Starting human body

Chapter 158 Virtual Monster Experiment

The Sakane Village Shrine is built on the mountainside next to the village, where you can see the whole view of Faolinga.

Natsuki found a record scroll in the festival warehouse, which clearly recorded the process of Faolinga's transformation into a mountain.

Humans and monsters coexist, or symbiotically,

But this only assumes that the monster poses no threat.

He was unimpressed by the ideal of coexistence on earth.

The essence of this world is always that of the weak and the strong,

Compared to monsters, most of the time humans are the weak ones.


Suddenly a clear voice sounded, bringing Xia Shu back from her thoughts.

"Uncle, are you from Gio?"

Xia Shu turned around and found that it was a little girl with straight bangs.

He raised his little head in the dim light and his eyes were clear. At first glance, he almost thought it was Mai.

"Uncle?" the little girl asked in confusion.

"Yes, yes," Natsuki responded, "I'm Researcher Gio, what's the problem?"

"Faolinga said I wanted to thank you." The little girl said with a sweet smile showing her tiger teeth.

"Faolinga thank me?"

"Mr. Gao Shu, Faolinga has begun to change!"

Dadi hurried into the warehouse and was slightly stunned when he saw Natsuki and the little girl. He soon noticed the scroll in the warehouse.

"This painting is..."

"It's the past of this village."

Natsuki didn't ask the little girl any more questions. After leaving the warehouse, he walked to the mountainside shrine and looked at Faolinga outside the village.

Just like the record on the scroll,

Faolinga gradually fell into a deep sleep, and his body lying on the ground turned into a rich hill in the golden light.


As the fresh breeze blew, the golden light full of vitality swept across the earth, and flowers bloomed even at the feet of the summer tree.

Is this death or the continuation of another life form...

Natsuki doesn't quite understand.

He still has a long way to go, and he has to keep living.

"It's actually true," Dadi looked at the hill that Faolinga had turned into with emotion, "Mr. Gaoshu, have you been to this village before?"


Xia Shu withdrew his gaze and left.

"I'm going back first. The virtual monster cards still need further improvement."

"Let me help too," Dadi hurriedly followed, "There should be nothing going on here."

Geo Proving Ground.

After returning from Sakane Village, due to the addition of Daichi, the development progress of Virtual Silbagon was much faster, and the particle stability rate was increased to 80% in just a few days.

"The 10th virtual Shilbagon synchronization experiment is now carried out."

Natsuki stepped forward wearing a brainwave controller. After the terminal in his hand read the new Shilbagon card data, the virtual electronic irradiation device was activated at the same time.

A virtual Shirbagong's body quickly took shape in the center of the field.

But it still failed to persist until the end and collapsed.

"The particle stability rate is 90%, which is still a little less. Is the data balanced enough?" Dadi said thoughtfully.

"Continue to improve."

Natsuki took off the brain wave controller and returned to the tent.

Shilbagon was a monster he encountered in the Lion's Nose Sea of ​​Trees in Tiga time and space. He was known as the Silver Dragon and was of the same race as the later Golden Dragon Goldras.

This monster has tremendous strength and strong physical defense, comparable to many A-level monsters, but it unfortunately has problems with its eyesight.

When developing the virtual monster card, he specially changed the vision data.

Unexpectedly, the better the eyesight, the worse the stability. Once the defense even dropped to an extremely low point, even Gio's Ultra Beam Gun could not withstand it.

I really don’t understand.

"Turn the visual acuity data to the lowest level." Natsuki suggested.

Maybe it would take a little more time to develop a virtual Shilbagon without vision problems, but he couldn't wait long.

Anyway, the virtual monster's eyesight has no effect on him, as long as it can be used.

"Lower the vision?" Dadi asked blankly, "Is that okay?"

"No problem. The virtual monster should be as close as possible to the prototype monster, which should improve the stability rate," Natsuki picked up the Silbagon doll and said, "This monster itself has serious vision problems. At the beginning, I..."


"Let's try it first, and we'll start the 11th experiment later."

"Do you want to continue the experiment?" Mamoru asked in surprise, "Mr. Takashu, connecting the brain waves with the virtual monster will bring a great burden to the body. The 11th experiment should be done another day..."

"I feel pretty good, maybe I can succeed today." Natsuki smiled calmly.

Development work continued on site, and Dadi even stopped his own virtual Gomora experiment to concentrate on helping develop virtual Silbagon.

Liu Yi whispered to Mamoru: "Is Mr. Gao Shu too anxious?"

"Maybe it's because of what happened to the Silan Planet last time," Mamoru guessed. "If the virtual Silbagon is successfully developed, the higher-ups should no longer have any objections to Mr. Gao Shu."


Ryui nodded suddenly and secretly looked at Natsuki who was discussing the data with Daichi.

"Is Mr. Gao Shu really an alien? His eyes look so sad..."


The personal terminals around everyone suddenly sounded an alarm.

"Alert Level 2, UFOs are approaching. All team members, please go to the combat command headquarters quickly. Alert Level 2..."

Natsuki raised her head and looked into space.

Four flying objects appeared in the induction, which were separate parts of Jingu Bridge.

Jingu Bridge,

A space battle robot from the planet Pedan, its body is made of a special metal with a unique structure and can be separated into four parts for movement.

It first appeared in "Ultraman Seven" and is Seven's strongest enemy. It is basically very difficult to deal with it alone. It is the same existence as Zeton.

This kind of robot has been strengthened and transformed, and it is still powerful even in the new generation. During the Zeta period, it was even transformed by humans and used as an ace weapon.

"There seems to be an invader. You should go back to the base first." Natsuki turned to Daichi and said.


Surveillance satellites captured UFOs appearing near the moon, and the predicted landing location was the T6-9 area.

After learning the news, Gio felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy and immediately dispatched his team to the predicted location, several on Earth. He was also sent directly.

During the air battle, the Maskedi narrowly missed a UFO and quickly reported to the headquarters: "There are definitely 4 spaceships!"

"Is the spacecraft transmitting communications?" Vice Captain Orange asked.

"No communication, no life response detected!"

"It's Pedanium alloy!" Dr. Hermann exclaimed in shock, "Is it the spaceship of the Pedan aliens? They have destroyed seven planets, and there is no way to negotiate with them!"

"Expand the refuge area immediately!"


In downtown Tokyo, the Kinko Bridge suddenly formed in the air and fell from the sky facing the sun. The two buildings directly turned into a pile of debris.

"Level 4 alert status!" Captain Shenmu ordered in a deep voice, "Start attacking!"


Air Combat The Maskedi took the lead in launching an attack from the air, but failed to change the progress of Jingu Bridge.

"Strange," Dadi said attentively at the scene, "This direction... is terrible, it seems to be going to the test site!"

"Proving ground?"

Shenmu looked slightly confused.

"Is Gao Shu still over there now? Contact him quickly!"

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