Starting human body

Chapter 285 Natsuki: I have money

"Are you kidding me?"

Jagula stumbled and steadied his steps, and at the same time noticed something unusual around him.

The giant in front was the most incomprehensible to him.

There should be only one Warrior of Light, Orb...


The thunder and lightning converged, completely revealing Natsuki's giant figure.

Different from the past, this time he chose the light of Gaia and Aguru for the fusion transformation, and his form was more biased towards the Supreme Gaia.

Brand new power means less control, but with an S-class foundation, unless the power gap is really huge, strength is not so absolute.

Because the way of fighting can determine most of the victory or defeat.

Natsuki swept the red-purple Demon Kingmon energy across the earth.

Moge (Maga) King Gulant can be said to be the enhanced body of the super monster King Gulant.

In the beginning, this kind of monster was also a big boss level, surpassing the Ultra Brothers, and had to rely on Super Tyro's cosmic miracle light to kill it. Even Gua regarded it as a trump card.

It's just that enhanced individuals are becoming more and more common in the new generation.

Times have really changed.


"hold head high--!"

The earth suddenly tore apart in violent shocks. After bursts of red light expanded, King Moggulant's armor-like body forcefully opened up the buildings, causing the surrounding soil to collapse along the way.

The roar echoed in the domain space along with the sound of collapse, and the momentum was terrifying.

If it were outside the domain, it might not take long for the entire city to be destroyed.

This is because this guy is not the type to destroy planets...


Natsuki lowered his center of gravity and took the initiative to face King Moggulant.

He would not underestimate his enemy easily, not to mention that this monster was not really weak.

As the sprint punch made a sound of metal armor colliding on King Moggulant, Natsuki quickly pulled away and avoided the monster's giant claws covered in yellow light, and the elbow knife bounced away.

"Bang bang!"

Electric sparks exploded on King Moggulant's body, finally revealing two clear elbow knife marks.

After absorbing a large amount of energy attributes, the Dark Sword's breaking ability has been greatly increased, but it still feels difficult to deal with this demon king beast.

As soon as he made contact with Xia Shu, his hands went numb, and he was almost knocked away by the opponent's heavy steel claws.


After King Moggulant realized that he could not hit Natsuki, the yellow crystal in the center of his body erupted with a red light shock wave, covering Natsuki and the surrounding buildings with a range attack.

Too much to take.

Natsuki's body rolled, holding up the Ultra barrier amidst the surrounding explosions. Just then, the crystal on King Moggulant's head glowed and he used another of his special moves.

A huge crimson light beam penetrated the remains of the building and landed on the barrier. Natsuki, who had just stabilized his body, couldn't help but take a few steps back.

According to the normal procedure, he should first simulate the battle in the light space, but after returning from the past time and space, it was much more difficult to collect combat data.

It's not as simple as it was in the past.

"Bang bang bang!"

The red light exploded and penetrated several buildings at the same time, leaving behind smooth circular holes.

There is no explosion, and the damage range is not large, but the destructive power and penetrating power are terrifyingly strong. Coupled with the abnormal defensive attributes, it is almost like it was born to fight alone.

Sensing Hong Kai and others on the ground, Natsuki quickly calmed down.

Other aspects can be studied slowly in the battle space. The most important thing now is to deal with the big guy in front of us.


Xia Shu's mind flashed with King Mogegurant's message, and he crossed his hands and took the initiative to block the crimson beam of light.

The swords of darkness on both wrists deformed and merged with the Ultra Barrier to form a reflective mirror.


Natsuki's steps sank, and after stabilizing his body under the violent impact, he shouted and pushed his arms forward.

Characteristic activated.

The piercing ray from King Moggulant was strengthened and reflected back, directly breaking into the armored monster's body, leaving a deep high-temperature pit.

Natsuki tore open the barrier and quickly launched a special attack of light in the face of King Mogegurant who lost the ability to resist.

After gathering energy in the head crystal with both arms, he takes a step forward and emits a crushing and destructive light from his forehead.

The supreme light crusher.

Although it is not the strongest light technique, it is enough for finishing.


The domain space quickly converged with the explosion of King Moggulant's body. The SSP3 group below didn't even have time to record the video. They only saw the high-rise buildings that had been penetrated and returned to the real space in the strong light.

