Starting human body

Chapter 182 Psychological Civilization

Morino Town.

Natsuki got up with messy hair and walked to the edge of the courtyard, stretching comfortably.

This is called life.

In comparison, the Kingdom of Light felt monotonous to him. He would definitely go crazy if he stayed there for a long time. It was no wonder that Tregear couldn't bear to defect.

Natsuki took out her phone to check the time;

Only to find out that there was one more missed call.

I initially thought it was a spam call, but after looking closer I realized it was Onoda’s phone number from 10 years ago.

Somewhat weird,

It’s been 10 years, why did he suddenly make a phone call?

There was only one call, it was like a prank call.

In the past, if something really happened to Onoda, he would definitely continue to fight...

Natsuki tried to call back, but no one answered.

After a pause, Natsuki turned to Obike in the dark and said, "I'm going out for a while."

"Do you still need to prepare lunch?" Obik asked energetically.

"No need," Natsuki said thoughtfully, "I might not come back until tomorrow."

"Okay." Obik's face lit up and he quickly responded respectfully.


Viewed from above, there are many huge paintings on the ground in this area, the most famous of which is the portrait of three monsters gathered together.

Around this area with ancient history, relevant scholars have even established a Society for the Study of Ground Paintings.

this day,

The outline drawn on the ground called Dankshadel suddenly glowed.


"call out!"

over the Andes region,

The two fighter planes tracked the big bird-like monster, but lost sight of the monster in the blink of an eye.

An afterimage passed by in confusion, and the fighter planes were unable to resist and were destroyed one after another.

"Bang bang!"

"what happened?"

After detecting the situation, the Super Victory Team immediately prepared to provide support, but the next moment the monster disappeared directly from the radar detection.

"Mai, use the temperature measuring device to check the area around where the monster disappeared!"

Xibi ordered in a loud voice.

"Koda, contact the South American branch immediately and ask them to send the camera data of the fighter planes! Nakajima, you are responsible for gathering all the currently known data to find clues to the monster!"


After Xibi finished the task, she stared at the radar detection screen seriously.

Monsters suddenly appear and then disappear. If the reason is not figured out quickly, the situation will become more troublesome.

"Captain," Mai received a call from Xibi's daughter at work, and reported in a hesitant report, "Sonaka called and said she was looking for you..."

Xibi's face darkened: "How can I have time at this time? It's outrageous to call here."


Natsuki walked aimlessly through the streets.

Onoda should have returned to Tokyo yesterday, but he could not sense Onoda's presence at all.

Either Onoda has completely disappeared from this world, or someone has blocked his induction.

What happened?

"New Times" magazine.

In the busy office, Xia Shu met the current editor-in-chief, a fat aunt named Zuo Jiazi.

"These are all Onoda-related manuscripts and investigation materials in recent years."

The editor-in-chief brought a large pile of documents and couldn't help but look at Xia Shu a few more times.

"I heard about you 10 years ago, why now...can you tell me the secret to beauty?"

"There's no secret. Maybe I'm just born this way."

Xia Shu ignored her aunt's eager gaze and concentrated on reading the information.

Onoda was invited to South America three years ago and has stayed there since then to collect data.

The most content is about the ground paintings in the Andes Mountains, as well as the legend of the ancient civilization Ginaijindalu.

The Genai Jindaru people…

Natsuki's eyelids twitched slightly as relevant information flashed through her mind.

The telekinesis race Jinai Jindaru,

The mysterious race that once dominated the earth in ancient times sealed their genetic information inside the cloning machine before their demise, leaving behind also the methods of using the cloning machine.

After being discovered by modern people who did not know the inside story, the Jinai Jindaru people were successfully resurrected through cloning machines, and attempted to use the three monsters in the ground paintings in the Andes Mountains to regain control of the earth.

Mind civilization,

No wonder he couldn't sense anything.

"Mr. Gao Shu, your usual eating habits must be very special, right?" The editor-in-chief whispered, "I can buy it with money, 1 million... No, how about 2 million?"


Xia Shu stood up and closed the file, looked at the fat aunt and said to the editor.

"My eating habits don't suit you."

"Eh? Don't leave in a hurry!"

At night.

Anomalies occurred again in the Andes. This time, three paintings of monsters on the ground shone along the ground at the same time, as if the light from hell illuminated the outlines.

"hold head high!"

The monsters painted on the ground had red eyes, and in a blink of an eye, their figures appeared one after another and let out bursts of sharp screams.

This time it's no longer just one, but all are materialized at the same time.

"The monster in the painting on the ground really came to life!"

"Three heads appeared at once!"

The dispatched Super Victory Team's combined fighter jet hovered under the cloudy sky and attacked one of the monsters first, but the powerful attack comparable to Ultra Beam's special move was easily dodged.

Facts have once again proved that no matter how powerful it is, if it misses, it will still be in vain.


Xibi watched the bird-shaped monster Dankshadel fly high into the sky.

The flying speed of this monster reached Mach 10, easily outrunning the high-speed fighter jets of the Super Victory Team.

"What a speed!"

"This direction is the city! Stop it quickly!"


Natsuki walked into the gloomy Qiuyue family mansion under the bright moonlight.

The katana in his hand was dragged across the slate floor, and a long mark was drawn among the sparks.

"what sound?"

Onoda and the real Dr. Qiuyue's family were locked in the utility room of the villa, and the entire room was blocked by a special telekinesis device.

But the sound like sharpening a knife still came through the night.

It became clearer and clearer, as if it was ringing in my ears.

Onoda stood up abruptly, breathing quickly and leaning against the door to listen.

Could it be...


back yard,

The three Genaijindaru people who were remotely controlling the monsters painted on the ground through telekinesis turned around one after another.

One of them took the initiative to stop his telekinesis and prepared to deal with Xia Shu first.

But just when he walked out of the garden, his body suddenly split into two.


The figure of Natsuki sheathing her sword appeared behind the shattered body.

The sword flashed and then he teleported to another Genaijin Daru man.

"What?!" Jinaijindaru was shocked.


In the terrifying life-and-death crisis, the remaining two people hurriedly floated into the air, each using their telekinesis to fight back at Natsuki.


Natsuki's figure flashes,

Avoiding a restraining thought wave,

However, it was bounced away by another invisible force of thought and slid to the edge of the bushes.

The Jinaijindaru people have a variety of superpower telekinesis waves. One of the binding telekinesis waves can make people lose their ability to resist instantly after hitting a human.

Fortunately, he had already solved one of them. If there were only two of them, they wouldn't pose much of a threat to him.

"Bang bang!"

Natsuki moved at high speed to avoid the binding wave of thought again, raised her hand to condense the barrier,

While isolating the impact of invisible telepathy, it also strengthens the telepathy attack and bounces it back.

The Jinaijindaru who only released the restraining telekinesis wave in mid-air was caught off guard.

He was suddenly thrown away by the attack from his companions and hit the roof of the villa like a cannonball.


Natsuki jumped up in a blink of an eye, moving instantly in the air. As he whizzed down, he raised his katana with both hands and swung it down.



As if cutting off his hair, the body of the third Genai Jindaru floating in the air was cut open easily.

Of the three masters of telekinesis, only one was left on the roof of the villa in a blink of an eye.

Xia Shu raised her head while her figure was falling.

The tips of the hair are flying,

The katana in his hand was thrown violently, and it turned into a bright light and went straight into the chest of the second Genai Jindaru who stood up.



The katana blade vibrated, and a large amount of red and purple energy surrounded and absorbed it.

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