Starting human body

Chapter 348 Rewriting Destiny


The island battlefield shook violently, and the two guardian monsters soon fell into a disadvantage in the battle with King Red.

King Saloman entered an upright fighting position in order to protect Pigmon, but his strength was completely inferior to that of King Red. He was knocked to the ground in a few seconds, and in the end he could only crawl on his back with his tail raised.

A series of tail spines were shot from King Saloman's tail towards King Red. Although they failed to break through King Red's body defense, they still caused King Red to become furious.

"hold head high!"

After slapping the Flying Membrane Monster hard with his wrist, King Red thumped his chest violently, and then stared at King Saloman and kicked him.

It doesn't have many skills, and it even looks very bulky, but the difference in strength alone is enough to make King Red the overlord among the monsters.

Every slap or kick is equivalent to a fatal attack, while other monsters' attacks can only make it angry.

"Bang bang bang!"

King Saloman, who was continuously hit hard, staggered to his feet. Before he could fight back, he was enveloped by the rock explosion ejected from King Red's mouth.

This fierce attack completely drained the last of the monster's life. After struggling for several times, it could no longer stand up, and finally its tail hung down feebly.

"A monster has been killed!"

"This guy is so strong!"

DASH2 flew over the battlefield and tried to attack King Red. Not only did it have no effect, it was almost knocked down by King Red's spray of rocks.

"Kiba, Xien!" Captain Hijikata contacted, "You two find Kaito and the others first, I will go over immediately to support them!"

"Team Kaito and Team Mizuki are both here, with a strange red creature. Advisor Takaki is not seen." DASH 2 said as he prepared to land.

Near the ground battlefield.

Kaito Touma helped Mizuki out of the woods with his injured leg and successfully joined his teammates.

"What are you talking about? You want to blow up this island?!"

"Don't be so excited yet," Sheen explained, "The situation is like this now. Not only this island, but the stone-spitting monster is also a big problem. Once it is hit by a missile, there will be a big explosion. It can be solved here. , if it were to land, there would really be nothing we could do.”

"Okay, let's go quickly," Mu Ting put Sheen on the fighter plane. "There's not much time left. If we don't hurry up, even we will be involved in the explosion."

Touma Kaito paused, and did not immediately go to the DASH 1 fighter plane. Instead, he turned back to Pigmon who was quietly seeing him off.

"Pigmon, let's go together..."


Pigeon's eyes were sad, and he came closer and stretched out his long fingers to touch Touma Kaito.

"Is there anything else you have to do?"

Kaito Touma was stunned after receiving the telepathy. When he realized what he was doing, Pigmon had already run towards the battlefield again.


"Bang bang bang!"

Monster battlefield.

The situation of the Flying Film Monster has also begun to become precarious. Without the restraint of King Saraman, its performance is even worse than King Saraman.

"hold head high!"

The flying film monster tried its best to attack King Red, but his backhand was slapped away by King Red again.

The rocks and jungles collapsed under the impact of the monster, followed by a gust of wind like a sandstorm.

Seeing that it was unable to stop King Red from the ground, the flying membrane monster quickly flew up and continued its impact while gliding from mid-air.


This time, the flying film monster was directly hit by King Red with a stone before it even got close. After the monster's body rolled and landed in the valley, it seemed to have reached its limit. It could only lie on the ground and wailed, waiting for Red. King's final attack.

Natsuki stood at the edge of the woods, just enough to look into the eyes of the flying membrane monster.

This monster, which is extremely terrifying to humans, can only face death in unwillingness and grief.

The absolute strength gap cannot be shortened by desperate efforts, it is just a matter of buying a little time.

Natsuki suddenly felt sad.

He was not like this in the past. Even B-class monsters could bring him life and death crises.

Even if he is now S-level, there are still existences in the Ultra Universe that he cannot compete with.

In the eyes of a truly strong person, he is no different from these ordinary monsters.

Unless one day he can stand at the top of the world...


A small cry came on the wind.

Natsuki looked back and found that Pigmon stretched out his hands on the ground and shouted repeatedly. The small figure tried to get closer to the battlefield to attract King Red's attention.

"He actually used himself as bait."

Natsuki narrowed her eyes slightly.

King Red, who was about to kill the flying membrane monster, stopped and turned around suddenly to look down at the ground.


Natsuki's body was filled with light, and at the same time, Touma Kaito, who was chasing Pigmon, was also bursting with light.


Touma Kaito looked down at the bright light mirror on his chest in surprise.

Except for the first time they merged together, he had never sensed Ultraman's consciousness so clearly.

Usually, I basically ignore him.


