Starting human body

Chapter 305 Yabo people


Umeda family.

Mrs. Umeda had just hung up the clothes and sheets in the yard. The originally sunny sky turned gloomy in an instant, with muffled thunder, and it looked like it was going to rain heavily.

"Strange, why has the weather changed?"


A drop of blood-colored liquid fell, infecting the sheets like blood, followed by a series of red blood rains. The washed clothes and the yard were all washed away by red raindrops.

Inside the house, Umeda picked up a morning newspaper and flipped through it. The cover was about Kobe Airport and him. Just as he was about to turn to the next page, his wife's screams suddenly came from outside.


"What, what's going on?"

Umeda-dori, who noticed something unusual, suddenly ran to the courtyard.

It’s not just the Umeda family. The entire city of Kobe was covered in blood rain, and the sky was bloody.

Strong uneasiness surged into Umeda's heart.

I'm really afraid of what will happen...

Thinking of the horrific experiences he had when he was a child, Umeda's heart beat faster and his fingers began to tremble uncontrollably. He felt much better when he held on to the wall next to him.

"I hate it. I don't know if it can be washed off."

The wife went into the house and took off her red-stained coat. In her distress, she found that her husband's face was pale, with almost no trace of blood.

"Atong, what's wrong with you?" his wife said in a panic, "I'll get you some medicine..."

"I'm fine."

Umeda hurriedly grabbed his wife and breathed heavily to regain her strength.

"You need to contact GUYS quickly. Give me the phone number..."

Phoenix Nest Base.

The GUYS members gathered in the command room and received temporary assignments.

Captain Shimizu glanced at everyone and explained the situation: "Kobe City reported blood rain, and the headquarters also captured abnormal energy reactions. Just in case, we need people to go over and support the future. You..."

"I'll go," Aihara Ryu took the initiative, "I happen to be worried about the future too."

"Be careful, we don't know what will happen yet." Captain Xiushui warned.


Aihara Ryu nodded happily and ran out of the command room without any delay.

He didn't know what the ominous premonition of the future was, but something was indeed very wrong in Kobe right now.

"Isn't the relationship between Long and Future so good?" Some team members asked curiously, "I always feel like it's a bit..."

"You have such a rich imagination, this is a bond, a bond."

"I didn't say anything, I was thinking more about you."

Kobe City.

In the future, he ran through the streets in a panic, stepping on the red rainwater on the ground, and faced the passers-by with a livid face warily.

After a rain, it seemed that everyone had become enemies, and there was a sound that kept echoing in his ears.

The boy who looked very cute turned into a completely different person the next moment, with scarlet eyes and an unprecedented sense of terrifying oppression.

"Who are you? Answer me!"

Future lost his cool and shouted angrily at the passers-by around him.

"come out!"


The strange children's laughter echoed under the dark sky. Passers-by turned their heads one after another, revealing a white smiling mask, all with scarlet eyes staring at the future.


The sky cracked like a mirror, and a vague monster figure swayed. Future's brain felt like it was hit hard, and he knelt down with a muffled groan.

"Are you okay?" Xia Shu stopped in front of Mirai.

"It's you?"

Mirai raised his head, sweating profusely, and suddenly woke up when he saw Natsuki.

When he calmed down and looked around again, the previous scene had disappeared. Passers-by cast strange looks and hurriedly dispersed, as if everything was just his imagination.

"What on earth is..."

"It's just a mental attack."

Natsuki walked by and inadvertently glanced at the pool of water on the ground with his peripheral vision.

He had just felt something in the Spaceman Alliance spacecraft.

The aura leaked by the Yabo people was a bit stronger, and they were able to perform some small movements.

This battle is inevitable.

It is impossible for the Kingdom of Light to allow the four Ultra Brothers to be restrained on the earth.

Emperor Ampera's comeback is imminent, and the war will restart.

The Kingdom of Light, which is the target of revenge, may have already felt the pressure.

Natsuki looked up at the sky.

At this period, the Ultra Warriors lacked space capabilities and could not directly cross the universe to reach the earth as they did later. Zofi must be on his way to the earth.

"wait wait wait!"

Hibino Mirai was stunned and hurriedly followed Natsuki.

"I didn't thank you properly for what happened at the Monster Cemetery last time..."

"I said I was just passing by, don't think too much."

Natsuki crossed the street without looking back, not wanting to get too close to Mumbius.

Now he still has the identity of a "Zarab Planet", and he can only act alone to carry out this scene.

"I don't know your name yet." Future chased after him.

"My name here is Gao Shuling, so be it." Natsuki turned a corner and teleported away.


Mirai paused in confusion.

He met with Hayata-senpai and learned that Zaas-senpai’s earth name was Takaju Rei.

If it's not a coincidence, it means they are the same person.

But it doesn’t make sense…

"call out--!"

A GUYS fighter plane flew over Kobe City, and then the communicator beeped to bring him back to his thoughts about the future.

"Hey, Mirai!" Ryu Aihara shouted in a loud voice, "I have arrived at Kobe Airport and will meet you right away!"

"Dragon?" Future asked unexpectedly, "Why are you here too?"

