Starting human body

Chapter 242 Fujimiya: Teacher Yoshii

GUARD air base.

Along with the rapid sirens, XIG began emergency mobilization.

"Attention everyone, we have entered alert level 3 and the Lightning team is ready to go! Other teams are also on standby at any time!"

"What happened?" I, who was sleeping in, was the last one to rush to the command room.

"Metal lifeforms have appeared, very similar to the Apatos that appeared in the desert last time!"


My dream face is heavy.

That was when the blue Ultraman transformed by Fujimiya first appeared.

It was Fujimiya who eliminated Apatai when he was in a tough fight.

At first, he thought it was the gray Ultraman he saw in the particle field, because the two were so similar.

"Where is the location?"

"A location at 138 degrees east longitude and 36 degrees north latitude, central Japan!"

"There is……"

I dreamed of staring at the map on the screen, my eyes shrinking.

That location seems to be Prolon Calamos, the research institute that Fujinomiya borrowed from Alchemy Star.

Prolon Karamos Institute.

Four huge metal javelins cut through the atmosphere and fell from space, forming circles of sonic booms with powerful kinetic energy.

Even if it is not a metal life form, it can easily destroy ground targets.


Before the javelin was about to destroy the research institute, it was stopped by a blue light group in mid-air.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Under the impact of the light, the scattered metal javelins rumbled into the mountains and forests and merged into a metal giant.

At the same time, the blue light group also fell into the other side, and Aguru appeared.

"Ultraman Blue?!"

The Lightning team who arrived at the scene was startled. When they were about to attack the metal giant, they were almost affected by Aguru's light ball.

"Asshole, are you even attacking us?"

Several fighters of the Lightning team quickly climbed up and escaped from the explosion range of the light ball.

Despite this, he was still hit by the aftermath of the explosion.

Aguru ignored everyone in Team Lightning, glanced at Dr. Inamori in the research institute, and blocked the attack of the metal life form with one hand.

Metal life form Algyuros.

The giant looks very similar to Ultraman, can transform, and is good at copying enemy combat data.

Originally possessing power above Aguru V1, but now that Agururu V1 has been further improved, the fight between them is basically balanced, and even Agururu has a slight upper hand.

"Bang bang!"

The two giant figures started a fierce battle in the valley, almost neck-and-neck. Having learned from the past, Team Lightning could not intervene in the battle for the time being and could only stand by in the sky.

At this moment, the metal lifeform used its transformation ability.

After discovering that the battle had reached a stalemate, the metal life form's body fluctuated and transformed into a dark Agur in Fujimiya Agur's shocked eyes.


Aguru Fujimiya, who lost his mind, was knocked back with a heavy punch, and soon fell into the enemy's storm-like series of kicks.

The metal life form Argyuros does not have the specific data of Dark Agurhu. His strength is very different from that of Dark Agurhu, and his combat data is also copied from Agururu.

But the timid Fujimiya Agururu is no match at all.

Like a small boat in a storm at sea.

Dark Aguru seems to have become the inner demon of Fujimiya...

"Bang bang!"

Being thrown away again, Agur Fujimiya clenched his fists tightly, and held his arms in front of him to withstand the bombardment of light balls from the fake dark Agur.

This is his skill.

However, in his opinion, it is not surprising that Dark Aguru would use it.

Slowly raised his head.

Fujimiya Agururu looked coldly at the arrogant and proud giant.

At this moment, he seemed to really see the other person as a dark Agururu, and his figure closely overlapped with Natsuki's figure in his mind.


At the moment when the light above the head of the fake dark Aguru converged to deliver the final blow, Fujimiya Aguru suddenly stood up, the energy crystal on his head shone, and he also fired the special move "Photon Crusher" of the light technique.

The two light techniques collided out of thin air, and in the end the former was violently pushed back, and the fake dark Agur was completely exploded, turning into a pile of powder from head to toe.

"Bang bang bang!"

Down the valley.

Natsuki, who teleported, raised his head to watch the battle, and his eyes rested on Agur Fujimiya, who was showing the victor's posture.

"It has indeed become stronger."

