Starting human body

Chapter 228 The First Generation Eye Q


After a busy day, Natsuki returned to the apartment. It was already past 10 o'clock.

For the research on virtual electronic technology, he prepared two sets, light and dark.

One is to deal with the school and the group of students, who can delay the time indefinitely, and the other is to develop your own virtual electronic card.

After handling all the prerequisites, it is now possible to generate stable virtual electronic cards.

The remaining question is how to apply it.

Application is the biggest trouble. It needs to develop a powerful virtual card reading and conversion device and combine it with artificial stone technology.

I'll probably be very busy in the future.


Natsuki walked into the living room from the entrance, turned on the light, and unexpectedly found a plate of fried rice on the table.

Looking at the closed door of his cheap daughter's room, Natsuki picked up the note pressed next to the fried rice.

"When it's cold, warm it up yourself."

This cheap daughter doesn't seem to really hate her father.

Natsuki stood for a while holding the note, then opened the microwave with some helplessness.

It's a pity that the real Yoshii Seiichi has passed away, otherwise he would be very happy, right?

Maybe he will find a chance to settle the differences with his daughter.

After reheating the meal, Natsuki enjoyed the midnight snack one bite at a time.

He didn't know much about "Gaia", and he didn't know why Destruction Summoned the Body had to eliminate human beings. It killed batch after batch of cannon fodder until the final weapon was finally dispatched.

It's simply a fight to the death.

What are the benefits of wiping out humans or the planet?

Could it be that you think humans will threaten you in the future?


After finishing the meal, Xia Shu washed the dishes and looked at her daughter's bedroom before taking a shower and going to bed.

Although he was sorry, it was best for him to remain distant.

Otherwise, the girl who learns the truth in the future will only suffer even more pain.

"GUARD discovered a strange huge eye in the Yato Mountains, a mysterious eye of an unknown life form..."

The next day,

A large number of news reports suddenly appeared on television and newspapers, all surrounding an eye that caused the failure of the XIG operation.

GUARD air base,

I dreamed that the battle failed because of my analysis. While I was afraid of the unknown before my eyes, I also felt deeply guilty for causing the pilot to be injured.

After visiting Captain Yoneda who suffered a fracture, I dreamed of taking a plane to leave the base.

I don't know why, but he returned to the university campus after apparently taking a break from school.

Chengnan University.

Natsuki put down the newspaper in the research room and looked thoughtfully at the terrifying eyes buried in the mountains on the cover.

Strange beast eye Q,

He had a roommate in the Milky Way space-time who also turned into a Q-Eye. Unexpectedly, he would now catch up with the Q-Eye for the first time.

The eye Q here seems to be related to the body summoned by destruction, and is the embodiment of the power of the curse.

"Professor," I Meng walked into the research room and asked, "Aren't Acheng and the others here?"

"We all went on a date."

Xia Shu glanced at Wo Meng, whose face was full of disappointment, and found that Wo Meng was staring at the photo of QQ in the newspaper and hesitated to speak.

"Why are you back at school? Don't you have to fight at XIG?"

"I..." Wo Meng looked embarrassed, "We haven't figured out what this creature is, because it doesn't exist biologically and physically."

"So you don't know how to deal with it?"

Natsuki put down his work and picked up the newspaper again.

"This guy has nothing to be afraid of. No matter how unconventional he is, there is a way to eliminate him as long as he exists."

"But all our missiles were sucked away by him."

"That's just the ability to absorb it."

Natsuki reminded me while facing my dream side.

"Before you think about how to deal with it, shouldn't you find out where it is now? There is always a reason and purpose for this guy to appear. Instead of worrying here, it is better to observe more and try."


I dreamed.

"By the way, if you track the missile, you can find the current position of Q... Professor Yoshii, did you drive here today?"

"It's coming...what are you going to do?"

"Lend me a moment, I have to investigate this matter now!"

My dream was like a chicken blood injection.

"Professor, you are right, no matter what the Eye Q is, as long as it has a purpose and wants to do something, there will definitely be flaws!"

"Be careful, I only have this car."

Natsuki handed the car keys to Meng, secretly wondering in her heart.

Why are you talking so much to my dream?

But the eye Q should be equivalent to the spiritual body, right?

Natsuki paused in the research room for a while, turned off the instruments and equipment, locked the door and left.

Makuta City is very close to the place where Eye Q was first discovered. It is a coastal city under the Yato Mountains.

I dreamed of driving to Makuta City and contacted the headquarters in a hurry: "Commander, please immediately evacuate Makuta City and the people living in the surrounding areas and implement traffic control. The strange life form is underground in Makuta City!"

"Why Makuta City?"

"I have asked the Geo base on the ground to investigate. There are strong electromagnetic waves underground there. The source should be absorbed missiles."


Makuta City Harbor,

Natsuki teleported first and appeared. His sight penetrated the layers of the ground and found the eye Q that combined granite, metal and other materials to form a body.

I don’t know what kind of existence the summoned body of destruction is, which can actually materialize the ancient curse.

The source of the curse is an ancient magician named Demon King Onijuro.

Either the conjurer had a premonition of the arrival of the body summoned by destruction, or the body summoned by destruction existed in ancient times.

This world seems to have many secrets.

near the harbor,

I stopped the car in my dream and looked at Natsuki's body in confusion. In the blink of an eye, Natsuki disappeared.

I almost thought it was Fujimiya,

But it's very different. Could it be the gray giant?


I was awakened by a loud noise from my dream, and when I turned around, I saw the monster shape of my eyes emerging from the ground amidst the explosion.

Became a monster!

Sure enough, as the professor said, the appearance of this thing has a purpose.

"The monster's body is composed of granite and limestone," the headquarters correspondent explained. "There is some metal reaction in the body, and there are small explosions and burning phenomena in the chest."

Wo Meng nodded and responded: "I know, this guy uses our missiles as energy, allowing his body to make physical movements..."


Eye Q's big eye continuously fires explosive light bombs, sucking all the energy storage tanks on the harbor into its eyes.

The purpose of coming to Makuta City is also to absorb energy...

Natsuki walked among the explosions, looking up at Q's body surrounded by the sound of ridicule, and the surrounding ruins were enveloped in purple light.

Eye Q absorbs light.

"Not good!" Wo Meng noticed this scene and hurriedly took out the Sapphire Cone and transformed.


Gaia's body was wrapped in light and flew across the harbor, but she was still a step too late. She could only watch Natsuki being sucked into the monster's eyes.

Fujimiya stood on the edge of the bay with a cold face, his eyes swept over Gaia, and looked doubtfully at Q, who continued to make mocking sounds.

"Is that guy dead?"

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