There were no more sounds of fighting or roars of monsters, and the surrounding buildings remained as they were before. The sound of fire truck sirens faded away, and then the voices of people gradually became lively, looking peaceful after the disaster.


Shanta stared at the people coming and going in the streets, almost unable to believe his eyes.

"What happened just now?"

"It seems like we went to a different space!"

Matsuto Mori hurriedly checked the camera footage.

"A different space that is the same as the real world but has no life. The giant of light changed the battle venue specifically to protect the city..."

"Speaking of which, it seems that the giant just now was not Uub. Is there more than one giant of light?"

Naomi listened to the discussion between her two men and looked at the nearby building with confusion in her eyes.

Although she couldn't take a picture, she was very sure that the new giant that appeared was definitely not Orb.

The style is completely different.

"Where's A-Ling?"

"It's gone again, it's true, look for it quickly!"

Ruins beneath the building.

Natsuki picked up the red-purple energy-wrapped King Moggulant doll.

It is Demon Kingmon after all, and it is extraordinary to transform into a Spark Doll.


The puppet vibrated for a while, but eventually fell silent.

Lukiel's own strength is limited, but Dark Spark is not weak at all. After all, it is a legendary item that once dominated the Kingdom of Light. Even if he just borrows the power of the material, Demon Kingmon cannot compete with it.


The light of the divine light mirror flashed, and at the same time, two energies were peeled off from the King Moggulant puppet and condensed into two cards in front of Natsuki.

One of them glowed red, and the outline of Earth Demon Kingmon appeared on the card.

The other card was filled with golden light, and the outline of Taro appeared on the card.

It's the age of cards... but these cards are of little use to him.

What he integrates is actually his own strength, and he does not need to borrow from others.

Natsuki picked up two cards, and the light of the cards suddenly converged and turned into ordinary cards. Only the faint energy fluctuations inside showed that they were extraordinary.

Among them, the Taylor cards clearly have a bit of Taylor flavor.

Natsuki was frightened and immediately disconnected the induction.

This thing can't be left around.

It's not that he is afraid of the Kingdom of Light, he just doesn't want to cause trouble.

He had a profound experience in the time and space of the Ultra War.

It is difficult for the Kingdom of Light to understand his idea of ​​pursuing powerful power, because Ultraman is not a human being in the first place, and even if there has been an Earthling as a human being, it is difficult to understand.

Darkness and evil are not the same thing.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing power, it's just that it seems more extreme.

Natsuki put away the Taro card in silence.

After the awakening started, the dark power in him became more and more active, but this was all temporary, and there should be no more problems after the awakening was successful.

What needs to be considered now is how to complete the awakening.

This is related to his strength and potential after awakening. If he fails, it is not impossible to lose his transformation ability directly, let alone starting S level.


An unusual sound of footsteps broke the silence in the underground space. Natsuki's face moved slightly, but he did not release the "Yoshii Seiichi" mimicry. He calmly turned to Jakura who was looking for him behind him.

The boy "Takasuki Rei" is his identity for daily life in this time and space, and the uncle "Yoshii Seiichi" is used for doing business.

He didn't want to expose himself before officially awakening, even to Jakura and Kai.

"It's you?"

Jakura was like a wild wolf that had lost its direction. He only reacted when he saw Natsuki, and his pupils dilated slightly.

"Give me the Demon King card!"

"You mean this card?"

Natsuki picked up the Earth Demon King beast card between her fingers.

"This is my trophy."

"So, you are the new giant?!" Jiagu La scratched Xi Er's hair angrily, "But when did the threshold for a warrior of light become so low? Or are you not at all..."


Jagula suddenly moved close to him at high speed, but his hand came up empty. Not only did he fail to take the Demon King Beast Card, but he exposed a flaw and put himself in danger.


This guy is difficult to deal with!

Jagula's expression suddenly changed, and he kept leaning forward to sprint. Before he could react, he felt his back being hit hard by an elbow.


As the heartbreaking pain came, Jakula bulged his eyes and fell to the ground with a groan.


The whistling wind sounded.

Natsuki's iron fist exploded, blasting out steadily when Jakura turned over to avoid it, and finally stopped on Jakura's head.

In the underground space, Jagula tensed his body and did not dare to move, suppressing his rapid breathing.

But the fist did not fall after all.

Natsuki looked at the shock and unwillingness on Jakura's distorted face, frowned, put away his fists and left the scene.

