Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 38: Wound of time

"What did you find?"

"This." Kristina pointed to his face, and we swam quickly. I saw that there was a strange place on the ground beneath Chris Dinah's feet. There is a rectangular ground hole on the face of this piece. There are three protruding round faces in the hole, and each face has some strange text. However, the strangest thing is that the round surface is still scrolling, just like a wheel display. Ban Nong Lan was shaken my head after I released it. The things on it are not Long Wen at all.

That thing kept turning, but nothing was around us. After a few minutes, the thing suddenly stopped. The text displayed on the three scroll axes was exactly the same, but we didn't know what it meant. Since it doesn't turn, we can't stay beside it, so we have to scout around. An hour later we finally gave up the search task because we really couldn't find any clues other than those words.

"We can't go around here blindly, or leave first to find some clues?" The gold coin said: "Furthermore, this is not necessarily a square that goes against the scales, maybe we are wrong, or this is a mantra room It's not the point of important missions. "

"It's also possible." I thought to myself and said, "Let's go back first! It's useless to ram around like a headless fly here."

"That's okay!" Zhenhong took out the teleporting reel and unrolled, but the reel didn't flash. "Strange, why didn't you respond?"

I put away other magic pets. Only left Ariana and took the lead in the passage where she had swam past: "Don't work hard, maybe there is a seal of the ban on teleportation." There are a lot of zones in the ban on teleportation, and there is nothing strange in the real red. , Put away the scroll and followed me to swim over.

It was not slow to have Ariana pulling me, and soon we arrived at the gate when it came. Originally, I was worried that this door would be a trouble for us when I went back to the ground. I didn't expect this guy to be an automatic door. When someone approached, he opened it by himself. Out of this door is the narrow aisle when we came, everyone continued to swim forward, and soon arrived at the side where the irrigation ground was started. Behind this gate is the area with less water. So I put away Aona first, walked to the door and looked at it, and sure enough, there was an obvious tie rod on the wall. It seems that this party does not want to seal us in at all, and all ground doors are simply opened and closed.

After everyone was ready, I pulled the handle, and the gate opened in front of us with a bang, and the ground water in the passage immediately rushed out from under the door. Thanks to the weapon we have inserted into the wall to fix ourselves, otherwise it will definitely be flowed together. go with.

After the water ran out, we pulled out our respective weapons. Chris Dina pulled me. "Zi Ri, is there something wrong with you?"

"Well?" I looked around in confusion, and then suddenly understood. "Yeah! Why is the water gone?"

"Water?" The gold coin looked down at his feet, wondering: "You opened the door, of course, the water will flow out! Is there anything strange?"

It's so red that I understand. "No. This building is in the swamp. We had knee-deep water on our faces when we came in. Even if we open the gate now, the water level will at most drop down to the same level as before. Anymore? "

Gold coins were also understood by being really red. Even if the water flows out here. At least the water level shouldn't go down! In the course of our questioning, the ground gate in front was fully raised, and the outside passageway appeared in front of our ground.

"Isn't this the way we came in?" Zhenhong asked, looking at the tunnel in front.

"I don't look like it." The gold coins went out first. This square looks similar to the channel when we came in. It is as low and narrow as it is, but they have a big difference, that is, the preservation situation. When entering, the passageway was completely covered with moss plants, and the text on the wall had all faded out, but the wall of the passageway in front of it looked like it was just repaired. The colorful murals and text on the walls show that it was built only a hundred years ago.

I went out and touched the top of the thief. "This is not the way we came in."

"How are you sure?" Cristina asked me.

