Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 45: Super plant

Kristina told us with a smile: "The method is really simple, just add magic to the magic stone."

"Will the white devil spar overcharge and explode?" Noreen asked.

"Just don't let it explode," Kristina explained. "In some extreme cases, the explosion of magic spar can be suppressed, such as a strong imprisoned magic circle."

We were all thinking about this by Chris Dina. The imprisoned magic circle can theoretically impound the explosion, but we have never used it to imprison magic crystals.

Kristina said earnestly: "As long as the magic stone is imprisoned with imprisonment magic, then it cannot explode. At this time, if you force the magic into the interior, the extra magic will no longer be released and it will begin to fill the interior of the molecule. This When the inertia is very strong, the magic silver will be forced to ionize, and the internal structure of the magic crystal stone will be completely changed, so that the energy holding performance of the crystal stone will be greatly increased. "

Noreen finally wanted to understand this theory and seriously said: "If you really do this, it is indeed possible to complete the magic crystal evolution. Even as long as we continue to input magic power, magic crystal will likely evolve all the way to advanced And eventually become the core guide stone. It would be terrible if that was the case! "

I shook my head and said, "The two of you also want the land to be too beautiful. I estimate that the explosion power of the magic spar is very strong, and it will be very troublesome to completely restrain this power. You can synthesize the ordinary white magic spar to red The sparmonite is good, and continuing to input magic and suicide is almost the same. "

Noreen nodded: "Indeed. As the level increases, it will be more and more difficult to input magic power. We may not have enough pressure to input magic power. In addition, the spar level rises, and the explosive power also rises. Our land confinement magic array may Can't restrain the power of advanced spar ground blasting. "

"I just make a suggestion, and you have to study it slowly." Kristina said, holding a green plant in front of me. "Look at this."

"What is this?" I took the plant and looked at it, completely wondering what was special about it.

Kristina smiled and said, "This is the gold coin that let us find things, but we didn't expect to find it. It is called Forget-Me-Not, it is a kind of powerful psychedelic agent. It is said that gold coins have been used for tasks. The finished product, once put down a thousand-level advanced Warcraft, and it is as easy to use for players. "

"Then pick up more and dig a few more transplants."

"Yeah! We think so too, so I came to you."

"What are you looking for?"

"Because this thing grows with another annoying thing. I'll come to you and think about it."

"What am I going to do?" I asked as I followed Christina's flight.

Chris Dina did not answer my question, but I do n’t need to ask when I see the situation there. I saw a kind of aloe-like plant growing on the surface of the area, but it was much larger. It has a diameter of almost twenty meters and a height of more than ten meters. The leaf edges of this plant are full of jagged teeth, which looks quite scary. And we need to forget that the grass grows under these plants.

"Boss, you're finally here." A few players from the bank ran over with real red and gold coins.

"I depend, what's the matter with you?"

Real red and gold coins look startled me, both of them are now wrapped in a light green translucent object, seeing their posture as if the gold coins fell. Real red is pulling her up, However, their posture was fixed, and the two were sealed together in this group of things.

Kristina explained helplessly: "This is why you came to the land. You are optimistic." Kristina said, took a stone and threw it at a plant in the distance. It was nothing at first, but When the stones fly close to the giant aloe plants, all the spiked thorns on the leaves of the plants suddenly fly out. It turns out that the spiked thorns are just tips, they are usually connected to those huge ground leaves, and they will fly when dangerous The vines are still connected behind these spiked thorns, and the pointed spiked thorns can be telescopically moved under the control of the vines.

The stone that was thrown out was attacked by dozens of mace thorns at the same time, and was blown back in the air, but it has been broken into dozens of small stones.

"Is this stuff too fierce?"

"It's still more fierce behind!" Chris Dianna converted two ghosts and rushed to the flora with magic. This summoned creature is formed by magic. There is time to restrict the seal of the throne, so you can take it Come and die.

I saw two ghost beasts rushing towards the flora, and those spikes immediately countered, but the ghost was not a stone, and they would dodge. One of the ghosts quickly cut off a wolf while flashing away. There is a creeping vine behind the thorn, but the broken creeping vine suddenly turns to the ghost beast. Then it throws out a large ball of green ground slime. The ghost beast fails to escape, and is eventually hit by the slime, and the whole is covered. Go in. Just listen to the sound of a gurgling sound. When the ghost beast fell, there was a sound of a hard object crashing, and the mass of mucus had clearly condensed into a hard shell in the air.

Take a look at the monster wrapped in slime, and then look at the real red and gold coins around, I already know what was born. I first tapped on the toy, and the sound was like plastic, not metal. A little Think of the weight of the two ground inside. The weight of this slime is roughly calculated. Obviously, this is a very light organic material.

