Starting human body

Chapter 123 The Night of Blue Memory


Tiga is a very popular idol in time and space.

15 years ago,

After a spaceship from a distant planet passed by the earth and made an unexpected crash landing, only two of the mother and a brother and sister were able to return to their home planet.

At that time, a family of three died in a car accident.

So the very young daughter was left on Earth by her family, borrowing the body of the little girl who died in the car to exercise, and at the same time inherited the girl's ambition to become a singer.

Her stage name is Krismaya...

Now, 15 years later, my brother, who fled because the planet was invaded, will soon come to Earth to pick up Maya and leave.

The final outcome seemed to be that her brother was hunted down and killed, leaving Maya alone on Earth.

"A nasty tragedy."

concert scene,

Natsuki glanced at the short-haired high school girls, walked through the lively fans, and glanced at Maya who was singing with enthusiasm on the stage.

She has medium-length hair mixed with bleached white hair and a charming smile on her face.

The tune is cheerful and lively...

But it will soon turn into sadness, right?

After the concert, Natsuki silently left the fan base.

This is not the place he should stay. They are two different worlds...

"Maya!" On the side of the stage, the manager pushed Maya, who was suddenly stunned, "What's wrong? You have to leave quickly, otherwise you will be blocked by fans again!"

"oh oh."

Maya looked towards the exit behind the crowd thoughtfully.

It seems like someone...

"Is it over already? Really, it's all because Da Gu was late that we didn't watch the concert."

At the exit of the venue, Mayumi complained repeatedly to Oko.

"Dagu, you have to take responsibility!"

"Even if you say that, there's nothing I can do about it."

Dagu had a headache and looked at the fans around him who were rushing towards the exit crazily.

"Hurry!" Mayumi ran in front of the fans excitedly, "Go to the back door! At least you want to see Maya!"

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

Dagu couldn't help being pushed by the fans.

Because Xincheng went to space to test the new Magus power system, he helped accompany Mayumi here.

He's not interested in things like concerts...

"Please, don't squeeze!"

"Who pulled my hair? It hurts!"

cosmic space.

A Magus powered test aircraft orbits the Earth.

"This is Xincheng Machinery, now starting the third start-up test of the new Mags power system..."

Xincheng turned on the operation button and was about to start the test, when suddenly there was a strange music in his ears.

"What's going on? Headquarters?"

The communication was disconnected from the headquarters for some reason, but the music in my ears became clearer and clearer.

Source unknown,

Even though this is a space where sound cannot travel, music still spreads around.

"What's this?"

Xincheng looked at the mysterious light flying towards the test machine in surprise. Before he could avoid it, he was completely enveloped by the light.


"What's wrong, Xincheng?!"

At the TPC headquarters on the ground, sirens rang continuously, but Lina kept calling but there was no response.

"An abnormality occurred in the test machine and it has left the computer calculation track!"

"Is there time to rescue?"

In the Lion's Nose Sea of ​​Trees, Natsuki was recuperating in the space of light. Suddenly he opened his eyes and sensed the new Mags power system test machine, as well as Xincheng, who was possessed by a mysterious light group.

It was a cosmic life form, very similar to the feeling Maya gave him.


Natsuki left the light space and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

The short-haired girl next door is actually still there...

Crazy, I stay here for two days every weekend. Is it a lot of money?

"Senior!" The short-haired girl saw Xia Shu in the corridor and shouted quickly, "Are you going to take pictures in the sea of ​​trees today? Can you take me with you?"

"I told you, it's not a fun thing," Natsuki frowned, "If there's any danger, I won't save you."

"Mr. Gao Shu!"

The owner of the front office was cleaning the hot spring pool and greeted Natsuki,

"Did you go to Maya's concert yesterday? I seemed to see you..."

"No," Natsuki said back to the house, "I didn't go anywhere yesterday."

"Ah? Really?" The boss was stunned, turned to the short-haired woman and asked, "What about you? You should be going, right?"

"Of course," the short-haired woman looked at her strangely, "Boss, at your age, are you also a Maya fan?"

"Actually, I'm only in my 20s. I just look a little anxious." The boss chuckled.

"Come on, uncle."

That night,

After Xincheng was rescued and returned to the base, suddenly an unidentified flying object broke through the defense of the Delta Space Station and broke into the sky above the earth.

Dagu and Horii piloted the Jebi-1 to fight in the night sky.

After avoiding the attack of the flying object, Feiyan 1 shot it down in one fell swoop.


The UFO crashed and exploded in the valley, leaving only a pile of debris on the scene.

"No biological reaction."

"He must be dead, right?"

Feiyan 1 flew over the valley and did not notice a group of light hidden in a nearby car.


Natsuki's figure flashed, walking past the burning wreckage of the spaceship, and his eyes turned to the leaving car.

It was a campground car. The two ordinary people in the car were completely unaware of the danger and were still discussing the air battle and the crashed spacecraft in surprise.

"I thought the aliens were very powerful, but it turned out that there were some guys like this who were easily defeated by the victory team."

"Don't underestimate the earth, haha!"

"This is the Feiyan No. 1 dispatch. I heard that there are more powerful fighters now."

The car went all the way back to the campsite,

A bonfire had been set up in the center of the camp, and my friends complained one after another: "Hey, are you two too slow?"

"Sorry, sorry, because there was an accident on the road." The two stopped the car to unload the goods.


"In the battle between the victory team and the alien spacecraft, I don't know who the pilot is. His driving skills are really amazing. He easily dodged the attack and then hit the alien spacecraft all at once..."

"what is this?"

The person who opened the trunk suddenly screamed.

"do not come!"


Natsuki teleported to the camp and happened to see one of the ordinary people being possessed by a ball of light.

Life form of light?

Natsuki's eyes moved slightly, and his figure flashed to stop the person being bent over who wanted to silence him.


An attack ray was blocked by Natsuki's condensed barrier.

"Let's go." Natsuki turned to the frightened people and said softly.

"Who are you?" The possessed man held an alien gun and looked at Xia Shu in a deep voice. "Are you going to go against our Tan people? Those who resist us will only die!"

"You can't kill me."

Natsuki advanced instead of retreating, and gradually stepped forward.

He knew that this Natan star was chasing brother Maya.

The Natan people themselves seem to be pitifully weak and not a powerful civilization.

During this period, he became more and more aware of the status of B-class advanced warriors in cosmic civilization.

Killing this Natan star has no impact at all.


The possessed person subconsciously took a step back. Then, as if he became angry, a ball of light broke away from the human body. After transforming back into a Natan star outside the camp, it quickly grew in size.

Natsuki removed the barrier and transformed into a gray giant almost at the same time.


As the energy gathered, Xia Shu shot away the electric shock rays emitted from the arms of the Tan star with one hand.

Then he suddenly jumped forward with his feet, and his fist rumbled through the abdomen of the Natan star who was trying to escape.


Natsuki didn't even think about recycling the doll, and just let the explosion debris in front of him fly everywhere.

Really weak...

How dare you come to Earth at this level?

Natsuki regained control of her body and released the transformation. She looked at the sky and noticed the movement of Feiyan No. 1. She melted into the darkness and disappeared from the scene.

He just came out to relax and let off steam.

But it seems to have caused trouble for the victory team again.

The follow-up matters will definitely be difficult to deal with.

If Brother Maya is not killed, the tragedy will not happen again.

But if Maya leaves the earth, will those fans want to hit someone?

Finger joints hurt a little

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