"The channel we came in was soaked with water for tens of thousands of years, and it had already been soaked. The ground water in the channel just poured out when we opened the door, and it did not wet the top of the channel. You can see that this top It ’s dry, it ’s not possible without three or five weeks. How long have we been in the Seal of the Seal of God? It has n’t been done so fast with fire? ”

Zhenhong clasped her arms around her chest and said, "If this is not the way to come in, then the way we came in? There was only one entrance and exit in that room, and the passage was completely straight. If there is a degree of curvature, You can set a hidden fork, how can the straight passage be hidden? "

Chris Dina said: "There is a possibility that the secret room has just been translated as a whole after we entered, but we have been inside and did not feel the vibration, so this is not possible. But this is the magic world, also This possibility cannot be completely ruled out. "

"Anyway, let's go out and talk!" Gold Coin said, "It's too uncomfortable to slap here!"

"Agree." Kristina immediately walked out with the gold coins, and I had to keep up.

As we moved towards the entrance, the light became brighter and brighter. I can still hear the sound of rumbling water, and it doesn't seem to be the opposite. Long Yuanlin was quiet and quiet. There is no reason for such a big earth movement, we can't make it when we come in? Besides, this light is not right! Longyuan Forest is very dark. Now we are still in the passageway but we can feel the bright light at the entrance, which is too abnormal.

The gold coin and Kristina who walked in front reached the entrance first, and then the two stood there motionless. Zhenhong walked over and pushed them both aside: "Get out of the way. Don't block the hole!" Zhenhong also stood at the hole after going out, but blocked the hole completely.

I walked behind them and pushed them all aside. "Why are you standing? Silly?" I said as I walked out of the passage and followed me stupidly. "how can that be?"

I was actually standing on a half mountainside, behind the entrance of the passageway, at the foot of the mountain in front was a large area of ​​grass, while the distant surface suddenly interrupted, and turned into a downward cliff. Did we run up to a high level?

"What's that?" Zhenhong asked suddenly, pointing away.

I looked up and looked dumbfounded. An island floats in the air in the distance, although it is not real. But the green thing is indeed an island, but it is still a long way from the surface, and it is completely suspended in the air. But after seeing it, I was even more surprised, because looking at it from here, we should be on a horizontal line, so are we also on a floating island? Or do we have a higher potential here?

"Come with me." I called out and called Ye Ying to jump up, and then let Ye Ying fly to a higher place, I need to understand the appearance of the surroundings.

As we got higher and higher, I became more and more surprised. Fang we just walked out of was actually a floating island. The entire floating island is about the size of the inner city of Beijing, and in the center of it is a small hill. The exit of the tunnel that we walked out was located on the mountainside. There is a large lake on the other side of the mountain. The lake follows a small river to the edge of the floating island and turns into a waterfall. It falls down like a silvery white ribbon and falls directly into a larger lake below. We heard the sound of the rumbling water in the tunnel before this waterfall. Shiyun Fei Liu went straight down to 3000 feet, which is an exaggerated metaphor, but the waterfall in front of her eyes really went down to 3000 feet, and the momentum was not worse than the Milky Way.

Beautiful Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s Women ’s Winter Outerwear is floating on the floating island and hovering quietly above the green river, the silver waterfall falls and the water mist sets up a rainbow bridge on the lake, it looks like It's really suffocating. There are many floating islands like this in the distance. There are at least five or six within our sight.

In addition to the floating island, the noodles here are also beautiful. Large areas of playgrounds and forests appear alternately, and the rivers of silver light are crisscrossed in various shapes. But what about our cities?

I started Xingtong, and I can't see a player within my eyes. As for the city, let alone. There are no traces of civilization nearby, and the ground can be seen plants and animals. Completely natural world without any artificial traces.

Zhenhong took out the teleportation scroll and tried it, and then said to me: "Zi Ri, we are probably teleported to something extraordinary!"

I started the teleportation ring first, but it turned out that the coordinates of the teleportation array could not be found, that is to say, there was no open teleportation array in the country of the local land of my location. Long Yuanlin is in China. If this is still China, it is impossible to find a teleportation array that can transmit, then it can only be said that this is not in China. But this is not the opposite. Even other countries should not have no teleportation array? Or is this a public area? Can there be such a beautiful ball on the public area?

