looked around alertly.

Adana and Xiaochun rushed down one after another.Adana helped me to align my body first, then the green and white light of treatment lighted up at the same time, and the muscles and internal organs grew quickly with the naked eye.

The gold coin landed on my side in a semi-comatose state. "It's said that the animal trainer is the best job, and now I finally understand that so many people have been injured to save you. If we were attacked like that, we would hang on. Up. "

Chris Dina also came down. "Zi Ri is a special case. Who likes to go out with him and bring his twenty or thirty magic pets?"

I want to refute, but I can't open my mouth.The system judges that I'm weak and can't move.

Ling helped me to take a lot of medicine and drank it for me, and then fed me a few sips of water. I felt that my body was recovering quickly, and I simply lifted up a hand, and a whirlwind rolled into a silver moon. Lying on it. I jumped from the top. "Use this before that body recovers!"

With an envious expression, Chris Dina said: "It's really convenient to have a double number!"

"I'm doing the task in exchange for it, OK?" I picked up the staff and asked, "What about the gun god? I'm looking for that boy to take revenge!"

"Just been hit."


The gold coin explained: "The immortal Highness Pluto is too fierce. You let her let go and attack her and you really let go. Just when we were in the scuffle, she was hunting down the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty didn't even care about it until later. She couldn't beat her now, but she was chased everywhere, and now she doesn't know where to go. The God of Guns originally wanted to help the goddess of liberty to secretly calculate the spirit, but she was ignorant of her whereabouts. They were not monsters. Players can play casually. "

"What about Vena's equipment?"

"It's already there." Divina came out wearing her own equipment. "Unfortunately, my ornament is still with the Statue of Liberty."

"It's okay, let's get it now. You can show the way. Now that you are equipped, you should be a little combat capable, right?"

Wei Na said: "Of course Xiaozhuan is okay. I ca n’t meet a master. My own strength is sealed. I ca n’t win the master by relying on equipment."

"Then you don't have to contact the enemy, let us do the battle."

"Of course, now that I have no power, it is time for you to protect me."

Although Linger didn't know where to go, there was her chasing the Statue of Liberty, at least the Statue of Liberty couldn't bother us. Following the induction of Wei Na, we quickly found the room of the Statue of Liberty. Here on the table There is a small box with a lot of ornaments inside, a small part of which is Vena, and the other part is also all magic equipment, probably the original equipment of the Statue of Liberty. But since we saw it, there is no reason to leave it It's all packed away.

We were about to go out. Suddenly the door was pushed open and the gun **** came in. I rely on this guy to come in handy, just one step late. True red reacted first, and rushed up immediately, but There is no follower around Gun God, knowing that it is not our opponent. Turned around and ran out. Real red is not good to chase the ground too far, so I came back soon. After chasing after the goddess of liberty, Linger quickly found us. Everyone left the temple together.

When returning to the Rock City, the sky was completely bright, and Wei Na and the little girl were sent back to Isinger, and I passed along with them. There should be no problem with the command of Roses in Rock City.

In the main shrine of Isinger, there are three people lying in the Vena room, and I am one of them. Now I have cut back the large size of Ziri, and the wound on my body has not fully recovered, and I am receiving Xiaochun and Grandma Nadi Healing. Ling Zheng is holding a very thick book there and Yeyue to study the method of unlocking these seals.

"Are all the materials ready?" I asked Ling.

Ling held the book and said, "I still have less Essence of Fire and Tianshuilu. Evrit has gone to the Valley of Fire to get the Essence of Fire, and there is Sister Guanyin from Tianshuilu. She just sent her over."

Now Guanyin is following Vinda, and Vinda is Vina's younger brother. Guanyin naturally wants to be aunt to Vina, knowing that she needs Tianshuilu to send it over immediately.

I nodded: "When can Everett come back?"

"Just at this moment! He's full and should be coming soon."

"It's here." Everett's voice came in from outside. He took out a piece of red crystal burning with flames. "Is this this thing?"

"Yes, yes." Ling took a small bowl and said, "Put inside."

Everett put the crystals in. Ling took a pile of liquid from the table on the side and poured them into a basin, and finally made a pot of blue paste with a strange smell.

"How do you use this?" Weiner asked, looking anxiously at the basin, something annoying.

Ling took out a writing brush and stained it with blue ground paste, and said to Wei Na, "Hold out your hand, and I'll show it to you."

"Aren't you going to smear me?"

"You're not a magic circle, what do you put on you?" Ling said, "Rest assured, can I harm you?"

"That won't happen, but you will prank me!"

"Will you regain your strength?"

"of course yes."

"Then reach out."

Wei Na couldn't help it, but she still stretched out her hand. Ling traced the original magic symbol on the gold ring on her wrist with a writing brush, and said, "This kind of thing can confuse magic energy, Then the magic circle is useless, so follow the spell description, and any one of them will not work. "

"What if the whole thing is wiped?" I asked.

Ling smiled and said, "The easiest way is to throw the two of them directly into the pool and take a bath with this thing, but what is Winaken doing?"

Wei Na quickly shook her head: "It's better to take aim slowly." As he said it, a snapping sound of the gold ring on Wina's hand automatically popped open. .

Ling held a pile of writing brushes and said, "Everyone help me together, so that I can't be exhausted by myself?"

I quickly asked everyone to help, anyway, we have more magic pets. Everyone described it together, and soon removed the gold ring on Wei Na and that little girl. Wei Na was only sealed by her power, and she recovered her power as soon as she opened it. But the little girl is not the same. According to Vena's description, those rings will extract the power of the sealed person and pass it down the chain, which will make the sealed person weaker and weaker. This little girl is obviously She has lived there for a long time, and her power is consumed too much, and she has reached the stage of dying out.If we don't go, she may hang up at any time.

Now the seal is gone, but the weak body can't be restored immediately, you must find a way to add some magic power first. Considering that it is still unclear about this little guy's camp, we did not add her magic power immediately, in case She attacked us instead of remembering us so well, weren't we bothering ourselves?

After thinking about it, I suddenly thought of a good way. "Vina. Can you feel her level after recovering strength?"

"It should be possible, but it may not be too accurate."

"Isn't the error big?"

"The error will not be too great, but it will not be too precise."

"Then try it, feel her level."

Wina felt her hand on the little girl's forehead, but her brows frowned. I asked her nervously, "How? Did you feel anything?"

"No, she's resisting my induction."

Ling guessed what I meant. "Does the host want to make her a magic pet?"

I nodded. "But if you are not sure of her strength, you can only have luck. In case she is a waste, it is a waste of a magic pet position! But I still plan to try it. The Statue of Liberty spends so There will be no reason to seal her vigorously. If she is weak, she won't need those things. Let me gamble! "

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