Starting human body

Chapter 269 Death

Underground of Gangbei Plaza.

Natsuki silently teleported into the "Forest Green".

There is a cave at the bottom of this machine. The vines are wrapped around the pillars, and the light on the ground is discernible.

It's just that the light is weak and looks a little weird.

The quiet confined environment is like hell.

Natsuki passed through the passages and found a luminous pillar at the core.

The light comes from a huge red flower above the column.

"Forest Green" uses the natural circulation auxiliary system "Original Shield" of Alchemy Star members to carry out forest proliferation. This is the center of the lower main line.

As for the "Forest Green" energy core, it is still at a higher level.

"Da da."

Natsuki stepped on the puddles to lock the energy core.

Destroying the center of the main line can only prevent the "forest green" from invading the city.

When "Forest Green" is not activated, destroying the energy core is the best choice, otherwise the alarmed "Forest Green" will immediately go berserk.


Under the leadership of Acheng and Xiaolin, I dreamed of finding Sato in the religious group's meeting.

The center of the square echoed with shouts of "roots", and Sato responded enthusiastically.

"Sato seems like a completely different person."

"I don't know how it happened," Xiaolin said helplessly, "Didn't Sato get dumped again last time? Then he suddenly started talking about online dating."

Next to him, Acheng explained: "I do know a little bit. At first, Sato attended an event called the Roots Information Conference through the Internet, and got along well with a girl there, and the result turned out to be what it is now."


I Meng followed Cheng's line of sight and looked towards the crowd, when a girl turned around, glanced at me and Mengcai and merged into the surrounding congregation.

The girl stayed awake and...

After I saw the girl's figure clearly in my dream, my fingers suddenly tightened.

It was the mysterious girl who appeared in front of KCB TV station last time and took away Gray Agul.

"Leave him alone," Xiao Lin patted me and said, "Everyone has his own freedom. He will be dumped after a while anyway."

"This time is different from before, we must stop him!" Wo Meng said anxiously, "That girl may be..."


There was a sudden loud noise on the ground, as if the ground was shaking, and the entire square shook.

Not only the extremist cult in the square, but even Meng and I were caught off guard and almost flew out.

"What's wrong?"

The shock came and went quickly, but it was like the calm before the storm. The square was eerily silent.


"It's the destruction of the root!"

Not only did the Uncle Master not panic, he stabilized his body and excitedly raised his hands and shouted,

"This is the source of death saving us!"


The frightened congregants had no doubts and shouted wildly again. Only Yabuki Shiori in the crowd changed his expression.

without warning,

Yabuki Shiori suddenly screamed in pain, and in full view of everyone, he was covered in flames and instantly turned into nothing.

"Ms. Yabuki!"

Sato yelled and rushed forward, but only the bench where Yabuki Shiori sat was left.

"how so?"


Natsuki swung his knife to completely remove the red flower that had lost its energy supply. After confirming that "Forest Green" had become an empty shell and could no longer be activated, he put the knife away and walked away.

"Forest Green" has amazing abilities and is very suitable for developing and transforming uninhabited planets.

But the machine was of little value to him.

He came to the past time and space not to collect rags, but to enhance his own strength.

Just destroy it directly.


The sound in Gangbei Square returned to normal, but the sky still had a strange aura, so strange that I felt inexplicably uneasy in my dreams.

It's like disaster is coming.

After turning on the communicator for detection, nothing was found.

"It's really weird."

After muttering something, I Meng contacted the command room again.

There must be something going on underground in Gangbei Square, and the command room needs to conduct in-depth detection.

If it's underground, there might be monster activity.

"A huge object has been detected," Dunzi said over the phone. "It seems to be a natural machine. I dream that you will hand it over to Geo Base later."

"I see."

My dream is even more confusing.

If it is a natural machine, what happened to the vibration just now?

And why did that mysterious girl suddenly disappear?

What does it have to do with the root body of death...

"Am I too sensitive?"

I dreamed and sighed and looked at the sky.

After seeing that Gray Aguru seemed to have some connection with the root, he was a little confused.

After gaining V2 power, his strength increased greatly. Fujimiya was finally willing to help him, as well as the gray Agur in black form.

This made him think he could deal with the crisis of root destruction.

But if it’s like Fujimiya said.

If Gray Agur is the enemy...

