Starting human body

Chapter 162 Dark Thunderstorm Energy


The Divine Light Mirror vibrated slightly like a buzzer, and at the same time, relevant information flashed in Xia Shu's mind.

This woman seems to be Gina, one of the three Gua siblings.

Three brothers and sisters once established the Gua Empire that ruled the Ultra Universe in the distant past.

Gu'a, the cosmic-level demon formed by the combination of several people, was also the boss of the universe in the distant past.

It’s just that he seems to be a lot more depressed now.

After the universe enters a new era, various powerful villains emerge one after another, and there are more and more Ultra Warriors.

The Gua brothers and sisters were resurrected tens of thousands of years ago, and they obviously cannot keep up with the times.

However, Gua in his heyday was a universe-level boss after all, so it is not impossible to infer that he was an SS-level boss.

Even if he is down and out now, he still cannot be underestimated.

Natsuki gently pressed the divine light mirror that kept buzzing.

"Bang bang!"

At this time, the battle between Aix and Dimaga has reached its climax.

Perhaps because of the increased training, Aix, who had never been good at fighting, became more flexible in combat.

"Mr. Gao Shu!"

Asuna ran back and saw that Natsuki was the only one left and asked hurriedly,

"What about Earth? Is Virtual Gomora still unable to fight in actual combat?"

"He just went to the battlefield," Xia Shu looked up at the sky, "Maybe he encountered some problem, I will go find him."


Suddenly, a ball of dark energy penetrated the space and descended on the earth in an instant.

"Earth!" Ax said uneasily, "Something is coming from the sky!"



Without giving the earth much time to react, the dark energy group suddenly broke through the atmosphere and enveloped Aix and Dimaga in the battle like a thunderstorm.

Dimaka, who was about to be eliminated, changed drastically. After opening Aix, the monster's body was wrapped by black and purple lightning.

"hold head high--!"

Dimajia's eyes became violent, huge sharp blades extended from both wrists, and high-heat iron thorns that curved upward grew from his back, and the blades were hot and red.

Dark Sword (sword-wielding) Dimaga,

Dimaja, who was eroded by the dark energy group, was strengthened again and became more ferocious.

In his anxiety, Ax quickly jumped up and used Zaladim's light.

The X-shaped ray technique bombarded Dark Sword Dimaga, but it only caused dust and mist to fill the sky, without causing the slightest impact on Dark Sword Dimaga.

On the contrary, Aix's figure was blasted head-on by super powerful molten iron rays in mid-air.


Ax was knocked to the ground hard, and the red light on his chest suddenly flashed rapidly.

"how so?"

Everyone in the Gio base was a bit uneasy.

"Has Dimaga become stronger, or has Aix become weaker?"

"I'm afraid there are two reasons," Dr. Hermann pondered, "but what exactly is that mass of dark energy?"


Natsuki approached the battlefield along the deserted street. After avoiding the impact of the airflow, he inserted the virtual Shilbagon card into the terminal.

"Virtual Shilbagon loading..."


The virtual electrons condensed suddenly above the terminal to form a virtual Silbagon doll, which was caught by Natsuki and pressed into the terminal reading area.


"hold head high!"

The thick armored Silbagon took shape on the battlefield as the prompt sounded, and as soon as it appeared, it knocked away the dark sword Dimaja who was attacking Aix like a bull.

This dark energy comes from the void monster Griza,

It has a very terrifying power, usually accompanied by strong black lightning and distorted space, which can make monsters violent and greatly increase the target's strength.

This is a sign that Glizza will be resurrected.

"Mr. Gao Shu?"

Ax stepped aside weakly and looked at Natsuki, who was controlling the virtual Silbagon on the ground.

After being eroded by dark energy, the body and the earth felt increasingly uncomfortable, and it seemed that they could no longer continue fighting.

"What's going on, Ax?" Dadi took a breath and asked, "What's the situation now?"

"I was invaded by the energy just now, and my body is decomposing," Aix said with difficulty, "Earth, there is no time. If you continue, you and I will be swallowed up!"

"How could this happen? Is there no way?" Dadi asked anxiously.

"We can only forcefully cancel the fusion, so at least you can be saved!"

Ax shouted finally, decisively.

"The earth and tall trees are actually..."

"Aix! No, Aix!"

Dadi cried out and was sent back to the ground by Aix. He rolled a few times and passed out.


Frontal battlefield,

Virtual Silbagon relied on brute force to fight closely with the dark sword Dimaja, and the armor was constantly beaten and sparks flew.

The difference in strength is too big,

Virtual Shirbagun alone cannot sustain it for long.

Out of the corner of her eye, Natsuki looked at Ax, whose body had digitized and disappeared.

Tv time and space this time is the opportunity for the earth to get the X-head dart between the rainbows,

In the absence of any major changes, he didn't bother to intervene.

to him,

What needs the most attention right now is the three Gu Asan brothers and sisters.

Although the former king no longer has a card, he can cause the divine light mirror reaction, which is at least an S-level material.


With his current strength, it is impossible to resist Gua head-on.

A long-term plan is also needed.

"hold head high!"

Virtual Silbagon collapsed in the powerful molten iron ray, taking Natsuki's figure with him and taking several steps back. Fortunately, the dark sword Dimaja did not continue to attack due to too much consumption. The huge body dug up a large amount of earth and stone and sneaked into the ground.

Natsuki watched the dark sword Dimajia leave amid the rumbling and shaking of the ground, and gave up on the plan to transform and fight.

Standing quietly for a while,

Turn around and leave the scene, finding the unconscious Dadi on the side of the street after the chaos.

Dadi is still holding the X terminal tightly in his hand. You can see that X is no longer in the terminal and the screen is dim.

Natsuki paused, then leaned over to check Daichi's physical condition.

There was nothing serious, just a slight loss of strength. It seemed that Aix had endured everything.

The current Aix should have turned into data and entered the data space after the collapse.


As long as the Earth can find the Rainbow Sword, the X data can be recovered.

At that time, Aix will further integrate with the earth and upgrade to Aix's transcendent form...


"Where are you? Answer me!"

"Mr. Gao Shu! Dadi..."

Asuna kept shouting with the terminal, and ran over quickly after seeing Natsuki.

"He's fine," Natsuki said, carrying Daichi on his back, "Let's go back first, Daichi seemed to have been involved in the aftermath of the battle and passed out."

Geo Research Laboratory.

After the team members came to visit Dadi, they left one after another to perform their tasks.

"Gaoshu," Captain Shenmu said with a heavy expression when he finally left, "Now that Aix has disappeared, I will probably trouble you again after I find the dark sword Dimaja..."

"I know," Natsuki said calmly, "Asuna team members can try to materialize the virtual Gomora. By then, the two virtual monsters should be able to fight against the Dark Sword Dimaka."

Shenmu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"Then please."

The research room fell silent, leaving only Natsuki and Dr. Gehrman, who was responsible for taking care of the earth.


Dadi suddenly woke up and sat up, only to realize that he had returned to the research room.

"Doctor, please help me connect the multi-function device! I have to recover Ax's data immediately! Ax must be in the computer world now!"

"You want to enter the computer world?" Hermann asked in surprise, "This is too dangerous..."

"It's okay, let him go."

Natsuki said to the anxious Daichi,

"It may be a little strange, but remember to look for a rainbow when you go in. There is the Rainbow Sword that your parents discovered back then."

"Rainbow Sword?"

Dadi looked at Natsuki who was about to go out in surprise.

He vaguely remembered what Aix said at the end.

"Mr. Gao Shu, you..."

"I have to go out for a while, so come on and cheer up." Xia Shu waved his hand and left the research room.

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