Starting human body

Chapter 315 Let him stay

"Bang bang!"

Battle space.

Natsuki Zaiya's Ass form held up the barrier with both hands to block several fireballs, and his body shook back continuously.

The powerful driving force almost caused him to fly away. No wonder Membius had such difficulty in dealing with it.


Natsuki lowered her center of gravity and stabilized her steps. At the same time, the light in her eyes widened, and her perspective scanned the whole body of Impelezza opposite him.

I don’t know what happened to the other Impeleza, but this repair core is not fixed at the moment and needs to be destroyed before it can be transferred.


After blocking a fireball again, Natsuki turned sideways to avoid it. The sword of darkness on his right wrist changed shape in the light waves, and in the blink of an eye, he stretched out a lightsaber along the back of his hand.

Although he prefers surprise combat, he also has the ability to fight head-on.

It should be said that it is indispensable.

Raid is just to end the battle quickly. It is suitable for dealing with enemies with high attack and low defense. It is not a conventional fighting method.


After readjusting his fighting stance and approaching Impeleza, Natsuki did not slash randomly like Mebius, but tentatively searched for the core attack to repair the system.

His swordsmanship was originally based on the Tiga space-time, and later he learned the blade slashing from the Ampera aliens before it became one of his main skills.

However, most of the time, elbow knives or double ice axes are used in combination. At most, the human katana is used more often. This is the first time I have tried a lightsaber.

Aguru's lightsaber and Mebius' lightsaber appeared in Natsuki's mind, and then the two merged with each other.

With his current swordsmanship, there is no obstacle to wielding a lightsaber.

"Bang bang bang!"

After waving the lightsaber to split the incoming fire bomb, Natsuki raised the lightsaber diagonally to the left with his arm, and suddenly moved over the Impreza body at high speed.

A bright light tore from Impeleza's body, the muzzle misfired, and the explosion stopped abruptly.

As the crack widened, Impeleza's body was split into two, and the explosion caused a large-scale storm.



Natsuki put away the lightsaber and turned back to face the mechanical wreckage in the explosion fire.

This robot completely lost its functions and there was no possibility of recovery.

First, the recovery device was directly destroyed by the lightsaber, then the body was split in half, and the lightning attack attached to the Dark Sword finally destroyed all the devices.

It seemed to him that there was no need to go out of his way to find the recovery core, as the Sword of Darkness could deal with it directly.


Natsuki walked out of the light door amidst the spreading thunder and lightning, and her body quickly shrank and escaped from transformation.

Canyon battlefield.

Shortly after the battle began, GUYS's combat plan failed, and the prepared trap was escaped by Impeleza using space transfer.

Even Mebius, who was fighting with an injury, was pushed to the limit and could only rely on Leo to support the battle.

No one knows where Natsuki went.

"What's going on? Where's Zaiyas?" Assistant GUYS Toriyama panicked and almost cried when he saw the terrible battle situation. "Why can't the Ultra Warriors even come out?"


Natsuki passed through the light gate and appeared on a mountaintop. Looking at Mambius in the valley who was unwilling to fight with his brute strength, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Membius should be able to awaken the Burning Hero form through friendship and bonds, but the reality seems to be deviated.

Not only is there no awakening form, but the performance is also terrible.

Even though it was fused with Hikari's knightly aura, it couldn't even fully unleash this power.

If this continues, even Leo will be dragged down.


In order to protect Membius on the battlefield, Leo took a direct hit from the beam of Impereza's electron beam, and threw it away with the red light flashing.

Without Leo to stop him, Impeleza completely lost control. The triple cannons on his head were quickly aimed at the fallen Membius, and the GUYS combat department behind him was also under attack.

"not good!"

"Quick! Retreat!"

The water captain and his team in the tent didn't even bother to pack up their equipment and shouted urgently to issue an evacuation order.

Shi Shui looked back at Mebius who fell in front.

The young Ultra warrior struggled to hold up his arms and used his giant body to buy time for everyone.


"Let's go! Mirai!" Aihara Ryu roared as he looked at Mebius under the strong electric light, regardless of the pull of his teammates.


The muzzle of Impleza's head rotated, the energy was instantly ready, and another spiral electron beam was emitted.

Aihara Ryuu opened his eyes tremblingly, and only Mebius was left in his entire field of vision.



The lightning flashed past, but the attack did not fall on Mebius. Instead, it deflected to the side, blasting a mountain into pieces.

"Bang bang!"


Everyone in GUYS looked at the battlefield unexpectedly, and found that it was Zaas' silver giant arm that pushed away the triple gun muzzle in time.

Assistant Toriyama felt as if he was on a roller coaster. He lost all his strength and sat down on the ground.

"Can you not be so scary next time?"


Mebius braced his body and turned around, shaking slightly with Leo who had returned to the battle.

Natsuki not only blocked the light attack, but also pierced Impreza's body with a lightsaber in her other arm.

The lightsaber seemed to have destroyed all functions of Impeleza. The robot that had been difficult to deal with just now suddenly stopped moving. There were only faint electric sparks jumping in the armor parts.


As Natsuki stepped back and withdrew the lightsaber, Impeleza's heavy steel body fell to the ground with a bang, followed by a violent explosion that brought up a large amount of dust.

Toriyama, who had just taken a breath, was almost frightened and had a heart attack. He shivered and looked at the giant illuminated by the firelight, and repeatedly took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"Such a terrifying, how could it be solved all at once?"

Natsuki felt the attention of everyone and took the initiative to explain to the shocked Leo: "This kind of robot can be easily dealt with by destroying the repair core and energy core."

"Were you looking for the core just now?" Leo looked at the old friend in front of him again.

It sounds easy to say that, but he has actually fought against this Impeleza, and no matter how much he destroys it, it will be of no avail.

After being strengthened several times, Impereza can repair faster, and it is estimated that it will not be a serious problem if he can withstand Leo's flying kick.

But in this case, Natsuki found the weak point and destroyed it in an instant.

"So be it."

Natsuki didn't say that he watched the show for a while, then turned his attention to Mebius who was in a bad state.

If this battle was regarded as a test, Membius's results would undoubtedly be quite poor.

To be serious, Mebius' participation in the war this time was considered disobedience.

After disobeying orders and performing poorly, Mebius' eyesight also dimmed a lot.


Near the canyon battlefield.

Hibino Mirai walked towards Natsuki and Fengyuan with his head lowered, his face struggling.

"sorry, I……"

"Membius," Fengyuan interrupted sternly, "Why don't you carry out the order to return? Can you protect this planet now?! I will never allow you to do this!"


Xia Shu grabbed the scolding Fengyuan and looked at the depressed future quietly.

"Give him another chance and let him stay and try."

"Ling Sang?" Mirai faced Xia Shu in surprise, with hope rising in his eyes.

Fengyuan hesitated and frowned: "This..."

"I believe in Mebius."

Xia Shu used strength on her hands to stabilize Fengyuan, and looked through the clouds to the sky.

The light flashes in the empty sky, and there is also a line of sight coming across the universe.

"Is that okay?" Xia Shu's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his head and asked head-on under the confused gazes of Wei Lai and Fengyuan.

This time he did not avoid it and was directly exposed to the sight of Ultra's father.

Regardless of whether it was aberrant due to his influence or not, Mebius cannot leave the Earth.

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