The terrifying attack that killed the giant beast Zolim once again appeared in my dream mind.

Gangbei District business district.

Because there was only one wave of shock and the government did not issue a warning, the streets were still busy.

Natsuki found a relatively quiet ramen shop.

The store is not big, but it looks like an authentic ramen shop with a lot of history. As soon as the door curtain is opened, the aroma hits your nostrils.

The aroma of food.

"Please give me a bowl of ramen and add more vinegar."

Natsuki sat down in front of the counter. His eyes first glanced at the other diners, and then turned to the counter. He was stunned when he saw the owner chef turning around and manipulating the pot.

Familiar bald head with mustache.

The figure overlaps with that of Obik from the Diga space and time, and even the clothes are the same.

"Guest?" The bald chef handed Xia Shu a bowl of ramen and asked, "Are you okay?"


Natsuki took the noodle soup, took the chopsticks from the side and started eating.

The first is the Naruto roll, or fish plate, floating on the surface of the soup. The white pastry-like fish meat is paired with purple swirls, and it is particularly attractive with the green onions on the side.

Natsuki took a sip of noodle soup.

Familiar taste.

It's been a long time since he's had this kind of ramen.

It is really rare that different races in different time and space still have the same craftsmanship.

"Boss, have another bowl."

"Now let's ask the on-site reporter Ms. Yoshii Reiko to report for us..."

The in-store TV program temporarily switched to a special report about Gangbei Plaza, and Reiko walked into the camera with a microphone.

"I am Yoshii. The GUARD ground troops have now blocked the square. I don't know if it is related to underground monsters. If underground penetrating bombs are used in the urban area..."

"The above is a report made in front of Yoshii and Kohoku Plaza."

"Thank you, Miss Yoshii, next..."

Natsuki glanced at the TV and glanced around.

A strange force enveloped this ramen shop, and there was a sense of peeping, and there was a faint spatial fluctuation.

Illusions and spatial abilities.

The root of death?

"Boss, check out, no need to look for it."

Natsuki stood up attentively and walked out of the ramen shop calmly.

The person observing him is most likely the Demon Destroyer Kipbu. If he is left alone, he may not show up until he is fully understood.


Natsuki teleported and disappeared, and started quantum movement to observe and find the other party's traces.

Demon Destroyer Kipbu.

Possessing the ability of space and illusion, he can transform himself into a human form to disguise himself as a god and claim to be the messenger of the Lord, the God of Death.

In the TV show, Fujimiya was fooled by this trick, and even Yoshii Reiko was captured.


"Issuing a level one alert! Repeat, issuing a level one alert!"

"Teams are ready to go!"

air base.

As a wormhole expanded over the coast, the XIG alarm sounded loudly, and the assembled teams were busy preparing for the pilots who were about to depart.

Even Meng, who was still investigating in Gangbei Square, was called back to the base.

"The wormhole has expanded twice as much as when it first appeared, and it continues to expand now!"

"Why is the scale so big?" Director Di remembered the time with the giant beast Zolim and shouted to the back quickly, "My dream, come and see!"

"This waveform is the same as when Zolim appeared," I Meng ran to the console to check, "it's not an ordinary wormhole."

"Could such a big monster appear again?"

"Not sure yet, but..."

There was a sense of urgency in my dream mind.

Bizarrely destroyed natural machines, wormholes, and strange air.

The events are all coming together, maybe something terrible is happening.

"Commander, I want to see the scene!" Wo Meng proactively requested.

Commander Shishi took a deep look and ordered: "Then you go out with the Cool Dragon Team and make sure to find out the reason for the emergence of the huge wormhole!"


"Commander," Director Di watched me running out of the command room with a worried expression, "Should tomorrow's underground penetrating bomb plan be slowed down? These are extraordinary times. If something goes wrong..."

"Brigadier General Hiiragi is responsible for this matter. I'm afraid he won't compromise so easily." Shishi said in a deep voice.

"Indeed," Staff Officer Chiba nodded. "A few days ago, a GUARD American unit commanded by Hiiragi was completely wiped out in a battle with monsters. Officially, the pain of losing his own unit made him apply for this combat plan..."

"I lost more than just my subordinates, Staff Officer Chiba."

Hiroyuki entered the command room with a soldier, and his eyes fell on the wormhole displayed on the main screen.

