Starting human body

Chapter 344 Two Ultraman

"Mu Ting! Xian!"

"Run away!"

The fighter plane was inserted diagonally between the raised soil layers and was almost buried by the soil. However, the internal instruments were still intact, and the anxious shouts of the earthwork team leader kept coming from the communication.

Outside the dusty fighter plane window, the giant hook of the strange bird was already in front of us. The Sheehan team member, who was awakened by the scream of the scary monster, straightened his helmet and saw this scene and couldn't help but screamed: "Mu Ting, it is going to eat us!" "

"hold head high!"

Kaito Toma drove a patrol car close to the scene. When he saw the strange bird leaning over, he quickly took out the divine light mirror hanging on his chest.


Gritting his teeth, Touma Kaito attacked the strange bird from the ground, and successfully lured the strange bird away with the help of patrol car firepower.


"Bang bang bang!"

The strange bird's hatred shifted due to the pain, and it chased after the patrol car and continued to fire fire bombs. When it found that it could not hit, it waved its two wings.


The hurricane brought by its wings stirred up sandstorms, and buildings on the ground were destroyed one after another. The patrol car driven by Toma Kaito was also blown off the ground and rolled in mid-air.


Dongma Kaidou held the steering wheel tightly, stretched out a hand to grasp the divine light mirror floating in the air in the roaring wind.

The light was extremely dim under the dust, as if night had fallen. All that was left in Touma Kaito's eyes was the divine light mirror that began to emit a faint light. After gritting his teeth and steadying his body, he grabbed the divine light mirror in his palm.

"Please! I want to use this power to protect everyone!"


At the same time, in Unit 1, which was returning from the sky to attack the strange bird, Ruixi suddenly paused, as if sensing something, and turned around to find light bursting out from the sand.


Ruixi shouted softly and looked at the giant of light gathering on the ground. While maneuvering the fighter plane to avoid it, he also took out a glowing Max Spark from his arms.

She wasn't dreaming.

There is another giant.

Looking at Ultraman below who was fighting the strange bird, Ruixi looked solemn, as if he had returned to the Pacific Ocean.

At that time, Ultraman had completely changed. He shot down the fighter plane she was riding in like a monster. At the critical moment, another giant saved her.

If all was true, the giant's power was within her now.

Could it be that Ultraman is also...

The figure of Touma Kaito flashed across Mizuki's mind.

"Bang bang!"

A series of explosions on the ground battlefield interrupted Ruixi's thoughts.

The giant in the battle this time was much more skilled than the last time. He opened a barrier with his hands to block the fire bullets fired by the strange bird, but when he launched a counterattack, he was still blown away by the strange bird flapping its wings.


The giant rolled several times on the ground to stabilize his body, and then stood up, but was suddenly hit by a chain-like light emitted by the strange bird.

This kind of light has the ability to deform and track. If it shoots down the DASH fighter jet by turning in front, it will automatically turn into a rope of light and tightly wrap around the giant's body.

Taking advantage of the giant's immobility, the strange bird quickly approached with its hook raised.

"Danger! Ultraman!"


The red light suddenly blared amidst the shouts of the DASH team members, even Touma Kaito himself was surprised.

So fast!

Is it because the body has not fully recovered?

Touma Kaito calmed down and recalled the last battle with King Airei.

After being unable to break away from the light rope no matter what, the giant's wrist became hot and he urgently popped out a light blade.


The light blade spun away from the giant's arm, and then circled around to break the light rope. While freeing the giant, the giant jumped up and caught it in his hand. Finally, a new moon light blade exploded and penetrated the strange bird's chest with a rumble.

As the giant's figure flipped to the ground, the strange bird behind him only paused for a moment before suddenly exploding into countless points of light.


"Thanks for your hard work."

Natsuki walked through the ruins destroyed by the storm, looked up at the explosion battlefield, and waited until the giant flew away and DASH began to withdraw his team before he stepped into the center of the explosion shrouded in flames and smoke.

After removing the earth and rocks, the spark puppet of the strange bird Regira was exposed in front of Natsuki.

The monster's ability to track and transform light is very interesting, and is very suitable for perfecting his combat skills. In addition, simply improving the Dark Sword is also very useful.

Natsuki grabbed the strange bird puppet in his hand. After sensing a familiar aura coming from outside, he turned around and teleported away from the scene.

Almost at the same time, Ruixi quickly ran into the smoke with the ray gun in hand. He glanced at the empty scene with doubts, frowned and put down the ray gun.

"Strange, an illusion?"

"There seemed to be someone just now..."

Max did not respond. Although he decided to go to the ground to investigate, he still remembered his identity as a civilization monitor.

If it is not necessary, he does not want to interfere too much, but mainly observes.

DASH Titan Base.

After Touma Kaito admitted his mistake to Hijikata and others, he successfully returned to the team, and reconciled with Mizuki, and everything was developing in a good direction.

The originally unstable power of light has finally been further sublimated, and this time it also comes with the ethereal power of fate.

When Natsuki was led by the staff to the UDF high-level meeting, she was thinking secretly in her heart.

Even though it was only the beginning, he still felt the endless possibilities of this path.

Maybe he should go to the "Nexus" time and space as soon as possible to see Noah's evolutionary inheritance with his own eyes.

This road not only helps him balance light and darkness, but also represents the future.

If the evolution of the Divine Light Mirror is "time and space", the evolution of fetters is the path of "destiny"...

"Consultant Gao Shu?" the staff reminded, "He's already here."

"Oh, thank you."

Xia Shu came back to her senses, pushed the door open and walked into the high-rise conference room after a slight reaction.

He's not quite a high-ranking person yet, but like monster ecologist Professor Yoshinaga, he can offer advice as an expert on monsters.

Professor Yoshinaga was also present in the conference room. After seeing Natsuki, he nodded slightly and greeted him.

"Advisor Gao Shu is here, let the meeting officially begin."

Sitting in the first place was a white-haired old man, wearing a military uniform, with a majestic and familiar face.

The old man is Tomioka Kenzo, the top officer of the UDF Japan branch. In a sense, it can be said to be Susumu Hayata of parallel time and space, but of course, this one here has nothing to do with the first generation Ultraman.

Chief Tomioka waited until Natsuki sat down and spoke formally: "The report from Team Mizuki has been responded to by the headquarters. In addition to the current Ultraman, there is another giant. According to Team Mizuki's contact, the giant's name is 'Mike' Ultraman'..."

Following Chief Tomioka's words, there were whispers below.

"Isn't Ultraman Max the name originally prepared for the first Titan?"

"That's right," Tomioka said as he glanced at the group. "After consultation with the headquarters, we decided to temporarily call them two giants with code names, namely No. 1 and No. 2."

"Chief Tomioka!"

A staff officer below raised his hand.

"Is there another thing that needs to be investigated? It seems that Titan No. 1 took the initiative to attack the DASH team members when they were in the Pacific Ocean, right?"

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