Starting human body

Chapter 168 Human Body Level 5

Light space.

The red and black thunderstorm completely covered an area, and the evil energy surrounded the Gua doll and crashed into the divine light mirror. Then the surrounding thunderstorms converged together.

Natsuki gradually fell into a deep sleep among the light particles,

Blurred images flashed by, as if returning to the Ultra Universe when Gua was at his peak.

Although the power of Gu'a in the new generation has been greatly reduced, it is still SS-level material, and the time span of traveling through the past with the Divine Light Mirror has also been greatly improved.

Evolution materials: Unknown Giant of the Ruin Star, Zaas, Leo, Tree of Life, Dark Spark, Dark World, Agul, Gatanjie, Gua

Equal order:

Level 5,

The beginning of evolution, super adaptability (adapting to various life planet environments in the universe), super vitality, super jumping, super hearing, super vision,

High-speed movement, telepathy, immunity (negative status), perspective, ultra barrier (strengthened), teleportation, phantom, dark realm, dimensional travel, telekinesis

Number of transformations: 10

Dolls: 2 Gakuma, 2 Gazot, 2 Gadi, Silbagon, Abbas, Mechanical Island, Qiao Beili, Kirialod II, Hitler, Da Ram, Gagorgon, Max Jeddon

Natsuki didn't know the specific function of the dark materials, but he just felt that they were very important to him, and the Divine Light Mirror also needed these materials.

But it’s not that it’s not reflected now.

The characteristics brought by Luigi El are "Stop Life Time" and "Spark Doll".

The evil god of darkness is "unknown" and "indescribable" and can absorb negative energy.

Gua provides the same "dimension travel" ability as Ultimate Zero, and seems to be able to materialize Spark Dolls.

In addition, the human body has finally reached level 5.

I remember that when he was first on the ruin star, he was temporarily upgraded to level 5 through the ruins, and experienced his first giant battle.

Now officially promoted to level 5,

It feels like everything is different, and only now is the true level 5.

Not only because of superpowers, but also because of physical changes.

Now he not only has stronger fighting power, but also has more fighting time, and he has finally opened up his "psychic power".

Outside, Gio Proving Ground.

After Dadi recovered, he and Aix used the Zero card to send the auditorium light and several people back to the Milky Way time and space.

It’s just that I haven’t been able to see Xia Shu since then.

No one knows where Natsuki went, it seemed like he had disappeared from the world.

Several days passed in a flash.

"Why did Mr. Gao Shu leave without saying goodbye?"

Dadi walked into the tent of the test site and continued debugging data with reference to the virtual Shilbagon.

"Take a rest, Daichi," Mamoru advised, "Mr. Takashu is not here, even if it is improved, we can't conduct experiments..."

"I'll try again."

Dadi cheered up and smiled.

He is also very conflicted now.

On the one hand, like everyone else, he felt that there was something wrong with the blue giant Lucifer, but on the other hand, Natsuki was someone he respected.

From what he has seen, Natsuki has also been protecting the earth.


After Daichi watched Mamoru leave, he asked towards the Aix Terminal,

"Is Mr. Gao Shu leaving because of me? Maybe he is disappointed with everyone..."

"What disappointment?"

A door of light suddenly flashed behind, and a familiar voice sounded.

"Mr. Takashu?!" Daichi almost jumped up from his chair in fright, staring at Natsuki walking out of the light door.

"How many days has it been now?" Xia Shu's eyes fell on the virtual Jayden card.

"One, one week," Dadi glanced at the disappearing light door, "Mr. Gao Shu, you..."

"Something happened temporarily."

Natsuki checked the virtual Jeton data and found that the completion level was already very high, then transmitted the data.

"Is it okay to experiment now?"

"Yes!" Dadi said happily, "I will definitely succeed today!"

Test site clearing.

The second virtual Jayton experiment was launched. Dadi adjusted the equipment and nodded to Natsuki in the field.

"Loading virtual Jayton..."

"Virtual Jayton started successfully!"

In the center of the open space, the virtual Jayton body quickly condensed and took shape. This time, the particle stability rate remained high.

"The particle stability rate is 100%!"

Dadi watched excitedly as the virtual Zeton assumed an attack stance under Natsuki's control.

The Jayton barrier was also successfully released.


Natsuki took off his helmet and dispersed the virtual Zeton.

Jayden's teleportation ability also needs to be developed, otherwise the fighting method will always feel too monotonous.

"Mr. Gao Shu."

Dadi finally couldn't help asking while Natsuki was checking the data records.

"What will happen to you and Xiang and the others..."

"We just have different ideas. The good and bad of this world cannot be just taken at face value."

Xia Shu said calmly,

Then he looked at the earth and asked,

"By the way, your ideal is to coexist with monsters, right?"

"Yes," Da Da nodded, "I want to find a way for all life to live in peace. The earth does not only belong to humans..."

Natsuki smiled and said: "What kind of life do you mean by all the lives? Are you ignoring the food chain?"

Dadi was stunned: "This..."

"You have too little experience. Let's not talk about the food chain of animals on earth. Just talk about monsters. Monsters are also different from monsters."

Natsuki took out the virtual Shilbagon card.

"This monster feeds on other monsters. How are you going to deal with it? If there is a monster whose food is humans, what are you going to do with it?"

Watching Daichi's thoughts fall into chaos, Natsuki shook his head and said: "There is nothing wrong with coexistence, but your stance is wrong. Don't look at the problem from God's perspective. It is much simpler to look at the problem from a human perspective. Keep your friends and destroy your enemies."

Daichi stood there silently, and it wasn't until Natsuki left the tent that he came back to his senses.

He also discussed coexistence with Auditorium Hikari and Sho,

But only Natsuki's statement was so true and profound.

Gio Base, Research Laboratory.

Since the appearance of Dark Sword Dimaja, the energy of Dark Thunderstorm has become more and more active, and from time to time, hidden Spark Dolls are directly materialized and strengthened.

Being in the area of ​​Japan with the most Spark Dolls and the area most cared for by the dark thunderstorm energy, Gio's pressure is increasing.

After Natsuki returned to the research room, he could clearly feel the anxiety on everyone's faces.

"I still don't understand what's going on with the dark thunderstorm energy," Amoto said. "Why are spark dolls materialized? Why is the doctor walking around all day but nothing happens..."

"Do you really hope something happens to me?" Dr. Hermann glared as he ate a lot of steamed buns.

"No, it would be terrible if the Doctor became more edible than he already is."

"It would be great if we could know in advance where the dark thunderstorm energy will appear."

Liu Yi muttered in a daze, staring at Natsuki who was spraying water on the workbench after pruning the potted plants.

"Mr. Gao Shu, has Virtual Jeton been completed?"

"It's almost completed, but there are still improvements to be made in the future," Natsuki put down the kettle and said, "Speaking of which, if you want to know where the dark thunderstorm energy will appear in advance, I have a way."

He remembered that the little monster Pigmon seemed to be able to sense.

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