Starting human body

Chapter 337 East Horse Kaito


In the outer space of the earth, a mysterious red luminous object flies around like a satellite. When it reaches the sky above the earth, it suddenly stops, and the mysterious space-time distortion in the universe appears without warning.

"That is……"

A bright line cut through the darkness of the universe, flashed beside the red luminous body, and fell straight to the Japanese island of Earth.

Just passing by gave him a sense of danger that was far greater than before.

The red luminous object paused for a moment, then derailed and approached the Japanese island.


The extinct volcano Yongamak on Earth erupted violently during violent earthquakes. The surrounding area attracted widespread attention as a disaster area, but few people noticed the unusual space phenomenon.

"The sudden eruption of Yongam Oreum Volcano has caused a great impact on local residents. The situation is currently beyond control. The nearby primary schools and community centers..."


At the rescue point at the foot of the mountain, Touma Kaito of the Kanto Volunteer Alliance was serving porridge to the local residents queuing up when he suddenly heard a child arguing with the police outside.

"It is indeed called the Dragon's Cave, but the dragon is just an ancient legend..."

"It's not a dragon, it's a monster!" The child struggled and shouted as his parents pulled him away. "Really, believe me! There are monsters!"

Touma Kaito watched the child being taken away by his parents, and subconsciously looked at Longyan Mountain. It was not until the people in line reminded him that he came to his senses in embarrassment.

"Kids nowadays talk nonsense," said an uncle who had brought steamed buns and came over to make porridge. "I think he was frightened by the volcanic eruption."


Touma Kaito looked away and continued his volunteer work.

The damage was still reported on TV, explaining the dangers of the volcanic eruption.

No one believed it was a monster.

Although fantasy monsters have appeared all over the world since the 21st century, and the United Nations has even set up the UDF Earth Defense Alliance to deal with the monster crisis, Japan is one of the few safe areas.


"Finally, it's almost done," the person in charge from the rear greeted, "Kaito, remember to check the relief supplies later. Are you exhausted?"


Touma Kaito smiled and glanced at the volcano again inadvertently.

A lot of white smoke suddenly appeared in the mountains, and the activity in the crater became more intense. I don't know if it was an illusion, but there seemed to be some strange noise.

It's like something is roaring underground...

"hold head high--!"


"call out!"

Above the earth, the red luminous object had to stop after losing the clue of the bright line. When he looked towards the ground, he found that the mountain exploded, revealing a reptile flame monster with sharp horns and sharp teeth.

After the Earth Team fighters arrived at the scene, they quickly attacked the monster from the sky. However, when they were preparing for the final blow, they discovered that a van had broken into the ground.

After getting out of the car, Touma Kaito hurriedly picked up the little boy who was unconscious and lying on the battlefield.

"Wait! There's someone down there!" the female team member Ruixi shouted anxiously.


The fighter plane attack was suspended, and the formation and combat plan were changed after the van drove away.

"Throw cooling bombs!"

"Cut it open in one go!"

Touma Kaito gritted his teeth and drove away from the battlefield quickly. Only after the explosion of fire bombs around him stopped did he realize that the monster had been frozen by DASH. The last fighter plane flew over at low altitude, and the fighter plane's wings were weaponized and smashed the monster's body in one fell swoop.


"It's Team DASH."

Touma Kaito breathed a sigh of relief.

He is no stranger to DASH. He also participated in the DASH team test last month, but was rejected at the last level.

Looking back to check on the little boy with a head injury, Touma Kaito continued driving to the rescue point at the foot of the mountain.

The child was the one who said he saw a monster at the rescue point. Maybe he returned to the Dragon Cave because no one believed him, only to encounter a monster rushing out of the mountain.

"Cheer up, kid, everything will be fine!"

"East Horse Kaito..."

Natsuki appeared from the roadside and watched Touma Kaito return to the rescue point.

It actually came to a point in time before Touma Kaito became Max. Is this considered God's will?

He doesn't really believe in providence or fate, but this is a good opportunity.

This time and space is rather special, but since Max can handle it, it won't be a big problem if it's him.

It should be said that his current strength is perfect for him.


He is different from other Ultra warriors in that light and darkness coexist.

If something goes wrong, the consequences are unpredictable.

Not only the human body, but maybe even himself will be implicated.


The light door unfolded, Xia Shu stepped into the light particles with a solemn expression, and a golden light ball gradually condensed in his hand.

If you try it, you definitely can't start with S.

It is better to adjust to level A.

This way it's easier to deal with if something goes wrong.

In front of Xia Shu, the phantom of the Giant of Light flashed continuously.

The ready-made forms of A-level combat power include Zaas, Leo, Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, Aguru and the unknown giant of the ruin star.

Another option is to suppress the power in the original form to A level.

Xia Shu hesitated for a moment, then without any further entanglement, he directly stretched his fingers forward to grab a ball of light.


Longyan Town.

After emergency bandaging at the rescue site, the boy was placed nearby. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured and his life was saved.

"That's great," Touma Kaito said happily after visiting the boy, "Don't let your parents worry anymore."

The boy's head and left leg were wrapped with bandages, but he did not complain of pain. He quietly chatted with Toma Kaito: "Brother, where are your parents?"


Touma Kaito's smile froze slightly, and the scene reappeared in his memory when he received the news that his parents had died in the earthquake.

Since then he has been determined to protect others and protect life.

"Just rest well and you will recover soon."

Touma Kaito changed the subject.

At this time, there was another explosion outside. The volcano completely erupted and the hospital was violently shaken. Everyone fell into panic again.

"Calm down! Don't panic, everyone!"

Touma Kaito ran through the hospital corridor and ran outside, and immediately saw the Yongamdake crater where magma was flowing after continuous eruptions.

When the hot lava flowed through the previous DASH battlefield, the monsters that had been blown to pieces actually re-aggregated and regained their original monster appearance.

"Are you kidding me?"

"hold head high--!"

Another roar sounded, and Touma Kaito hurriedly turned around and found that there was another monster on the other side.

The new monster was walking upright, and it seemed that it came specifically for the Longyanyue monster. As soon as they met, it started fighting with the Longyanyue monster.

"How is this going?"

Touma Kaito murmured as he watched the two behemoths fighting madly in the mountainous area in front of the hospital. The sound of violent collisions and roars was endless, and it was almost impossible to breathe even if they got closer.

The hospital could be destroyed at any time.

"hurry up!"

"Everyone, get out of here!"


On the frontal battlefield, the lava monster Golangon and the frozen monster Lagras continued to roll and bite, their thick limbs tumbling, causing the ground to tremble every time.

Natsuki stood on the edge of the mountain, calmly looking directly at the two monsters that simultaneously emitted fireballs and freezing rays.

The cry is the same as that of Golzan and Melpa, so nostalgic.

What form does this space-time take?

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