Starting human body

Chapter 254 Liborium Light Wave


The ground is mountainous.

Fujimiya's body stiffened, feeling as if he had been slapped hard, but now he didn't care about his face at all, and his eyes were completely attracted by the stratospheric scene.


There are still a large number of people scrambling for shelter on the streets.

Fear, despair and madness...

This bustling city has completely changed its appearance. The main road out of the city is blocked, and there are noises everywhere. From time to time, people look at the still calm sky.

Reiko rushed to the underground shelter in the chaos. After getting off the live broadcast car, she immediately left Tabata and Renfeng behind and hurriedly searched for her niece Shizuka.

"It's useless," someone said with blank eyes, "You have no idea what the consequences of that celestial creature's fall will be. This shelter can't protect us."

"GUARD should think of ways to stop the celestial beings, right? It's better here than outside."

"I heard it's so blocked outside that it's impossible to get out."

Tabata was sweating profusely and took a seat. He ignored the people talking around him and leaned against the wall to turn on the computer: "Lunwen, take the signal."

"There's a picture!"


After the satellite signal was successfully transferred, the government's speech was played.

"Please stay calm, GUARD is already analyzing countermeasures..."

"It's already this time and there's still no countermeasure?" Tabata said angrily.

"I heard that an underground monster also appeared over at Maybelle Mountain. It may have been contained there."

Lunwen switched the screen to the mountainous area.

KCB colleagues happened to be broadcasting the broadcast there, and you could see Gaia and Ultraman Blue fighting over underground monsters.

"What's going on? Why are the two Ultramen fighting?"

"What are they doing?"

Reiko found Shizuka among a group of students. When she came back, she saw two Ultramans clashing on the screen.

It’s hard to imagine that these two Ultramen only worked together to save the earth a while ago.

"What does that blue Ultraman seem to want to do with the underground monster?" Tabata frowned.

Maybe GURAD knows the inside story, but those guys will never disclose this kind of information...

"Isn't this the time to worry about that underground monster?" Lun Wen looked at the time with a grimace, "The celestial monster will hit Tokyo soon!"


The blue and silver Miracle Dyna floats calmly.

This form is a combination of Dyna's speed and superpowers. It is good at long-distance combat. Its special move is the Riborum light wave that drives the enemy into a small black hole and kills it.

The reason why it is suitable to be used against Digrob is because of the absorption characteristics of black holes.

This is the only special move that will not cause the aftermath of an explosion and can ignore DiGrobe's physical defense.

As long as there is no space protective shield, it will be useless no matter how strong Digrob's body is.

This monster is not strong enough to withstand a black hole.


Natsuki raised her head slightly.

After crossing your arms to accumulate energy, rotate and gather all the space energy in your right hand.

Facing the huge celestial creature Diglob, the shortcomings of slow launch speed and long preparation time are no longer relevant.

He even has enough time to accumulate his energy output to maximum.


Digrob's trajectory remained unchanged, and the asteroid's body actively collided with Natsuki's Riborum light wave with strong inertia.

There was no sound, and Digrobe, who was capable of destroying mankind, was twisted and silently pulled into the black hole behind.

Instant kill.

Natsuki put down his arms, glanced at the cosmic space that had returned to calm as the black hole disappeared, and then turned into a ball of light and returned to Tokyo.

I didn’t feel much before.

But now that he uses it himself, he realizes that the actual effect of this skill is a bit scary.

Xia Shu felt solemn in her heart.

Please be careful in the future, there are many strange skills in the Ultra Universe, and there are even unreasonable magicians.

Pure combat effectiveness does not completely represent strength.

Leo was once reduced to the size of a thumb, and relied on King Ultra to return to his original shape.

"what happened?"

GUARD air base.

Everyone who was still anxious was suddenly stunned.

The celestial creature that hit the earth actually disappeared from the radar without any warning, and it was not hidden. It actually disappeared out of thin air outside the stratosphere without causing any ripples.

Even after repeated observations to confirm that the crisis was over, everyone still couldn't believe it.

"It's really gone! The European branch also confirmed it!"

“But with that much volume, where does it go all of a sudden?”

The commander of the stone chamber was silent in thought.

It may seem like a supernatural incident, but DiGrobe's disappearance certainly couldn't have been an accident.

After thinking about it, Commander Ishiro turned to the correspondent and said, "Let's lift the evacuation warning first, Atsuko."


"it's over?"

Tokyo underground shelter.

Tabata and others were confused.

One moment it seemed that the end was approaching, but in the end the crisis was resolved without knowing anything. If the situation was not clear, one would have thought it was an evacuation drill.

"Auntie!" Shizuka suddenly pulled Reiko excitedly and looked towards the entrance of the shelter, "Dad, he's fine!"

"elder brother?"

Reiko turned around in surprise and waved when she saw Natsuki approaching with her glasses on, and at the same time she felt relieved.

"Really, brother, where did you go?"

"It took a little while."

After Natsuki nodded slightly towards Tabata and the two, his eyes turned to the mountainous battlefield on the TV screen.

After the red ball incident, Gamu's strength increased greatly, and he and Fujimiya were almost evenly matched. Unfortunately, they still didn't fully fight this time.

It seems that conflict is not enough.

Not urgent.

Previously, Fujimiya had not completely made up his mind to get rid of humans, but was simply protecting the earth.

But the greater the crisis on the earth, the greater the pressure on Fujimiya. In desperation, the ideological dispute with Gamu will inevitably break out.


After the crisis during the day, Tokyo soon returned to prosperity, with traffic on the streets and people coming and going.

Reiko went home with her handbag after get off work, but suddenly stopped when she passed an overpass.

Hiroshi Fujimiya stood alone by the overpass, still so withdrawn, as if he should not be approached by strangers.

"Ultraman exists to save the earth from the source of destruction, and has nothing to do with humans," Fujimiya said coldly, "So don't think too much about it. Next time you go on TV, remember to mention this. say clearly……"

"Then why did you save me last time in Hayami City?"

Reiko looked directly at Fujimiya with a complicated expression.

"Actually, I have always had a feeling that Ultraman is also a human being... The reason why you came to me is because you want to say that you are Ultraman Blue, right?"

Fujimiya remained silent, but when he wanted to leave, he was stopped by Reiko.

"But it's impossible even if you think about it," Reiko joked, "If it's true, I'll have exclusive news..."

"Maybe you are right," Fujimiya stopped and said, "Maybe I have always wanted to talk to someone, but what will happen if I tell you?"

Reiko looked at Fujimiya's back in pain: "Why did you tell me this? Why me?"

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