"The launch of the underground penetrating bomb can be delayed, but please solve the wormhole problem quickly."


The coast shrouded in wormholes.

Fujimiya stopped and stared up at the sky.

As the lightning spread, the cyclone dropped countless metal particles, which then assembled into a huge robot on the ground.

The shape is very strange like a cross.


I dreamed of driving the EX and arrived at the scene with the Cool Dragon Team, just in time to see Fujimiya transform into Aguru to fight the robot.

Although Fujimiya is still V1 Agur, he is not weak against this robot.


The situation doesn't seem right.

The fighting style is very different from before, too urgent and too desperate.

What happened to Fujimiya?

I watched Aguru fight silently in my dream, and I woke up only when Aguru exposed his flaw and was hit by a large number of tracking and destroying light bullets.



Seeing Aguru falling into the sea under the impact of the explosion, Wo Meng quickly transformed into the battlefield, leaving the artificial intelligence Pal to continue to control the fighter plane.

"Bang bang!"

After blocking two tracking light bombs in succession, Gaia V2 landed with its heavy body and kicked its legs, instantly kicking the robot away.

So weak?

I was surprised and quickly launched a defensive posture.

Fujinomiya lost because of his carelessness, which was a wake-up call for him.

No matter how strong you are, you may overturn...


The robot suddenly opened its chest, and the two light bullets it fired were blocked by my dream Gaia raising her hand.

However, there was no explosive impact, just a slight numbness caused by the current, which had almost no effect on Gaia's arms.

I Meng ignored the doubts and quickly fired a red light bomb in the face of the attacking robot.

It was originally just a hasty interference attack, but it directly smashed the robot to pieces.

The wormhole above also disappeared.

"So simple?"

My dream felt a little unreal, and I couldn't find anything wrong when I looked around. Instead, I looked down and saw Fujimiya climbing onto the shore in a wet state after breaking out of transformation.

He seemed to be seriously injured and staggered and fell into the sand.


The light converged and fell to the ground, revealing my dream figure in front of Fujimiya.

"Fujimiya! Cheer up!"

"My dream," Fujimiya smiled miserably and broke away from my dream's support, "Do you also think that I am weak? I can't do anything, and even the earth no longer responds to me..."


Different dimensional space.

Natsuki used a phantom to appear on a huge monopole island, surrounded by an empty starry sky, with a cross-legged "Buddha" suspended in mid-air in front of him.

The purple gauze clothes reveal half of the shoulders, the earlobes are sunken, and the body still retains some characteristics of alien life forms. Overall, it is very consistent with the image of an Indian god.

But this guy is actually the "human body" of Demon Destroyer Kipbu. He has a very high IQ and is good at pretending to be a ghost.

"Ultraman Gray...what should I call you?"

Kipbu asked with a subtle expression.

This is the body of the super giant monopole creature Moqian. He originally planned to hide in the dark to see the situation, but he didn't expect Xia Shu to be able to find it.

And I don’t know what method was used, it was completely out of control, and he didn’t even notice it at all.

There is also the quantum movement of fluctuating life forms...

Looking at Natsuki, who seemed to have a layer of mist, Kipbu frowned.

This one in front of me is just an illusion.

How could anyone be more cautious than him?

"I am Lucifer, Dark Lucifer." Natsuki quickly looked around and said.

He projected the phantom here through spatial induction, and he was not sure of the specific location yet.

Probably not on Earth.

Natsuki turned her attention to the monopole island at her feet, and Mochian's message flashed in her mind.

This thing will cause the land at the north and south poles of the earth to squeeze into each other, thus destroying the earth.

How much does the root-destroying body hate the earth and humans?


Fujimiya was lying on the hospital bed with an infusion, his face was pale, and he was clutching his fingers tightly in his sleep.

"There is nothing wrong with his body. In fact, he is much better than the average person."

The doctor checked the report information again and again, couldn't help but take another look at the chest X-ray photo, and then explained my dream.

"It may be that the patient has a mental problem."


I dreamed of thinking.

Fujimiya was fine when we last met. Is it because of the KCB TV incident?

Fujimiya was probably tortured like this because of too much pressure.

"Everyone wants to save the earth."

My dream suddenly wanted to have a good talk with Gray Agul.

"I still don't believe he is an enemy. Even if he is really a hunter, as long as he can save the earth, it doesn't matter if he takes away my light."


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