"Of course I'm here to investigate," Ryuu Aihara said cautiously, "The base is also paying great attention to the situation here. Maybe your hunch may come true... By the way, have you found anything?"

"not yet."

Mirai looked at the intersection where Natsuki disappeared and said hesitantly.

Thinking of the current situation in Kobe, he didn't know how to explain it to his teammates.

The only thing that is certain is that the situation is serious.

Someone is secretly trying to resurrect the Yabo people who were sealed by their predecessors, and now it seems that there is obviously something wrong with the seal.


Kobe Airport.

The GUYS fighter jet landed at a low altitude, taxied briefly and then stopped on the runway next to the future Flying Wing.

Ryu Aihara greeted Hibino Mirai at the pier outside the airport. The two of them did not waste time and headed to the Marine Research Center immediately.

Like other places, the aquarium was also affected, and all the open-air pools were dyed red by the rain.

Fortunately, the blood rain did not last long, and the marine life did not seem to be affected, but the pool needed to be cleaned.

"How about it?"

Future concerns lie with Aya Jinguji’s analysis of rainwater samples.

"Is there any result?"

"It's strange, it seems to be just ordinary rain," Aya Jinguji checked repeatedly, "Why does it turn red? I can't understand."

Aihara Ryu didn't think too much. After sending the water quality report back to the base, he said: "In short, there is a problem with this rain. In the future, we will investigate in other places!"

"GIG!" Future responded cautiously.

The weather in Kobe has never cleared up. It is gloomy and completely different from other places.

Ryu Aihara, who flew a fighter plane all the way, felt it most clearly.

Maybe it's a psychological factor, I always feel depressed.

"Abo people..."

Kobe Port.

Natsuki unfolded quantum movement across space, his sight penetrated the sea surface and sensed the aura of the Yabo people in the seal, and dark energy surged up between his fingers.

We don’t know what will happen if we continue to let the Knuckles continue to mess around. Maybe other people from the universe will come over.

It is not impossible to even alert Emperor Ampera in advance.

It would be better to speed up this battle.


Red-purple energy spread from Natsuki's body, then gathered together and shot into the sea.


Red light exploded.

There was another earthquake in Kobe City, and the Ultra brothers who were busy with their own affairs were alerted.

"There's something wrong with the seal!"

"what happened?"

"Isn't it over yet?!"

Hokuto Seiji, wearing a chef's costume, rushed out of the kitchen and looked at the sea from a distance, his expression changing.

After a pause, Beidou Seiji hurriedly took off the chef's apron and left the restaurant amidst the doubtful looks of others.

The seal is becoming increasingly unstable. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the Yabo people escape.

And now the only ones I can rely on are Mebius and Zaas...

Beidou Xingsi's face became even more worried.

Mebius is still a newcomer, and although Zaas is powerful, there is only one person in the end.

The ultimate super beast after resurrection is not as simple as Zaas thought...


Astronaut Alliance spacecraft.

Natsuki used the Zarabian mimicry to enter the control room, and saw the more fanatical Knuckles and Gaci.

"Is this the power of the Yabo people's resentment? I feel it. The day of resurrection is not far away!"

The serious ambitions of the Knuckles skyrocketed again.

As long as you get this power, defeating the Ultra Warriors and dominating the entire Galactic Federation will no longer be a dream!

"Planet Zarrabu? Have you completed your plan?" Planet Gaci looked at Xia Shu questioningly.


Natsuki raised his hand to project the image in the center of the control room.

"I discovered something even more interesting. It turns out that the unknown Ultraman is called Zaas. He came to Earth 30 years ago and protected humanity with Leo at that time."


"Yes, and what's even more interesting is that the mayor has an extraordinary relationship with Zaas, which allowed me to find a chance to successfully subdue Zaas."

The projection, controlled by Natsuki, showed a picture of "Natsuki" being unconscious.

"This way there is one less obstacle, hehehe!"

"So easy to deal with?"

The Kaci star stared at the "Zarab star" and stared closely at the unconscious "Natsu Shu" in the image.

"Ultraman from 30 years ago turned out to be just a fool, and he was solved like this!"

The Knuckle star felt something was wrong, but couldn't explain it. His eyes were soon filled with a burst of red light, and his last caution was finally thrown out of his mind: "Now we can only implement the final plan!"

Xia Shu relied on the unique appearance of the Zarrab people to hide her gaze, and her eyes always remained calm.

In his opinion, these two guys are basically dead people, purely seeking their own destruction.

The Yabo people were originally a group of extra-dimensional people with high intelligence and technology. During the "Ace" period, they focused on the earth and used the "Super Beast Making Machine" to synthesize various cosmic creatures, extra-dimensional creatures and earth creatures into super beasts.

This group is called the rulers of different dimensions. After being eliminated, their resentment will not disappear, and they merge together to become independent individuals, that is, the giant Yabo people.

To be precise, this thing has self-awareness after fusion, otherwise it would not become one of the Four Dark Kings under Emperor Ampera.

These cosmic people seem to have made a mistake, thinking that they can get this power to control the ultimate super beast Saurus.

If you are stuck because of the confusing world view, the first book is, and now I have to read it again, crying

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