Starting human body

Chapter 134 The resurrected super ancient giant

Natsuki calmly looked at the super-ancient Komon Inu monster Gedi walking towards the battlefield.

When he first came to Kumamoto, he had a conflict with Gedi because of the giant stone statue.

It was just that he had just merged with the gray giant at that time, so he thought of taking the Kumamoto giant stone statue with him.

Now this giant's strength can no longer meet his fighting needs.

You can take it with you or not.

It was easy for him to separate from the stone statue,

But what's the point?

There would be TPC without Masaki Keigo. As long as the giant stone statue is still there, there will be no peace.


Geddie came forward sobbing, tears rolling down his huge eyes.


Natsuki sensed a strange wave, and the Kumamoto giant and Geddy actually emitted light together, as if they were echoing each other.

"Is this light?"


The consciousness space reappeared, and Natsuki seemed to be pulled back to the super ancient period.

The fragments of images flashed quickly before his eyes.

Battle of Giants, Dark Giant...

The Kumamoto Giant did not participate in the Luluye War, but was seriously injured in a battle with the Dark Giant and fell into a deep sleep here.

After the Giant War, the Zijla flower bloomed, and the remaining giants returned to the universe one after another. Three of them left their bodies in the land of Tiga.

Some of the super ancients chose to leave the earth, while the rest became addicted to Zijra pollen.

Finally, great darkness descended, and the super-ancient civilization inevitably perished.

From then on, Geddy accompanied and guarded the giant stone statue, sleeping underground together until his arrival caused Geddy to wake up.

Is this Geddy's memory?

Natsuki stared at the final scene of the super-ancient death.

It's literally the same package.

First, the Qijela flower bloomed, and then the great darkness appeared... It was just that there was another giant battle 30 million years ago.


A beam of cosmic light from the distant starry sky falls over Kumamoto.

At the same time, inside the giant body,

The stream of light converged in front of Xia Shu's eyes, finally revealing a coffin-like crystal.

Along with the sound of crystal breaking, a warm light illuminated the entire space.

Light from 30 million years ago!

It's like the light of many giants who died in the battle is sleeping in the Luluye ruins.

The light of this Kumamoto giant has always existed and has never faded.

But now, I don’t know what happened, but the giant’s consciousness actually woke up.

"Who are you?" The light group was confused about Xia Shu's existence, "This dark aura is... a dark giant?!"

The light group fluctuated violently, facing Xia Shu as if facing a formidable enemy.

Such a terrifying dark aura has surpassed that of the ultra-ancient dark giant.

What's even more frightening is that

Darkness actually took control of his body...

"As for me, I can be regarded as half of Geddy's current master."

Natsuki glanced at Guangtuan one last time without any further explanation.

After the body shimmered and separated from the giant body, it turned into a ball again and fell to the ground.


This time the giant did not turn back into a stone statue because of his departure, but directly lit up its body in the light and returned to the giant of light.

This giant has no name, and the name "Evil Tiga" is obviously not accurate.

Let’s call it the Kumamoto Giant.

After the Kumamoto Giant and Geddy, who were both shrouded in light, reunited, the two giant figures took off together and flew into the universe amid the golden light spots.

It seems to be heading to the Orion Nebula...

"Are you leaving?"

Natsuki raised her head and watched the light spot disappear into the sky.

I vaguely remembered the time when I first discovered the Kumamoto Giant and the Gedi Stone Statue.

It was the monster's loyalty that impressed him.

"Take care of yourself."

Geddy paused and looked back before continuing on the road.

The 30 million years of protection finally came to fruition. The Komatsu monster finally chose to return to the universe with its original owner.


"What should I tell Mai? The dog is lost?"

Natsuki wiped her nose in distress.

It was only natural that Geddy would come running.

When he took Geddy to Tokyo before, he promised that there would be no problems on Kumamoto's side.

As a result, I never paid attention to this aspect.

On the one hand, the Kumamoto giant is becoming less and less useful to him, and on the other hand, Luluye's dark resurrection is imminent.

He did not expect Masaki Keigo to have such a big reaction. On the premise of having the research direction of "artificial stone statues", he would also search for underground ruins.

Natsuki narrowed her gaze and glanced at Masaki who had fallen asleep on the grass.

When he was about to leave the scene, Natsuki suddenly looked startled and found the puppy Geddy running towards him wagging his tail.

It turned out to be the puppy that Geddy had possessed.

Still alive.

Natsuki happily picked up the puppy and stepped over Masaki Keigo.


At the shopping mall coffee shop, Natsuki met Kirino Makoto in private again after many days.

"I've seen everything about Kumamoto, and I thought you would kill Masaki Keigo." Kirino said unexpectedly.

"I will not kill indiscriminately."

Natsuki looked at Kirino curiously.

Compared with the first time, he was obviously much more comfortable. This person with super powers seemed to be a completely different person, both in his clothes and in his spirit.

"I have also started a new life," Kirino smiled as he met Natsuki's gaze. "Since meeting you last year, I am no longer afraid of my own power. Now I can control it well and interact with the earth." It’s not impossible for everyone above to say…”

Natsuki glanced at Kirino one more time.

People born with superpowers are different. In terms of pure scope, they have completely surpassed him.

I don’t know why this guy disappeared during the “Dyna” period.

"I'm not lying," Kirino continued. "Since I learned to control whether I hear people's inner voices, I can now function normally."

"Congratulations." Xia Shu didn't doubt it.

Kirino Makoto was very powerful in the later stages of the original series, and played a big role in the fight against Gatanjie through telekinesis.

"But, only you," Kirino suddenly looked at Natsuki and said, "I can't hear the voice in your heart..."

"You don't want to hear that." Natsuki shook his head slightly.

"Is it because of the darkness?"

Kirino can also feel the dark power in Natsuki.

Of course he doesn't want to be the next Keigo Masaki, which is why he hasn't had any contact with Natsuki for a long time.

The dark forces are getting stronger and stronger,

Even though he was not as exaggerated as Masaki Keigo, he clearly felt the pressure.

"Actually, I also foresaw some scenes," Kirino said worriedly, "The earth is shrouded in darkness, and the doomsday is coming... Maybe Masaki Keigo's dreams are true."

It was meant to be true.

Natsuki didn't explain, just shook his head and said: "Fear and despair are the end, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Kirino smiled bitterly and looked at the ordinary people living ordinary lives in the shopping mall.

"Sometimes not knowing anything may be a kind of happiness."

"Don't make it sound like humanity is finished."

Natsuki took a sip of coffee.

Everything felt like a calm before a storm, and he didn't know what the outcome would be.

Foreknowledge doesn't help much.

In the final analysis, strength is the foundation, not to mention that his understanding is quite limited.

Is it okay to focus on updating at night in the next few days? It’s about to enter the key plot

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