Not only did he become stronger, but he also seemed to have eliminated his inner demons.

Natsuki rubbed her nose and watched Aguru disappear into a streak of light.

Regardless of whether it is Fujimiya or Gamu, the light they initially received was only B+ in intensity, which was strengthened through continuous battles until it reached A+ or even S-.

Theoretically, even if Fujimiya doesn't give Aguru's Light to Umu in the mid-term, there is still a chance to evolve to V2 later.

As far as the Earth is concerned, Fujimiya is not wrong.

Getting rid of humans is indeed one of the ways to save the planet as a whole.

Otherwise it would be impossible for Fujimiya to become Agururu.

The appearance of Aguru was originally the earth's response to Fujimiya's thoughts.

The only thing the root death body did was to make Fujimiya mistakenly think that this was the only way.

Same reason.

My dream choice was right, but it was very difficult to realize, and it required a head-on confrontation with the source of death.


A long stick-shaped metal life form quietly escaped from the battlefield and lurked among the grass like a snake. It didn't pay attention when it passed Natsuki.

Killed by the way.

Humanity, die!


The katana sword flashed and completely shattered the metal life form.

There was only a ball of light absorbed by the katana, which was better than nothing.

Natsuki paused, picked up the knife, turned around and left the scene, leaving inert metal powder on the ground.

In fact, many things cannot be said to be right or wrong.

Everyone has his own beliefs and he is doing what he thinks is right.

Not a villain, just a constant struggle as an evolved human being.

Also longing for love and peace.


Chengnan University.

Natsuki just finished class when she received a call from Yoshii Reiko.

Different from the dignified reporter image on TV, he always nags when facing his "brother".

"Brother, I know you are very busy, but you can't completely ignore Shizuka, right?" Reiko complained on the phone, "The TV station doesn't have holidays on weekends, so I can only bring Shizuka to the station..."

"I know it's hard for you. Can I take you to a high-end restaurant for dinner next time?" Xia Shu said helplessly.

When he was cooking before, Reiko called "Oni-chan" sweetly, and was extremely gentle.

Shaking his head, Natsuki put away his phone and returned to the research room.

In fact, he could bring Shizuka to school to play, but he didn't want to have too much contact with his cheap daughter, so he could only trouble Reiko.

Research room.

Today, in addition to Acheng and the others, there is also a special figure.


Fujimiya turned around, his face still stern.

Natsuki was shocked.

Does Yoshii Seiichi know Fujimiya?

Fujimiya should not be a student of Seongnan University.

"What are you..." Xia Shu naturally looked confused.

"I'm looking for some information."

Fujimiya didn't notice anything strange.

This time he wanted to take a look at my dream's particle accelerator experimental device.

He has always wondered how my method of obtaining the light of Gaia in my dream is different from Agururu, and whether Gaia also represents the will of the earth...

But there is still no result.

Fujimiya turned his attention to the test bench where Acheng and others were working: "I haven't seen Mr. Yoshii for several years, so I stopped by to have a look... What technology is Mr. Yoshii developing?"

"It's virtual electronic technology," Acheng said proudly, "a super technology that can turn virtual electronics into physical objects."


Fujimiya's brows twitched and his eyes were sharp.

Compared with the prophetic ability of the optical quantum computer he developed, virtual creation is more like the power of God.

Once successful, it can be said to be the top of technological civilization.

Why didn't Professor Yoshii have this kind of talent before?

"Just messing around."

Xia Shu quickly changed the topic and glanced at Acheng and the others.

"Huh? Sato didn't come today?"

"He was dumped by his girlfriend," Cheng laughed. "He rode a motorcycle back to his hometown in Shiroiwa Town alone. He said he was going on a trip. He was crying when he left."

"Yes," Xiao Lin next to him suppressed a smile, "In this day and age, there are too few people who still do this."

"But it's not wrong to say it's a trip. His family runs a hot spring hotel. I just want to go there for a date next time. I heard that the hot springs there are pretty good..."

"Shiroiwa Town?"

Natsuki's heart skipped a beat.

There seems to be hyperspace fluctuation life forms over there as well.

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