Starting human body

Chapter 326 Rezolim Light


The red lotus flame exploded in the quiet cosmic space, and a red and black light beam penetrated the scattered meteorite debris, releasing energy like a cosmic wonder.

Natsuki had just teleported and had to hold up the shield with all his strength, struggling to block the "True Rezolim Light" coming from Ampera.

It was the first time that Ampera's representative special move showed its power in front of him, and the energy contained in it was astonishing.

The Ampera people were completely angered by him.


Natsuki's mind was racing as the red light flashed.

Although the barrier consumption was very serious, he did not dare to relax at all.

The Rezolim Ray can decompose Ultraman's body. Facing the full power of the Rezolim Ray, even if he is a dark giant now, he is still very dangerous.

Natsuki turned his attention to the Mephilas star who was watching the show outside the venue.

Ampera has no space ability, but he can use the power of super telepathy to interfere with his teleportation. If he wants to leave through space, he must create another opportunity.


As soon as he thought of it, Natsuki let go of the barrier, groaned and held on to resist the Rezolim beam. His body quickly disintegrated in the impact beam, but at the same time he also had a chance to move.

The dark giant's body retreated smoothly, and then teleported again, appearing behind the glaring Mephilas.

"Lucifer, you..."


In anger, Ampera almost subconsciously followed the fluctuations in space and emitted the Rezolim light. Only when she reacted did she realize that there was a Mephilas star blocking her.

However, Ampera still did not stop, but the output was a little stronger.


Mefilas was completely defenseless, and just as he turned around to attack Natsuki, he was enveloped in Rezolim's light.



Under the violent impact of red and black lightning, Mefilas struggled to hold up the shield, but it only lasted less than 1 second before it was shattered, and his entire body was penetrated by light.

"Have I become a useless outcast? Emperor! Uh-huh!"

The wise general of one of the Four Dark Kings, the highest-ranking Mefilas star exploded violently amidst the shouts before he could officially appear, and completely disappeared as the firelight dissipated.

The Sakkino aliens, a telepathic race that had just left the earth, hid in the spacecraft. While controlling the spacecraft to become invisible, several superpowers tried their best to block energy reactions.

Everyone did not expect that the man behind the eye on the earth was actually the legendary Dark Emperor Ampera. Fortunately, they and others encountered the battle between Ampera and the unknown dark giant.

"The people from Mephilas died like this..."

"Where's the dark giant?"

The Sakkino people watched the space battlefield nervously.

The dark giant disappeared in the explosion just now, leaving only the Ampera star standing silently inside the dark fearful red lotus flame.

There was nothing unusual on the surface, but the Sakkino aliens who had just witnessed the destruction of Mefilas were even more frightened.

The entire universe seems to be enveloped in the gloomy aura of the Ampera people...

"Who is the dark giant? How dare you mess with the Ampera people."

"It seems that he is also a subordinate of the Ampera planet. I sensed the voice of 'Lucifer' just now."


The leader of the girl moved slightly, and the scene of the Mephilas people coming to Natsuki appeared in her mind.

At that time, the name of the Mephilas people was "Lucifer".

Ultraman Mebius's master...

"What's wrong?" A companion asked in confusion.

"It's nothing," the girl collected her thoughts and said, "What should we do now? The Ampera planet seems to have blocked this place, and we are trapped together with the earth."

There was a sudden silence in the spaceship. Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke. After a while, they began to accuse each other.

"Wouldn't it be fine if we left earlier?"

"Who said we should deal with Mebius?"

"I should have taken advantage of the chaos and left just now..."

"That dark giant ran too fast!"

"Okay!" The girl glanced at the quarreling companions and said impatiently, "The Ampera people did not directly destroy the earth. They must have a plan. Let's go back to the earth first and leave when we have a chance."

Earth, Kobe City.

Natsuki maintained a quantum movement state and shuttled through space, the red light on his chest kept flashing.

After a brief pause, the giant's figure converged and turned into a ball of light that quietly fell into the urban cake shop.


Xia Shu's face turned pale and she held her chest. After checking her surroundings to make sure it was safe, she stepped into the divine light mirror door.

After all, 30,000 years have passed, and the Ampera people have become more powerful than before. Not only have they developed dark armor and super telekinesis, but they have also developed a special attack technique called Rezolim Ray that is specially designed to deal with Ultraman.

However, in this way, he finally figured out the specific strength of the Ampera people. It was not limited to data descriptions and inherent impressions, but actually collected data.

It's just that the price is a little higher.

After Xia Shu relaxed, her eyes turned black, she shook her head and fell asleep in the light space.

Although he was alone here, he was not alone. Only here was the safest place where he could unload everything and sleep peacefully.


Countless light particles quickly poured out from all around, wrapping Natsuki in a cocoon of light. The sword of darkness flew up and circled for a while, then turned and threw in many spark puppets.

This time Natsuki failed to get a new Spark Doll, but only collected a "Dark Armor" card, which can be used to add new weapon forms.

The Sword of Darkness lingered greedily for a moment, then silently flew back to the light cocoon.


consciousness space.

Natsuki opened her eyes in the darkness. Directly in front of her was a bright light surrounded by darkness.

Exercise your mental strength and control the darkness with light... This is the path of practice that he came from the Tiga time and space.

However, as his strength increased, especially after awakening to his original form, the imbalance between light and darkness became more and more serious. It was not only the lack of light materials, but also his own reasons.

Maybe he is really more suitable for darkness, and only darkness can give him strength in a short period of time.

He couldn't rely on bonds to awaken the heroic form like Mebius did. Moreover, this method would only gain temporary power. Without a partner, Mebius would be knocked back to his original form, which would be different from his ideal of evolution. The road is completely different.

His targets are powerful beings like Noah, Regedo, and the Ultra King.

The existence of Noah and Ultraman Regedo is too far away, but there are traces of the Ultra King. I don’t know how this legendary superman grew to this point.

According to relevant information, King Ultra's real name is Peter, and he is over 300,000 years old. He is almost a living history of the Kingdom of Light.

Perhaps only by traveling back to the time when the Kingdom of Light was born can we see the truth.

"My king!"

"God of darkness……"

A murmur in the darkness brought Natsuki back to his thoughts, and the image he had seen in the dark world appeared before his eyes again, but this time the time was slightly different.

It seemed that countless years had passed, and the dark temple on the mysterious planet turned into ruins and was buried deep underground. A slightly familiar planet of life caught Xia Shu's eyes.

"This is?"

Natsuki's consciousness fluctuated. After overlooking the approaching planet, his eyes locked on the archaeological team Yonehara Sakura.

Relic Star...

I wasted half an hour thinking about the title, do you believe it? 233

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