Starting human body

Chapter 105 Volcano Golzan

The sun rises from the sky and shines brightly on the earth, driving away the darkness.

Tiny snowflakes are floating,

A beautiful diamond ice crystal landscape forms on the top of the mountain.

But the eruption of an extinct volcano destroyed this beautiful scene.

The rumbling sound and acrid smoke brought only fear.

Fortunately, there is still TPC to maintain the situation.

While the evacuation work in the rear continued, the frontline TPC also began operations.

Vice-captain Munakata was in command on the front line, and Director Sawai and Megumi Megumi broke with convention and went to the scene in person to coordinate the operation.

"We have arrived at the underground cave!"

"The magma is moving towards the Kirimondake volcano!"

"Prepare to cool the magma..."

Dagu and Xincheng successfully arrived underground in an underground Pippa tank and used freezing light to solidify the magma.

Inside the cadre command plane,

Hui Jian pointed at the picture displayed on the screen and said: "There is indeed something that gathers the magma to the Kirimendake volcano, but I am not sure it is Golzan..."

Dagu contacted: "Let's go over and check the situation. There must be something over there."

He vaguely heard the monster's breathing, and Golzan's eyes, sharp teeth, claws, and body stained red by magma flashed in his mind...

"But if something happens underground, we won't be able to save you..."

"Let them be."

Director Sawai muttered,

"It is very important to confirm the existence of Golzan now. Only in this way can we start the battle..."

"Okay," Zongfang commanded, "Dagu, Xincheng, continue to investigate the Wumendake volcano, but if there is danger, return immediately!"



Kuwata Town Shelter,

While Natsuki was taking a nap, she was suddenly awakened by a violent shock, and the intermittent cries of children in the shelter suddenly became louder.

What's wrong?

Natsuki and Takano, who was holding little Mai, looked at each other, stood up and left the tent, looking towards the crater of the volcano that erupted more violently in the distance.

It was like a high-pressure kettle that was boiling to the extreme, a sense of déjà vu that was about to explode.

But it's not time to erupt yet.

Seems to be……

The underground flame Gorzan was alarmed!

Images of the underground flashed through Natsuki's mind.

The underground Pippa tank fired a monster tracking bomb, which seemed to anger Golzan.


TPC Command.

Munakata exclaimed: "We lost contact with the underground Pippa Tank!"

"This does not mean that they have been killed," Sawai and others looked grave. "How is Golzan's condition?"

"It's calmed down again... It's now 1,860 meters underground."

Hui Jian looked at the monster tracker signal display on the screen with a worried expression.

In the end, I only knew that the underground Pippa tank retreated immediately, but something seemed to have gone wrong in the middle and it was trapped underground.

"Is there any way to launch a rescue?"

"It's difficult," Zongfang said sadly, "Now we don't know their location at all. What's even more troublesome is Golzan..."

"Then let's solve the Golzan and volcano problems first," Director Sawai thought thoughtfully, "What are the countermeasures?"

"The tracking drilling beam has been completed. We can first lure Golzan to the ground to deal with it."

Zongfang launched operations on the front line.

In addition to the drilling beam device that can shoot directly into the ground, Hypa mine cannons have also begun to be deployed around.

Feiyan 2, which has a Texas gun, is also in place.

In the original drama, the Texas Cannon's record was to kill Gakuma instantly.

Although Natsuki has not been able to perform well so far, the Victory Team is quite confident in its power.

Before the emergence of the Maggs power system in the later period, the Texas Cannon was the strongest weapon of the Victory Team.

"Drilling beam locks target!"

"Drilling beam, fire!"


A strong electric light flashed, and the drilling beam hit the ground, hitting the red dot represented by Golzan on the screen.

"The first beam hits the target!"

"The second beam hits!"

"Golzan is coming out!" Zongfang shouted, "Get ready to attack!"


The mountainous area shook violently, and even the Kuwata Town shelter at the foot of the mountain felt the earthquake.

Natsuki stood by the shelter tent, watching Golzan emerge from the ground from a distance.

As if a fuse had been triggered,

The cannons deployed on the ground bombarded Golzan at the same time.

at the same time,

Feiyan 2, which was hovering in mid-air, also opened its large-caliber artillery, aiming at Golzan and firing a Texas gun.

Suddenly the entire battlefield was enveloped in explosion smoke.

Natsuki looked through the smoke.

The strengthened Golzan was obviously stronger than ordinary monsters. TPC's round of attacks had no effect at all, and Golzan resisted them all.


The strengthened Golzan's figure reflected in Xia Shu's eyes.

The head armor looks like ancient armor, the sharp and thick claws, the tough dark skin, and the lines of magma condensed on the chest.

Strengthened and upgraded Golzan...

His strength has been greatly improved, and his defense is amazing. His chest organs can absorb light techniques, and he can completely destroy Tiga in his composite form.

In the end, Diga was able to win by transforming into a powerful form and destroying Golzan's absorption organ with an electric punch.

This is one of the few B-class monsters in the Ultra Universe that can continue to evolve...


On the other side of the shelter, Gosuke Kibi, who was assisting the evacuating people, was suddenly stopped by his teammates.

"The attack on Golzan failed! I just received instructions. The commander ordered us all to evacuate to the 4th refuge area!"

"What?!" Kibi Gosuke heard this and looked at Kiritotake Volcano, "Those people on the front line of the victory team are really useless! I can deal with Golzan by myself!"

"Xibi! Come back, Kibi Gosuke!"

The shouts were not very noticeable in the noisy shelter,

But Natsuki still moved her ears slightly, and saw Gosuke Kihi driving towards the front line through the crowded crowd.

This loud voice is impulsive again...

"What's wrong?" Takano asked confused when he saw Natsuki's reaction.

"I have something to leave," Natsuki turned around and said, "Mr. Takano, you and Mai can stay here depending on the situation. There won't be any danger here."


"Uncle, where are you going?" Xiao Mai grabbed the corner of Xia Shu's clothes.

"To do something important."

Natsuki ruffled Mai's hair and silently glanced at Golzan who was approaching the shelter and the group of frustrated refugees behind him.

It's just a little dark power, he can bear it...

"Bang bang!"

Just as the TPC frontline was preparing to evacuate, Gosuke Kibi drove towards Golzan and shouted, triggering Golzan's ultrasonic beam attack.

"Who is doing this?!" Zongfang looked at the mountainous area where Golzan was attacking, and seemed to see a car through the surveillance screen.


A car in Yamaranma chased Kibi Gosuke regardless of the surrounding attacks and explosions. Teammate Washizu shouted anxiously,

"Come back quickly, Xibi! Have you forgotten our mission?"


Kibi Gosuke stopped the car in shock and watched helplessly as an ultrasonic beam fell and his teammate's car exploded.



A ball of red and purple light passed over the mountainous area,

After falling into the foothills wrapped in Jiujin, he appeared like a gray giant.

next moment,

The dark power suddenly increased suddenly, and it was stronger than Natsuki expected.

As the ominous atmosphere filled the air, lightning with far greater violence than before exploded in the surrounding area, and earth and rocks exploded.

"Bang bang bang!"

"It's Aguru!"

Munakata looked up at the gray giant with a surprised look on his face.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the giant's milky white eyes turned red for a moment before returning to normal.

"This even more dangerous!"

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