Turn eternity into a small dagger, and then I stroked on that thing. Fortunately, eternity can easily cut in. "Kristina."

"what's up?"

"Can ordinary weapons destroy this thing?"

"I tried it with a guild suit sword. I was able to move, but it was very laborious. I could only cut it in a little bit at a time."

"That means that this thing is harder than stone?"

The Norinlin who came with us also walked over and knocked on the thing. "The hardness is about the same as that of pig iron, and it may be slightly harder. But this thing still dries fast enough, and it is good for cement. I do n’t know if I ’m afraid of fire. ”

"Don't be afraid." Chris Dina said: "I have tried it. It is useless to strengthen the acid outside the fire ice electricity. It can only be smashed."

I patted it and shouted, "It's really red. Can you hear me?"

"Hear." There is a mask on the really red helmet, so the thing is not sprayed directly on her face, it is OK to speak.

"Can't you earn this thing?"

The real red voice felt helplessly: "Of course I can break away, but the gold coins are with me! Her set is not armor, and I must be broken if I break away."

"Then wait, I'll dig out the gold coins first."

"Then you hurry up!"

Although this thing is very hard, it is not much in the face of eternity. However, the last point is more troublesome to get close to the body. After the mucus hardens, many of it stick to the equipment and the skin. These cannot be dragged hard. The local area was dug out first. As soon as the gold coins were pulled apart, a golden light suddenly appeared on the arms of the really red ground. "Tianlong Shenwei-Broken." A loud bang, the hardened mucus on the real red body It exploded like a bomb, and the people around the ground rushed around.

"Can't you be gentle?" Cristina complained, removing the mana shield.

"No harm, what's the big deal? Oh, what about gold coins?"

"I can only knock it slowly."

"I can only do that!"

I and the real red women carefully knocked on the gold coins and it took a long time to dig out the squares of the gold coins. I let true red hold the gold coins and keep my head still, then my eternal presence There are some cracks on the face of the gold coin. "Okay. Really red, squeeze it with a little force. Be careful not to force too much, I don't want to see the gold coin's head burst like a watermelon!"

"Am I the kind of insignificant person?" Really red words let us stare at him with inspection eyes, making it clear that she is the kind of person.

Zhenhong worked hard and only heard a click. The layer of gold on the head of the coin broke into many small pieces according to the traces I cut out before.Although it was still sticking to the skin, it was at least able to move.

"Hum! I'm choked!" The gold coin mouth finally got to speak. "You guys, think of a way! I keep this posture in my body uncomfortable! And these things on the face make the skin very pain!"

I grabbed one of the cracked mucus pieces and carefully cut it. The gold coin suddenly called out again: "Oh! It hurts, you lightly!"

"Just don't mess around, it won't hurt you!"

"But it hurts!"

"Who asked you to provoke those weird trees?" Zhenhong said as she helped her to get her body sticky.

Cristina joked: "How does it feel to be made of an amber specimen?"

"not so good!"

Zhenhong patted her. "Hold your right hand up and you should be able to come out."

The gold coin raised its hand. With a bang, it took out the right hand, but unfortunately there was a lot of debris stuck to the clothing. "When is this going to happen?"

"No need to bother." The busy ghost leader suddenly appeared behind our land. "This slime tree is very easy to deal with." He said, pointing to another plant growing under those slime trees. "See that kind Is the grass purple? Cut it up and pour it on the slime with water, and the slime will return to a liquid state. "

"Rely on. There is a solvent!" I quickly summoned the darts, and pointed to the purple grass: "Go get some plants back."

The dart's lightning bolts were really useful. As soon as he entered the attack range, he drew saturated attacks of wolf-tooth arabesques, but although the slime and wolf-tooth thorns fell like raindrops, the darts could jump in and out of the road like a road. Go, didn't take them seriously. For Dart, these things are too slow, so he can't even touch them.

Soon the dart ran back with a few of those purple ground plants. According to the theory of busy ghost territory, these plants were crushed and watered and poured onto the gold coin heads. Only ten seconds later, the hard solidified mucus was seen. Flowing down from the gold coins like water, the gold coins quickly rushed out the rest of the body.

"Sure enough, one thing at a time!" Cristina picked up the remaining purple plant and asked, "What's this name?"

"Busy grass." Busy ghost led with a smile. "Because this is our busy ghost's favorite food, we call busy grass."

"Do you eat this?"

Yes indeed! The busy ghost led: "We have our own vegetables. We plant a lot of grass. It is much bigger than the wild busy grass here and tastes better."

"Is this thing really edible?"

"Only we busy ghosts like to eat, you and I don't know. Anyway, I heard that Warcraft is afraid of this taste."