The current Jagula is definitely not a good person, but this incident with the Earth Demon Kingmon killed an unknown number of people.

But he didn't seem to have the qualifications to teach Jia Gula a lesson.


The scene in "The Beginning of Origin" where Jakula transformed into a demon appeared in Natsuki's heart, and he teleported away.

If I choose again now, I don’t know if it will be a better result...


Hong Kai finally stepped into the underground space and failed to see Natsuki. He was surprised to find Jakula lying on the ground in sweat.

"What are you..."

"Do you want to see my joke?" Jagula got up with an ugly face and sneered, "Don't be happy too early, Kai, this time we are just tied!"

"Jagula!" Hong Kai stared at Jagula's back and shouted, "How long will you continue to make trouble?! After so many years, there is nothing you can't let go of..."

"It's you who can't let go!"

Jakula interrupted with a snort.

"Kai, you and I have experienced countless vicissitudes of life. Whether it's the explosion of diamond stars or the aurora of the golden galaxy, we have forgotten all the memories..."

"Sure enough, you haven't forgotten," Hong Kai said calmly, "Back then on Planet Ganon..."

"Shut up!"

Jagula turned back and pointed directly at Hong Kai.

"So what if those people were still alive in the past? They have been dead for thousands of years. Yuyan is, and so is Ashu... Do you know what eternity is, Kai? It is the darkness of nothingness, the darkness in the hearts of all of us. !”

SSP Office.

Natsuki walked to the door with a box of ice cream, while Naomi was preparing a part-time job plan.

"Didn't we get exclusive news this time? Didn't we make any money?" Xia Shu asked bluntly.

"You can tell just by looking at it, that guy has always been managing the website."

Naomi glanced at Zenta, who was lying half-dead in front of the computer, looking like he was crying.

"The scoop is the scoop, but I was scolded so badly... Zenta, are you okay?"

"It's weird that it's good."

Research geek Matsuto Mori squeezed in front of the computer with a cryo gun in hand.

"Who wants to see his live reports...His reports have always been very verbose."

"And I couldn't capture the key parts. I just heard him yelling from the beginning to the end..."

Matsuto Mori took a breath after reading the comments: "There is not a single positive comment."

Fortunately, he is not responsible for the video.

"Santa is crying."

"I'm not crying!"

In the morning, Shanta rushed into the bathroom with red eyes, leaving everyone looking at each other.

"Don't worry about him yet," Matsuto Mori ran to Naomi diligently, "Captain, if this super polymer absorbing gun SAP gun can be improved on its polymer absorbing ability, it can improve its freezing ability. Just give it My development expenses..."

Naomi coughed and pretended not to notice, clearing the computer desk.

"A-Ling, is there anything you are good at? For example, the Internet or something."

"I'm pretty good at paleontology, and I'm pretty good at quantum physics," Xia Shu said casually.


"Captain," Matsuto Mori walked around and said, "Just this once..."

"Don't even think about it," Naomi rolled her eyes. "If you can't pay the rent next month, even the water will be stopped. There are four of us now. Give me a little bit, don't keep studying useless things. invention."

"What do you mean it's useless?"

Matsuto Mori turned to Natsuki for help, and suddenly found that the ice cream in Natsuki's hand looked familiar.

"A-Ling, where did you... come from?"

"It's from the refrigerator, don't worry. I bought a lot of ice cream when I went out to buy water, so I didn't steal it from you."

"That's good... No, where did you get the money?"

Matsuto Mori made a bitter look on his face and glanced at Naomi who was also stunned.

"No, Captain, you have money to buy ice cream for Ling, but you don't have money to fund my invention?"

"I didn't give you any money."

Naomi looked confused, then gradually began to panic, screaming and rushing to the cupboard in the room.

I finally hid it and prepared to buy some clothes...

Xia Shu hesitated to speak, but confessed: "I have money myself."

I'm going to stay here for a while, so there's really no need to dig around.

Ever since he had the Space of Light as a storage, he no longer had much feelings for money.

Not to mention the gold and U.S. dollars and other banknotes that Masaki Keigo wants, just for the various technologies he has mastered, any one of them is worth a sky-high price.

If that doesn't work, you can go to the underground or seabed to find some relics and treasures.

"Um, Rei," Matsuto Morihe said with a smile, "can we discuss sponsorship?"


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