Starting human body

Chapter 194 Artificial Giant Plan

One month has passed in the blink of an eye,

When the construction of Prometheus was completed, the artificial giant project was also on track.

Another underground workshop not far from the arsenal was transformed into a new research base. As workers walked back and forth, a huge stone statue gradually took shape in the underground space.

The appearance is similar to Dark Agur, which initially aroused the doubts of Staff Gondo, but was explained by Masaki Keigo.


this day,

Natsuki and Staff Officer Gondo took a transport plane back to the arsenal.

As the elevator sank, Masaki led him to see the giant stone statue in the underground space.

Natsuki calmly observed the stone statue with his hands behind his back.

During this time, a lot of things happened outside.

First, someone in a girls' school summoned the demon Bihumel, and then there were birds that appeared in the sky over Tokyo, but they were all eliminated by Dana.

He did not interfere, but patiently waited for the artificial stone statue to be successful.

"This is the first generation of stone statues. It's still not strong enough. Even if it turns into a giant, I'm afraid it won't be able to sustain a few battles."

Masaki looked at the stone statue, and his thoughts seemed to go back to the past.

It lasted 10 years,

Finally succeeded in making the first giant stone statue.

It's like a fateful reunion,

Back then, he stood at the foot of the stone statue like this, immersed in the fantasy of becoming a human leader and saving the world.

After becoming a giant, he discovered that he couldn't control this power at all.

To a certain extent, it was Natsuki who saved his life and gave him a chance to be reborn.

Masaki looked at Natsuki out of the corner of his eye,

Suddenly I feel less scary than before.

Being able to pursue light in darkness, perhaps this is true strength...

"Then when can we go into battle?" Staff Officer Quan Teng looked up at the stone statue and could hardly control the excitement in his heart.

It has nothing to do with strength or weakness,

Ultraman's significance to mankind is undoubtedly much more special than that of Prometheus Battleship.

"An assimilation experiment still needs to be conducted." Masaki responded.

Without a device that can convert the body into light, it is impossible to complete the assimilation, and even if it succeeds, it will not be able to control the giant.

Of course he wouldn't tell Gondo about this kind of thing.

The artificial giant plan was just for Natsuki from the beginning.


An alarm suddenly sounded in the arsenal, and Staff Officer Gondo, who wanted to ask questions, was suddenly shocked.

"What's going on? Is this place invaded?"

"Everyone," Lu Ruyue's voice sounded in the communication, "Please come to the control room now. The first actual combat test of Prometheus is about to begin!"


Everyone hurried to the underground control center on the island.

In the square-like control room, three huge virtual light screens tilted and floated in mid-air, showing the scene of the Prometheus' departure.

"what happened?"

Staff Officer Quan Teng went straight to Ruyue in front of the console.

"Why did you send Prometheus out?! It probably hasn't been completed yet..."

"It's just that the battle data has not been entered," Lu Ruyue said calmly, "Now it is under remote control. You can test the power of the new Mags cannon to facilitate future adjustments."

Natsuki and Masaki followed Staff Gondo and saw through the giant screen that the battleship had left the atmosphere and was accelerating towards the moon.



Dyna is engaged in a fierce battle with a monster that is somewhat similar to Gazot.

The monster has a pair of fleshy wings that can fly at high speeds in space when unfolded. It was originally fighting the Super Victory Team, but was hit by Dyna and fell upside down, crashing into the moon's surface.

"Bang bang!"

The monster retracted its wings and sprayed light bombs at Dyna, but Dyna found an opportunity to fire a beam skill and hit the body.


Violent flames exploded on the moon's surface, and the members of the Super Victory Team flying the fighter plane suddenly cheered: "Well done, Dyna!"

Dyna turned back to the fighter plane and was about to give his iconic thumbs up when the monster suddenly rushed out of the explosion flames.

"how come?"


Dyna's body was knocked away, and he hurriedly got up when the red light flashed, and faced the monsters flying back and forth again.


A huge beam of energy passed over Dyna and enveloped the monster, instantly turning the monster into ashes. The terrifying destructive power even made Dyna feel a little scared.

Dana immediately turned around,

It was discovered that the attack came from an oppressive giant battleship.

"Captain!" Nakajima shouted urgently, "There is a huge flying object approaching from behind!"

Over the fighter plane,

The shadow of the Prometheus battleship flying high was hundreds of meters long, easily covering the fighter plane, and the entire area became dark.

Dyna was also covered in darkness,

Looking up at the battleship with the red light flashing, he noticed the TPC logo on the bottom of the fuselage.

"What on earth is..."

"What a powerful destructive power!"

Cremos Island Control Center,

Staff Officer Quan Teng's breathing increased and he looked excitedly at the giant battleship on the screen.

Even though I knew that the new Magus cannon was extremely powerful, I still couldn't believe it after seeing the actual effect.

The monster that could give Dyna a difficult battle was actually destroyed in one blow, and this was not even the maximum output.

"Everyone has also seen the power of the new Mags cannon,"

Lu Ruyue crossed her arms and smiled at Xia Shu,

"But this level is just a test, and it is not the real power of Prometheus. Only when the combat data is complete will Prometheus truly show its strength."

After speaking, Lu Ruyue said meaningfully: "After the battleship comes back, should Advisor Gao Shu try to input the battle data?"

"Forget it, I don't know how to fight."

Xia Shu decisively refused.

The Prometheus can read human combat memories, and Asuka was deceived by the Monera people. Not only was the combat data obtained, but it also created a psychological shadow.

Leaving the control center, Natsuki telepathically communicated with Masaki: "How is the situation?"

"It will take a while," Masaki lowered his head and said, "If there is no core data of the new Magus power system, we will probably have to conduct a lot of experiments by then."

"What if there are parts of the Prometheus wreckage?"

Natsuki said suddenly.

The Prometheus battleship is equipped with a new Gus power system, which can obviously save a lot of time if it has an entity.

Maybe it can be directly transformed and used to make stone statues.

It just so happens that the Monera people seem to be preparing to seize the battleship. When the time comes, he will help resolve the crisis, and it will have no impact if he takes away the Mags power components.

"If there are the best parts, plus the experimental data we have here, it will be enough to officially create a stone statue..."

Masaki's forehead was sweating.

"Mr. Gao Shu, do you want to take action against Prometheus?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Natsuki didn't explain much and told Masaki to go to the restaurant alone.

After waiting for so long, it’s finally time to harvest.

Not only can you get ready-made giant stone statues, but you can also get complete technical information.

In the future, when I go to other time and space, even if the stone statue is destroyed, it can be rebuilt without worrying about normal combat power.

"Sir!" Several restaurant staff saluted Xia Shu.

"Still the same as before," Natsuki sat down and said, "Curry rice and fried chicken legs, and grab a bottle of salad dressing."

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