Starting human body

Chapter 258 Dr. Daomori

Chichibu Mountains.

The strong-armed underground monster Gemenos lay on its side among the mountains, making strange snoring sounds from time to time, and above it was a transport aircraft hovering like flies.

Natsuki walked to a rock and saw GUARD Geo base personnel fixing ropes on the monster from a distance.

There is a nail-like machine inserted into the monster's head, with a green light flashing at the top.

It is the Parcell device that puts the monster to sleep.

This thing was originally just a translation machine developed by Fujimiya to communicate with monsters. At most, it could simply control monsters, such as making them sleep.

But after Dr. Inamori took over the upgrade, he wanted to use Parcel to control the monster.

As Fujimiya's former assistant and admirer, Inamori is eager to find the Fujimiya he once was, believing that Fujimiya will change back after human beings change.

After the appearance of Agur Fujimiya, Inamori repeatedly proposed environmental improvement plans, but they were shelved because the top management felt that dealing with the root-caused death body was a higher priority.

Therefore, Inamori decided to control the monsters to approach the city, making humans aware of the monsters' anger, forcing humans to reflect and protect the earth.

The idea is naive and weird.

To be honest, Natsuki doesn't think Earth cares about what humans do.

Destroy the environment?

The only ones who really care about the environment are humans and the life on earth.

During the long time of the earth, the environment has been very harsh most of the time, and this is the real earth.

The consciousness of the earth is a unity, which of course includes human beings as the main body of life. Even if other life forms are hostile to humans because of this, this is just civil strife.

Not to mention that the real threat to the earth now is the root cause of destruction.

This war will not end until humanity dies or the source of death is killed.

From TV plots and his personal observations,

Natsuki also had some speculations.

This group of beings in the distant star field should not allow civilizations that threaten them to exist in the universe, so they will invest troops to eliminate them before they develop.

The more the target resists, the stronger the force will be until the final weapon is deployed.

Judging from the fact that Angel Zog possesses the power of light, it is likely that he has swallowed the light of many planets.


It is likely that this is not the first time that the root of death has attacked earth civilization.

There is still a civilization deep in the ocean today, and the root-destroying body left over from the past is sleeping - the root-destroying sea god Gakuzom.

The Poseidon of Destruction is not as powerful as Zog, but he is also the big boss of this time and space. In an OV after the TV show, he controlled a massive amount of flying fish of Destruction to cover the earth and almost wiped out mankind.

"hold head high!"

Suddenly a roar interrupted Natsuki's thoughts.

It turned out that the strong-armed monster broke free from the rope at some point and stood up. Its blood-filled mouth like a sea fish was open like an abyss, covered with sharp thorns. A pair of huge eyes glowing with cold light stared at the many planes. The Pasay on the head was between the hard flesh. You also turned into red light.


"Retreat quickly!"

The transport plane quickly dispersed, but the strong-armed monster did not pursue it. Instead, it waved its giant arms and began to dig into the soil.

The monster's figure gradually burrowed into the ground amid the dust.

Move underground.

Natsuki looked around with shimmering eyes, and found Dr. Inamori on the other side who had put away the control device.

The female doctor died in this incident, which completely plunged Fujimiya into paranoia.

Natsuki watched Inamori leave, Fujimiya's voice echoed in her ears again.

"Teacher, can you understand?"

"It was the earth that gave me light, allowing me to become Ultraman Agur to protect this planet!"

GUARD air base.

I heard the news about the escape of the monster from Mount Chichibu just after I came back.

"How could this happen? We did hit Parcell on it at that time!"

"It's Dr. Inamori," Director Tsutsumi said solemnly. "She added unique improvements to Parcell, and she also took away all of Parcell's information."

"how come?"

My Adam's apple moved in my dream.

Dr. Inamori lied. Parcel didn't just suppress the monster's fighting instinct.

How could the doctor suddenly betray GUARD?

Is it because of Fujimiya?

"Where is the doctor now?"

"The search team is already investigating, and is probably still in the Chichibu Mountains area."

Chichibuyama Highway.

Inamori drove with firm eyes to keep up with the strong-armed monster moving underground.

"Fujimiya, I finally understand what you want to do. Please wait a little longer. Human beings should realize their mistakes and change their minds. Let me try..."

The car went off the road.

Daomori put on the headset translation machine again, and after inserting the data disk into the reader, he immediately spoke the command by voice.



The strong-armed monster broke through the mountains with billowing dust mist, appeared again, and then moved to the distant town under Inamori's instructions.

The plan is still going well.

"Did you see it, Fujimiya? Give me a little more time, there must be other ways."

Inamori looked closely at the monsters advancing in the mountains, and recalled his research life with Fujimiya.

Fujimiya, who once said that he could not rely on the power of the earth, disappeared into the light that day and reappeared as a blue Ultraman, without the smile of the past.

"call out!"

Several XIG fighters flew over the mountainous area, and the sound of engine buzzing made Daomori's expression change.

The fighter's attack fell on the strong-armed monster, immediately attracting the monster's hatred.

Seeing that the monster no longer moved forward, but roared under continuous bullet fire attacks, Inamori hurriedly ran closer.

"Command input, 44C 57100 executed! Ignore them! Head towards the city!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The strong-armed monster ignored Daomori, but opened its huge mouth and continuously sprayed flame bombs towards the group of fighters in the air.

"What's wrong?"

Daomori continued to enter the command, but found that it had no effect. Instead, it completely angered the monster.

The strong-armed monster that was still attacking the fighter group turned around, with cold eyes, and looked down at Inamori with its giant claws.

"How could this happen?" Daomori was at a loss. He checked the equipment but found no fault, "Just do as I say..."

"hold head high!"

The monster still ignored it, but raised its claws to easily destroy Parcel on its head.

"What? Are you saying that you are still being manipulated by humans anyway?"

Inamori interprets the monster's thoughts through a translation device,

With a look of shock on his face, he watched blankly as the monster threw Parcell away from his paws like a human being and assumed an attack stance.

Do monsters have advanced intelligence?

Before Inamori could recover, flames erupted from the giant mouth of the monster that raised its head, and then a fireball like a small sun spat towards the ground.



The fire bomb landed and exploded amidst Daomori's screams, causing the grass and rocks to rumble and splash.

Just when Daomori was about to be swallowed up by the explosion flames, an afterimage suddenly flashed past, and the isolated fire wave took Daomori away from the scene at high speed.


In the nearby valley, the figure stopped and revealed Natsuki's figure.

The suit was neat and untouched by the explosion.

But Daomori beside him still fainted from the impact and instant acceleration.

Xia Shu's eyes fluctuated, and he turned his head towards the direction of the explosion with a complicated expression.

In my dream, I transformed into Gaia and fell into the mountains to stop the monsters.

Fujimiya, who was one step late, had red eyes at the explosion site, and he knelt on the ground and cried hoarsely.


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