"Warcraft is afraid of this smell?" Cristina suddenly thought of something like tearing the leaf of the busy grass on the ground, then squeezed some mucus into the hand, and then sent it to the nose to sniff it. She rushed away and took away her head. "I said! It turned out to be a monster!"

"What reptile grass?" We have never heard of this thing.

"Have you ever used a beast scavenger?"

We shook our heads one by two. In fact, I know what the repelling beast incense is, and it is sold in the toy system store. It is not a rare rarity. In addition to the repelling beast incense, the store sells incense. This weight incense The role of the ground is just the opposite. The role is the same as their name. One is to drive monsters. The other is to attract monsters. When you want to play monsters, you can light an animal incense, and nearby monsters will automatically gather here. In this way, there is no need to run around to find monsters to fight. Sometimes, some players need to do tasks in the densely populated area of ​​the monster, but do not want to be entangled by monsters, so just order a beast-sweeping incense, which can reduce the encounter Opportunity for monsters. Doing tasks can be more convenient.

Although the use of these two kinds of incense land can be said to be very large, but our land is weird. Noreen is a mobile puppet, and there is no need for leveling. Gold coins and true red are the focus of the guild to cultivate the elite, training At the time of the level, they were accompanied by them, and most of them were upgraded by quests. The six elements of the wind and water were ancient creatures. Of course, they did not see such high-quality goods as exorcism. As for me, it was even more impossible. When I was not strong at the beginning, I got lost and walked into the Black Forest. After that, I became red and couldn't enter the city. By the time I found the covering wheel to enter the city, I was already very strong. Never used this thing.

Kristina saw us one or two shaking our heads like rattles. Helplessly said: "It is really a group of monsters! The expulsion of the beast is naturally the expulsion of monsters. Sometimes, you do n’t want to touch the monsters, you can use it. Grass, dried it, ground it into powder, and then added some ingredients to make incense.

"So is Hyundai like this?"

Chris Dina nodded. "Yes, but the yield is not high, but this kind of plant with spooky teeth that spatters slime should be extinct."

Noreen suddenly said, "How do you say we transplanted some plants back?"

"Transplantation?" Gold coins are still worried about it, and don't like it very much.

I really agree with Noreen ’s idea. "It ’s not bad to transplant it back. This kind of slime is simply the most convenient natural building material. It can also be used as an adhesive. The effect of gold coins has been experienced firsthand. . Let's talk about it. Since this thing blocks even real masters like gold and gold coins, the defense is obvious. It would be good if used as a defense plant. "

"What if it attacks us?"

"Use this." The busy ghost collar lifted a busy grass from the past. "Put it together with the psychedelic grass you want to gather and paste it, and then add some seven-color moonlight flower field petals to make it. A kind of ground water with a strange smell is sprayed on the body and it will not be attacked. "

"What is the seven-color moonlight flower?"

"There's a lot over there." The busy ghost collar pointed to the back. "But the taste may be unbearable to you."

"Is it bad?"

The busy ghost led his face uncomfortably and said, "Anyway, I have a headache!"

The gold coin said: "Then you still let us sprinkle on us?"

"If it's for your safety, it's not a good thing to smell a bit bad, right?" Busy ghost thoughts are actually normal, but it's completely useless to talk to women. Men's thoughts are rather to stand dead and never kneel alive. The idea of ​​women's land is rather to die beautifully. Never to live ugly. So no matter what the reason, they make themselves smell bad and they will never dry.

Noreen said: "Anyway go and see first!"


Under the busy ghost zone, we could easily find the seven-color moonlight flowers. But even if we do n’t have busy ghosts, we probably won't miss this thing because they taste too fierce. We are far from there A few kilometers away, the busy ghost leader refused to approach, while the rest of us only smelled a pungent scent, which really caused a headache.

Moving on for a distance, the taste became stronger and stronger, and finally I had to put down the helmet mask and use the air filter system! True red was also smoked and put down the mask, and Kristina added bubble technique to herself and gold coins, so that the party who had not arrived fainted first. Noreen would be fine, anyway, she was a puppet. Although Can recognize the smell, but she can turn off the olfactory ground, anyway, she doesn't need to breathe.

"Wow! What a beauty!" When we finally turned over a small mountain bag, the flower of color immediately appeared in our sight. A large area in front of the ground was almost completely covered by this plant. This flower is only a little taller than the grass The flower plate is about the size of a baby's palm. Each flower has seven petals. It is indeed a flower with seven colors, but not every color of each petal, but each petal from the root to the petals. The tip gradually transitions from purple to red. Because the coloration on the petals is soft and excessive, not a clear division like a rainbow. So you can say that it is seven colors, and it is also good to say that it is 10,000 colors.

