Starting human body

Chapter 334 Geed Time and Space

solar system.

Ripples appeared in the outer space of the earth, and Natsuki's giant form of light flew across the universe and flew out of the wormhole.


A circle of faint light flashed, faintly echoing the earth in front of him.

Natsuki raised his hand and took out "Taiping Fengtu Ji".

Sure enough, this is it.

The Ultra King has become one with this universe, and the core position is the earth where the new generation Ultraman Geed was born.

The background of the story of "Ultraman Geed" is the Impuck crisis after Orb. Belial, who regained his strength, led his men to trigger a super-universe war that lasted for a hundred years. Not only the main universe of the Kingdom of Light, but also the alien world where Zero was active Space and other parallel universes are involved in the war.

The chaotic war in the Kingdom of Light ended in the future, and Ultraman Hikari took the lead in developing the Ultra Capsule with ultimate power and unlimited potential. However, before going into the war, Belial had a final decisive battle with the Ultra Warriors on Earth.

This decisive battle is the Earth's Impak Crisis.

Zero and Belial were both injured in the battle. Finally, the hyperspace destruction bomb that Belial had developed for many years was activated, creating a dimensional fault centered on the explosion of the earth, and rapidly expanding into the universe.

In order to save the earth and the universe, the Ultra King chose to stand up and integrate with the universe, but at the same time, his power also spread to the entire universe.

The main line of Geed TV is the "Litru Star" formed by Belial's plan to form the power of the Ultra King.

Ultraman Geed was Belial's tool to gain this power through his subordinates, but he escaped in the end and died at the hands of the "son" who inherited his genes.

Natsuki re-folded the "Taiping Fengtu Ji" that showed the record of Parker's crisis, and looked down at the earth in silence.

More than a hundred years have passed since he left Orb's time and space.

This error is no longer small.


The body of the giant Xia Shu turned into light and flew quietly into the earth's atmosphere.

The current time point is still before the birth of Gede, but Beria has secretly occupied the earth to serve as an experimental site.

He doesn't want to cause trouble now...

"No! No!"

The foothills of Mitsuse Mountain in Sanno City, Japan.

A red-horned monster chased humans on the ground across a mountain stream. Students from the Toba Research Institute of Teinong University and botanist Dr. Toba who participated in the field investigation were all killed.

In the end, only one girl was left crying in the dust and mist caused by the falling rocks.

Under the intense stimulation, a golden ball of light flew out of the girl's body and flew towards the red-horned monster as if it was attracted. When it was about to get closer, it suddenly collapsed into countless light spots and disappeared.

"Star of Litru..."

The red-horned monster stopped its pursuit, restrained its figure under the girl's painful gaze, and turned into a red light and fell on the rope bridge.

It was a man in a suit with a walking stick. He turned his back and turned his head slightly. He frowned and disappeared from the place without paying any attention to the girl.



Almost at the moment when the man in the suit disappeared, Natsuki dropped from the sky with a sword-shaped beam of light, and the explosion landed next to the mountain stream.

First, he looked at the location of the rope bridge where the man in suit disappeared, and then walked towards the girl who collapsed on the ground.

"What happened?" Natsuki asked softly.

There was a pile of crushed gravel in front of the girl. The visor in front of the gravel was blown open by the wind, revealing an arm underneath.

The girl who saw this scene did not respond. She just covered her mouth and nose tightly to prevent herself from crying in front of outsiders.

"That's it."

Natsuki quickly realized what was going on.

The Litru Star will leave the body when the host's emotions fluctuate violently. It should have been an experiment conducted by Beria's subordinate Izuku Fushii just now, hoping to force the Litru Star out of the girl's body through huge stimulation.

But this method obviously doesn't work.

Unless the host takes the initiative, the detached Litru Star will dissipate on its own.

"Learn swordsmanship from me," Xia Shu picked up the sun hat at her feet, "I will give you the power of revenge."

The girl looked at Natsuki with red eyes: "Who are you?"

"Just call me teacher."

Natsuki handed the sunhat to the girl's hand.

"You will meet him again in the future. Before that, put aside your hatred for the time being and start your life again."

"T-Teacher?" The girl's eyes were confused, but she felt calmer for some reason, "My name is Toba Raiha..."

It was still 6 years before Geed was born. Natsuki temporarily settled down on earth and gave guidance to the girl on her spiritual practice.

This Toba Kuruha will be considered half a heroine in the future, but now he doesn't care much about the plot and is not afraid of any impact.


On this day, Toba Kuruha gradually regained her vitality and devoted herself completely to sword practice. On the surface, she could no longer see the grief when her parents died.

After performing a set of sword skills, Toba Raiha wiped his sweat and prepared to continue asking Natsuki for advice, but found Natsuki frowning with a depressed expression.

She has never seen such an expression on a teacher. Normally, teachers are always so calm.

"What's the matter, teacher?"


Images of the unknown planet disappearing flashed through Natsuki's mind, and his ears were filled with the slightly stiff voice of thanks from the survivor boy.

It stands to reason that his strength is no longer weak, and even the Dark Emperor of the Universe, Ampera, has become one of his materials. However, when he actually faced it, he discovered that there were still areas where he was powerless.

He could defeat Ampera, but he couldn't save a boy.

I have the strength to protect myself, but I am unable to protect others...


Toba Laiye looked anxious.

She has lost everything now except her teacher.


"I'm fine. Buy me a box of milk and come back."

Natsuki opened her eyes and shook her head slightly.

Gilbalis is the enemy that appears in the Geed movie. During the Orb period, he was exposed due to Galatron. He is a multiverse-level super BOSS.

Galatron is just a mass-produced ordinary weapon, with an enhanced version of Galatron MK on top.

Although it itself is very fragile, it is just an artificial computer, and its incomplete body is similar to a cylindrical column computer. It has no attack capabilities and can even be dealt with by the Space Guard.

However, Gilbalis has special abilities, and his technological equipment even exceeds physical characteristics. The strength of the complete Gilbalis is likely to reach the SS level, and he was known as the strongest enemy in history during the Gede period.

The most special features are the armor that renders the Ultra Warriors' light ineffective, and the planet-level virtualization ability.

The nameless planet is swallowed up by the entire virtual digitization.

The theater was finally defeated by Ultimate Geed, Ultra-Limit Zero and Supreme Orb.

A series of information flashed through Natsuki's mind.

If you want to deal with Gilbalis, you may have to rely on the ultimate weapon Red Steel currently left in Okinawa, Japan.

Red steel, red steel.

It is an ultimate weapon level similar to Belial's Ultimate Combat Instrument. It was originally a pair of weapons with the Ultimate Combat Instrument. They were both super weapons made by the Kusians to fight against Gilbaris.

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