Reporting to try and think, I started the ring of love, not to mention, it really turned out. "Husband." Wu Guidi's voice came out. "What is it?"

I transmitted the image I saw to Rose through the ring of love: "We entered Longyuan Forest, and when we came out, it became like this. You help me locate my place with the ring of love."

"No, I can talk to you and even summon you back. But I can't find your coordinates."

"Couldn't find coordinates?" I looked around in confusion. "No one should know such a large area! Is it on the ball I'm not on?"

Wu Guidi said, "Did you forget that the ring of love cannot be transmitted across the planet? Since I can summon you back, it means that you are still on the ball. Do you want me to call you back now?"

"No, first. Kristina and True Red are both by my side. What do you do when you call me back?"

"Then you think of it yourself first. If it doesn't work, ask for the mother of the big and bring them into the space door. Then I call you back, don't they just come back?"

"Well, let's investigate here first, and we'll notify you when needed."

After disconnecting, the four of us started to search this area together, but the result became more and more confused. There are no plants here that we can recognize, regardless of their size. Many plants look similar to the plants we often see, but when we check the data, they are not things we have ever seen. The same is true for plant animals. In just half an hour we have at least 300 new species, and half of them are large creatures. According to general rules. There will be many types of small creatures, but most of our local creatures are large ones, and all of them are new species. That only means that all the creatures here, at least most of them are those we have never seen before.

"I seem to have seen this thing somewhere." The gold coin said with an aquatic creature in his sword.

I looked at the creature she caught. This thing is almost a foot long, and the body is grayish white. It looks like a catfish without looking at the head, but the head of the catfish is flat, like a duck's mouth. But this guy's head is a drop-shaped ground, and there is a human face on the front. Except for ears, there are many organs on the face.

"This thing seems to be a human face fish, right?" I took the creature and looked at it. It was dead when it came up on a gold coin fork, and now it was soft like noodles.

Gold coins reminded me as soon as I was reminded. "By the way, I remember it. I have seen it in the Book of Wordless. This human face fish is one of the materials of the puppetry technique."


"Just be a little doll, and then you can use it to manipulate a player or a land action. But the effect of the manipulation depends on the level of puppetry and the level of the producer's level and the level of the operated person. For example, you must be a manipulator. Ca n’t land, but it ’s still possible to interfere. ”

"So you know how to fight?"

"Of course. Taoism spells are not all bright and earthy things. According to my opinion, there are actually more evil magic spells in Taoism than serious spells."

"Although this fish is a bit ugly, it is not small enough to use it. Why don't we catch it?" I looked at the gold coins and asked.

"good idea."

I have always been a wild goose, and since this human face fish is an important material, I naturally cannot let it go. First open the space door, then let the evil knight come out to help make up the fish, and I ran in to find the big mother to borrow her garden. Let her help me make a few large ponds in her garden, so I can bring some live human fish back to breed. Exhausting is a one-shot deal, and I still attach great importance to sustainable exhibition.

It was originally a simple matter to catch fish, but the evil knight was in trouble for a while. Just a moment ago, the surface of the lake rolled calmly, and suddenly the water surface burst, and a big fish appeared in terror. This guy's head is at least the size of a three-unit, six-story building. The back body is very short, and the whole body does not have a large head. Its head is shaped like a ghost fish, but there is a row of tentacles on its forehead, and it is not clear what it is.

"Lake monster?"

The gold coin was surprised and said, "Hell, how can there be giant fish in this kind of party?"

"Do you know this thing?" Cristina asked.

The gold coin nodded: "This is something from the flood era. It should have been extinct long ago. I didn't expect to see it."

I'm not interested in monsters. In my eyes, there are only useful and useless situations. "Gold coins, is there any use value for this thing?"

The gold coin shook his head: "This is a beast. It's completely useless except meat."

"Can meat be eaten? How does it taste?"

The gold coin said angrily: "You don't know if you bite it."

"That means that it is not very useful?" I called out the tank. Pointing at the strange fish: "Boom it."