In fact, the most beautiful side of this flower is not its petals, but the heart of the flower. The heart of the flower is not like a flower like a flower, but has a transparent piece of crystal. The heart of the crystal itself It ’s weird. There is a crystal in the middle of the crystal in the heart of the flower. The outer crystal is transparent, and there is a colored crystal at the core of the crystal, but what color it grows is not accurate. We see a few flowers that are not the same color! If the petals are removed, the center ground crystal is like a gem of other colors wrapped in a transparent diamond. Such a beautiful structure will certainly make girls happy. Crazy. But this flowery smell is really a headache!

Before we came to study the flowers carefully, the busy ghost suddenly came over, but his head was covered with a strange piece of stuff. When he approached us, it appeared that the creature on his head seemed to be a creature. The mulch film is used to make the airbag. Because the film is very thin, you can see the situation outside even if you take this. The airbag is very large, and the busy ghost collar puts the entire head inside it is equivalent to bringing an oxygen cylinder, which is a kind of soil. Make a gas mask!

The busy ghost led us to jump around and jumped to us. Then he smiled and said, "Hey, our busy ghosts have little fighting power, they have a wide range of insights, so they know a lot. With this thing, you can move here, and you don't need to smell those strange smells How about it? The smell of these seven-color moonlight flowers is very good, right? "

"It's really rushing!" I nodded. "But this flower is really beautiful."

"It's not much now," the busy ghost led. "If it's getting dark, you'll know what is beautiful."

"Even more beautiful at night? It's already so beautiful, how can it be beautiful?"

"I can't say clearly either, you can come and see when it gets dark at night."

Noreen waved to the busy leader: "Do you know why these flowers have gems in them?"

"That's not a gem." The busy ghost picked a flower at hand, and then plucked the gem from the heart of the flower. He handed the gem to me and said, "Trouble you to bit it away, I'm inconvenienced by this. "

I closed my breath in doubt and opened the mask, then put the gemstone in my mouth and tried to bite it. I didn't expect it to really open with a bite. Although this thing is also full of hard ground, it hasn't reached the point where it can't be bitten. As soon as the thing was bitten, the green mass in the center suddenly flowed, all flowing into the mouth along the crack, and I spit out in a hurry.

The busy ghost quickly said: "Don't vomit! Put it in your mouth and taste it, sweetly."

When I heard the busy ghost say this, I drank the rest, and it really has a strangely sweet taste, and it is also accompanied by a refreshing aroma, which is always very delicious. But it is strange. This thing just now When it was complete, it seemed that we thought the central part was also a gem. I did not expect that the core was actually liquid. The outer layer was the hard shell.

The busy ghost led: "The thing you bite is actually a seed, and when you bury it, a new flower will grow. And this thing can enhance all attributes in addition to being delicious, but the promotion effect is not strong. But if you eat it often, a little bit of it can improve a lot. It takes a long time anyway. "

When I was told by a busy ghost, I meant that I had to take some back to plant it. I didn't expect this thing to have so many benefits. Except that the smell was unbearable, it didn't seem to be bad.

Now we at least know that this thing is very useful, so despite knowing that this stuff tastes bad, we decided to transplant it in large numbers. After asking the busy ghost leader, I learned that the transplantation only needs to collect more seeds. It ’s OK to grow in the environment without contact. The seed can maintain vitality for decades, and the transparent hard shell on the outside is enough to protect the liquid core on the inside.

A lot of busy ghosts were called to help collect the seeds, and it was completely dark when we were busy. I was directing everyone to collect the seeds from the land to me. When the busy ghost leader came over and shouted, "Stop, fast Stopped. The time has come for the Throne Seal. "

"When does the Seal of the Seal arrive?" We looked at him doubtfully.

The busy ghost led me to run up the hillside before, explaining at the same time: "Remember that I told you in the morning that the moonlight is beautiful in the evening? Now that the time has come for the throne of the Seal of God, you can't miss the beauty."

We were drawn to the hillside where we stood before, with doubts. It is slightly higher than the area where the moonlight flowers grow. From here, you can see the entire flower area, but now it is very dark, and I can see it in night vision. Seeing the ground is just a color, so it looks like there is no beauty at all. If you stand here during the day, it will be a good view to the ground.

The busy ghost can complain regardless of us. He pulls us up and stands up, and then says, "Don't blink, this is a rare sight. Many people in our tribe would rather endure the taste and come to see the place more often. Regretfully. "

Now that the busy ghost leaders said so, we had to look at the dark flower area seriously, but we did not wait long for the strangely beautiful scene of the Seal of the Throne to appear in front of us.

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