Starting human body

Chapter 128 Vampire City

There seems to be a big difference between bars and izakayas in Tokyo, Japan.

Generally, when drinking with friends, they choose a tavern-like izakaya, without a bartender, so they can drink and chat in peace.

It's a bit similar to Qingba in China.

It was no coincidence that Munakata, the vice-captain of the victory team, and Onoda met at an izakaya.

Because this place has always been popular with middle-aged men, especially those who like to be quiet and alone.

The soothing music and quiet environment make it the perfect place to relieve stress after work.

Natsuki walked up the stairs to the second floor, where Onoda was drinking beer at the bar and looking at the photo wall with an inexplicable expression.


"Sorry, have I caused you any trouble?" Onoda came to his senses, put down his glass and said, "But today is the death anniversary of my former partner, so..."

Natsuki looked at the photo wall.

He had noticed before that there was a photo of Onoda and a young woman on the photo wall.

"You saw it too, she is my former partner Xena," Onoda said sadly, "Five years ago, I worked with her when she just debuted. At that time, I was still young and had a good drinking capacity, but... "

After Natsuki sat down and ordered a glass of milk, Onoda took out his notepad from his arms and laughed at himself.

"At that time, I considered myself a realist and looked down on interviews and reports on surreal phenomena, so I gave the South American interview task to Xue Na, who was still a novice."

"What is this?" Natsuki picked up a newspaper clipping.

"It's a report about vampires. In the past, due to the fear of infectious diseases, various vampire legends were circulated among the people, but they were actually more than just legends,"

Onoda explained,

"It is true that there is a virus that can turn humans into vampires. Xena went alone to a village in South America where a strange disease occurred to interview, and never came back. Until recently...she returned to the city after being resurrected as a vampire."

Natsuki thought of the vampire monster that appeared in "Tiga".

The vampire demon Xiulanos,

It can turn humans into vampire monsters, and is respected as "god" by these vampires. It is afraid of sunlight and ultraviolet rays...

It's actually a monster version of a vampire bat.

"You may not know yet, but there have been another series of missing cases this month,"

Onoda continued,

"Of course, it's different from before. This time it's just a small area, concentrated around the bay.

There are 5 people reported missing this month. In fact, there should be more people who have become prey of vampires. If this continues, I don’t know what will happen, and the police will not be able to deal with it at all. "

"Should we tell the victory team about this kind of thing?"

As Xia Shu listened, she felt more and more something was wrong.

Does this uncle want him to deal with vampires?

"I've already told Mr. Munakata," Onoda shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "But it's hard to believe in vampires, right? And I'm very conflicted myself. I want the Victory Team to deal with the vampires, but I don't want Xena to do it again. Hurt."

"The real Xue Na died five years ago," Natsuki said calmly, "Senior, there is no need to worry anymore."

The person named Xue Na in the original drama seemed to wake up at the last moment, bathe in the sunshine and choose to destroy.

But he couldn't guarantee that Xue Na in this time and space would do the same. The best choice was of course to eliminate it directly.

"I know, but..." Onoda sighed and continued drinking beer, "It's like I've been failing to quit drinking. I just can't let go of Xena."

"Whatever happened is over, and that interview was not entirely your responsibility."

Natsuki asked the bartender for a beer.

"I can't help you much, so I'll make an exception and have a drink with you."

Area D3, Bay Marina.

The empty red sports car was separated from the police car by a cordon. TPC police officers at the scene were cooperating with the victory team members in the investigation.

According to the reporter,

At that time, I heard some kind of strange noise. When I came over, I found that the car was parked empty and the person was missing.

Zongfang rushed to the scene in casual clothes. At first glance, he felt that it was different from previous disappearance cases.

There are very few aliens that commit crimes in the same area continuously, and there are no witnesses at all...

"Command!" Xincheng found a broken flashlight, "I found this in the grass, it should be a patrolman's thing."

"What's this?"

Zongfang found some hair caught in the crack of the flashlight, and vaguely smelled a faint smell of blood and stinking.

"It seems to be the body hair of some kind of creature..."

On the way back to headquarters,

Zongfang's face was heavy, and some bloody images of vampires flashed through his mind involuntarily.

There shouldn't really be any vampires in this world, right?


The special car Dram suddenly braked and almost hit a woman who rushed out from the roadside.

"what happened?"

Zongfang came to his senses, got out of the car with the team members, and checked on the woman who fainted in front of the car.

I didn't see any injuries, but...


Zongfang turned around suddenly, as if he vaguely heard some strange sound approaching, and felt a chill on his neck.

Psychological factors?

He seemed to be overreacting...

"Hold her into the car first." Zongfang helped the woman up and said.

"If I were you, I would definitely not be so reckless."

Natsuki walked slowly between the street lights and darkness and stopped the people who wanted to pick up the woman.

"Mr. Gao Shu!"

"It's you?!"

Munakata and Dagu looked at Natsuki at the same time.

"What do you mean?" Zongfang asked doubtfully.

"Have you ever thought that there might be something wrong with this woman? Are you going to take her back to the headquarters medical center?"

Xia Shu's eyes swept across Dagu and the others, and landed on the woman in Zongfang's arms.

The TPC base is always attacked from within, which is not unfair at all.

Last time, the remains of the Gobnu robot were picked up, causing the headquarters base to fall into crisis.

"This woman's name is Hazuki Xena," Natsuki said after looking at the woman's face. "She died during an interview in a village in South America five years ago. By the way, in that village, it is said that there is a kind of thing that changes human beings. A strange disease that makes you a vampire."

Munakata looked at the comatose woman with a normal appearance in disbelief: "You said she is a vampire?!"

"It's obvious," Natsuki approached, "Can you leave her to me? After all, she is the person Mr. Onoda has been thinking about."

"Sorry," Zongfang said with a serious look, "regardless of whether she is a vampire or not, we have to take her back to the headquarters for observation..."


The comatose woman suddenly opened her eyes. Her skills were not human at all. She jumped up high and ran into the darkness while everyone was stunned.

Only a fanged face that turned into a vampire was left, pale and black, which made Xincheng tremble.

"Really a vampire!"

"Bang bang!"

By the time everyone fired, it was already too late and they couldn't even hit the shadow.

Xia Shu didn't take any action, just looked at him quietly and turned around to leave.

He had already found the location of the vampire's lair, so there was no need to alert him now.

Since these guys are afraid of sunlight and ultraviolet rays, they can have a pot of it during the day.

"Wait a moment!"

Zongfang wanted to call Natsuki, but when he turned around, he found that Natsuki had disappeared.

Onoda's partner is still so cold-tempered.

It seemed that the only option was to talk to Onoda himself.

The woman who turned into a vampire sounds like Onoda's dead partner...

"Notify the headquarters immediately," Zongfang turned to the team members and said, "It is necessary to start an investigation based on the vampire clue!"


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