Starting human body

Chapter 166 Gua the Undead

"no the same?"

Daichi was a little confused and wanted to ask about Natsuki's past, but seeing that Xiang's face looked bad, he didn't ask further.

Natsuki is so mysterious, as if she is covered in a layer of fog.

Even though they have been together for so long, he is actually still very unfamiliar with Natsuki, and even relying on X to remind him of his identity as a giant.

"No matter what, I still believe in Mr. Gao Shu," Dadi affirmed, "Mr. Gao Shu is a good person. Even if he does something bad, there must be a reason."


Xiang looked up and down Daichi like a fool, and said helplessly after realizing that Daichi was serious.

"It's up to you. What's important now is to deal with Molde first, and we'll talk about Gao Shu later."

There's something he's a little concerned about.

When he fought against the beast-turned-Luigi El, a red giant similar to Leo saved him and Xiaoguang, and the red giant in the Earth Terminal image also looked very much like that "Leo".

And what Xiaoguang classmate said afterwards,

Speculations about the Queen of the Underground Clan...

Either Natsuki really saved the world, or he was just trying to gain Lukiel's power.

D area.

Molde activated the dimensional distortion to summon the former Gua Legion, and a huge hole was once again opened up in the sky by evil energy.

In order to leave the Sharpei people alone who had made up for their merits, they prepared to trade with weapons merchants in the universe.

Gina didn't give him any money, and he certainly didn't have any, but Gua Legion didn't have to pay...


Just after passing through a forest, the Sharpei star was suddenly startled and noticed Natsuki in front of him, who seemed to be waiting for him with his hands behind his back.

"Why are you here?"

Seeing the smile on Xia Shu's face, the Xia Prei people felt chilly in their hearts.

He wanted to draw his gun, but suddenly a figure flashed before his eyes.


Natsuki teleported behind the Sharpei star, with a Gorgon doll in his hand petrified and the light instantly enveloped the Sharpei star.

"You guy!" The Sharpley star's body was petrified and spread, "You are indeed a traitor! Lady Gina will not let you go..."

"Then it's none of your business."

Natsuki put away the Gagorgon doll and frowned slightly when he saw that it took 1 or 2 seconds for the Sharpei star to completely turn into a stone statue. .

The Sharprayians don't have any special abilities, and it feels like using Gakuma's petrifying light is about the same.

Although Gorgon's petrifying light is powerful and difficult to crack, it also has the disadvantages of long storage and slow onset of effect, making it more suitable for dealing with special enemies like Gina.

"Bang bang bang!"

Continuous explosions were heard from the other side of the mountainous area.

Gio has already launched an attack on Molde, and the figures of Ax and Ultraman Victory have also fallen into the battlefield, with streaks of colored light emitting from the violent collision.

It's X's Rainbow Sword.

Natsuki dropped the stone statue of the Sharpei star and looked at the battlefield.

He is not very good at inspiring people, and his fighting methods and fighting concepts are different from Earth X.

That's why Xiang was asked to train Daichi.

Perhaps it's because they are both Ultra Warriors, but the effect seems to be pretty good.

Relying on the power of transcendence, Aix and Molde fought back and forth, and even gradually gained the upper hand, suppressing Molde.

That Rainbow Sword was Gliza's nemesis, so Molde, who was strengthened by Gliza's dark energy, dug a big hole for himself.


The light of the rainbow enveloped the battlefield, and countless sword shadows struck Molde. In the last move, Molde was knocked away hard.

at the same time,

Victory also killed the Magma aliens who had grown to giant size and assisted in the battle with one blow.

Neither of the two cosmonauts who had just joined the Gua Legion had a good ending.

"elder brother!"

Gina below looked gloomy, watching Molde being besieged by Ax and Victory, but she couldn't do much to help.

Looking back, I found that only Natsuki was still standing beside me.

"That good-for-nothing Sharpley is so unreliable!"

"Don't worry about him," Xia Shu has been paying attention to the dimensional distortion in the air since he came back, "Has the Gu'a Army not arrived yet?"

"It should be arriving soon..."

Gina looked up at the dimensional distortion, and suddenly her expression changed again.

The dimensional distortion finally made some movement, but what came out was not the Gua Legion, but fire bombs that bombarded Molde.

"what happened?"


Along with the dust mist exploding all over the sky, Ultraman Galaxy suddenly rushed out from the dimensional distortion and landed on the battlefield with a bang.

"No need to wait," the auditorium light greeted the embarrassed Molde and smiled, "I have already taken care of all your people!"

"What did you say?!"

"Another Ultra Warrior?"

Gina lost her composure at all and watched closely as the three Ultra Warriors surrounded her brother Morde. She hurriedly turned to Natsuki and said, "Asshole, you should think of something! If we lose, there will be no good for you!"

"There is only one way," Natsuki said, looking away from Yinhe. "It depends on whether you are willing."

"What method?" Gina asked in surprise.

"Undead Gua."

Natsuki looked at Gina and said.

"If you can make Gu'a reappear, you can definitely deal with those Ultra warriors."


Gina's expression changed.

If you re-integrate, you can indeed become Gua, but you will never be able to recover again.

"Do you want to lose to the Ultra Warriors?" Natsuki said calmly, "Think about Zhouda's ending. If you lose this time, you might be completely eliminated."

Gina looked at Ax's Rainbow Sword in fear.

They were created by a cosmic error, but the sword seems to be able to fix it...

Grit your teeth,

Gina quickly ran towards the battlefield.

"Brother! Now is the time for the power of our three brothers and sisters to merge into one!"

"Gina!" Molde blocked the attacks of Yinhe and others and looked down at the other side, "Once the souls are fused, they can never be restored!"

"It doesn't matter," Gina said decisively, "I will continue to live in my brother's body! Let's defeat the Ultra Warriors together, brother!"

"Bang bang!"

Molde was almost unable to withstand the siege of the three Ultra Warriors. He could not think about what was ahead and what was behind him. His deep sense of powerlessness also aroused resentment in his heart.

We must defeat the Ultra Warriors...

"Come on, Gina!"


Gina jumped directly into the red crystal on Molde's chest in human form. Suddenly, a steady stream of red and black evil energy erupted, and even the Yinhe people were forced to retreat.

"Is this the undead Gu'a?!"

Victory looked at Model in a deep voice, whose aura was rising crazily, and then clenched his fist and swept it across the ground to promote the birth of Gua.

"This guy!!"


The battlefield in the valley exploded, and the phantoms of Gina and Zeuda appeared simultaneously behind Morde, and finally condensed into a magic sword.

The front and back of the sword hilt are the faces of Zeuda and Gina respectively.

"Gina, I feel it!" Molde held the magic sword sadly and angrily, "I feel your soul! Come with Zhouda to help me!"

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