A magic crystal shell accurately hit the strange fish, in fact, the guy opened his mouth and grounded. Probably it eats the shells. With a bang, the monster was torn apart, and flesh and blood were everywhere. I randomly found a piece of meat hanging on a tree, and brought it back for Scott to help with it. Not to mention, it tasted absolutely great. Scarlett is an undead in the game and can't eat, but since he has a physical body, he became obsessed with eating, and loved cooking in the house and Wudi, and now he has become a chef in our game.

Although the meat taste is okay, but the strange fish is generally of little use value, and the human fish is more useful. Thanks to our large Fenglong space and the large mother's garden, the square is relatively large, so I usually want to put some mess in it, like it is useful today, because I actually pulled out the fishnet and Small boat, I don't remember when I put it in the ground!

Although the human face fish is a material, it is actually a fierce beast. The combat effectiveness is still a little bit, but it is not high in level, so it is still good to catch. The number of human fish in this lake is very scary. We did n’t go down to the net and it was a lot. We made a few thousand in a while. After filling a pool, I didn't catch it anymore, it was useless anyway.

Because it is a big fish, it is impossible to distinguish the categories. There are still many weird things that are pulled up with the human fish. The gold coin actually knew several of these creatures. Later, I simply called out all the magic pets and studied them together. Not to mention, most of them can be recognized under brainstorming. With the identification of these species, we began to become more and more surprised, because all the things here are extinct creatures in the flood and drought era, which means that these things should not exist at all, let alone appear in such a large amount.

In order to prove that this lake is not a special case of retaining a small number of rare species, we specially flew to some nearby waters to salvage, and it turned out that all waters have a lot of land that should have been extinct.

When we were puzzled, there was a strange cry in the sky, listening to three points like a dragon and seven points like a duck. We followed the sound, and saw two giant beasts rolling down in the sky, scaring us away quickly.

There was a loud noise, and the two monsters smashed into the sand by the lake, then rolled down and fell into the lake. It didn't look like they were hurt at all. Just as soon as the water hit again, they kept hitting from the lake to press, then rolled all the way into the woods and began to bite and scratch each other.

When I was summoned, Ban Nong Lan Lan pointed at one of those two monsters and said, "No, no, no ... no?"

I glanced strangely at Phanom Lan. "Zhongxie? What are you talking about?"

"No, no, no ..." Ban Nong Lan Lan hurriedly slaps himself before returning to normal. "I'm scared! I don't know which generation of the ancestors, but they are still there!"

"Old ancestor? What do you mean?"

Bennon Chanlan pointed to one of the monsters and said, "Do you see that full-body scale-eared creature like our dragon family?"

"What you said is really a land. The body of that guy is similar to your land, but the wings on the back are much smaller than the wings of the dragons. The structure is different, and the ratio of the neck to the head is not large. It feels that the neck is too long and the head is very small. The tail seems to be a bit shorter and looks much uglier than the dragon. "

Fortunately came to me and asked, "Bannon Orchid ~ ~ Do you know this thing?"

The plague also said, "What old ancestor do you say, is this thing an enemy to our ancestors?"

Ban Nong Lan Lan smiled bitterly: "What enemy! You guys who forgot the local little ones. This creature is called the Archaeopteryx, and it is the ancestor of our dragon family."

"What?" My four dragon pets were all silly.

As a fairy dragon, Crystal attaches great importance to her image. She immediately pulls Ban Nong Lan and asks, "How can our ancestors grow so ugly?"

"That's it!" Fortunately, Xiu Xiu said with his muscles: "You look at me like Yushu, how could it be a descendant of that kind of thing?"

Ban Nong Lan Lan smiled and said, "I didn't lie to you. That is really the ancestor of the dragon. Just like the relationship between humans and apes, the dragon is the origin of this ancestor."

It's not just the four dragon pets, we're stupid. The dragon ancestors' ancestors actually look like this.

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