Touma Kaito calmed down, and after seeing that King Red had sprayed explosive rocks towards Pigmon, he quickly walked into the stream of light blooming in front of him.


"Bang bang bang!"

Black rock blocks hit the aperture barrier that spread out in mid-air like raindrops. In the explosion fire, a giant figure of light slowly stood up supporting the barrier.


The moment he waved his hand to restrain the barrier, Natsuki's consciousness completely took over the giant's body, and his cold milky eyes scanned the exposed King Red who was beating his chest.

Pigeon was his chosen steward of the planet, so King Red couldn't keep him.

No matter how powerful they are, they are only A-level monsters. Although they are not common, they are not rare either.


Ignoring Touma Kaito's mental shouting, Natsuki dragged the afterimages of light and moved to the side of King Red at high speed, punching him before King Red wanted to attack.

After Iron Fist forced King Red back, Natsuki moved at high speed again to avoid King Red's counterattack, and kicked King Red away with a heavy spinning kick from the side.

"Bang bang!"

"hold head high!"

King Red was filled with anger after being teased one after another. After getting up, he kept slapping, but he couldn't touch Natsuki's figure. He was always just a little bit close. In the end, he was so dizzy that he could only be helpless and furious.

After once again spraying explosive rocks from his mouth and being dodged by Natsuki, King Red was so angry that he jumped and even slapped himself.

"Bang bang bang!"


Natsuki calmed down a little, and waited until King Red was excited to sprint before leaping off the ground. While King Red was attacking, he caught the air and fell down. At the same time, he also gathered flame energy in his legs and fell into the air.

"Ultra Flying Kick?!" Touma Kaito said in surprise in his conscious space.

Although he has integrated the giant's battle memory, his use of various skills is obviously far from enough. He has abilities but no corresponding combat experience.

Now that I see the giant's smooth fighting, I realize how clumsy I really am.

This is the real battle...


The giant figure kicked King Red with flaming light, knocking a giant crater out of the ground. Even King Red, whose body was extremely resistant to beatings, couldn't help but wail again and again, seeing that he was on the verge of explosion.

"No!" Ruixi shouted anxiously, "You can't attack! That monster will cause a big explosion!"


Natsuki turned his head and scanned the DASH fighter jets hovering in the air. He kept moving his hands, crossing his arms to gather space energy, and then compressed this energy into his right hand to form an energy shock wave.

Riborum light wave!


The light wave hit King Red who was struggling to get up, and easily knocked King Red into a small black hole space behind him, leaving no trace behind.


Ruixi's shout was stuck in her throat, and she stared straight at the monster battlefield that had returned to calm.

Only the giant and the two guardian monsters were left on the scene. It was as if King Red had never appeared. Not to mention the explosion, there was not even a sound.

"Oh My God!"

Sheen was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but scream.

"Black hole?! That's a black hole! We saw a black hole!"

What a fuss.

Natsuki glanced at the DASH crowd, and after seeing that Pigumon on the ground was safe, he raised his head and jumped up to fly away from the island.


Near DASH 1.

Touma Kaito landed on the ground in a ray of white light and stared at his hands.

The light technique just now was equivalent to the giant guiding him personally.

This is what it was used for.

Although the preparation time is long and the launch speed is slow, once used, it is a god-like skill...


"Team Kaito!"

The shouts of his teammates woke up Kaito Touma. It turned out that Captain Hijikata came to support him and returned to the ground with his teammates to find him.

"No time, Kaito!" Hijikata shouted, "This island has entered the preset strike range, and the Cosdiva missile will be launched soon!"

"I see!"

Touma Kaito nodded, and when he returned to the fighter plane, he found a rustle among the trees, and little Pigmon took the initiative to appear in front of everyone.

The second guardian monster finally died, and now the island no longer needs Pigmon.

Going with them is the best option.

"Pigmon, let's go together."


Pigeon stood still, waved his hand quietly and said goodbye, then turned around and disappeared into the jungle again.

"Pigumon!" Touma Kaito choked with tears as he watched Pigumon disappear.

"Alright, Kaito."

Captain Hijikata shook his head and patted Touma Kaito on the shoulder.

"It belongs here, let it be."

"team leader……"

At the ancient ruins of the island, Pigmon silently walked to the destroyed statue of his companions, with a vague scene of his past companions petrified in his eyes.

The stone statue maintained the farewell gesture, which was the last greeting to it.

Now it's its turn to make a choice.

After looking around with nostalgia, Pigmon started to climb onto the altar base, but was suddenly held down by a hand from behind.


"What if there are other options?"

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