Starting human body

Chapter 384 Ruixi: The consultant doesn’t understand

From the underground stairs, Natsuki walked out calmly and had a panoramic view of the bar.

First, he looked at Touma Kaito, who had passed out from severe pain, and then quickly turned his attention to Ririka, who was sleeping on the long table.

The brain waves were severely weakened, but fortunately they gradually began to recover.

Natsuki secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then stepped forward to help Touma Kaito with Mizuki: "Leave it to me."

"Consultant, why are you here?" Ruixi turned around and asked in surprise.

"The base couldn't contact you two, and the reaction in this area was special, so I came over to take a look and happened to see a patrol car parked outside."

Natsuki briefly checked Touma Kaito's physical condition.

After all, it was the human body he chose. Even if he did not directly become a superman like Zero's human body, he was still not an ordinary person after all, and his injuries were not fatal.

"Huh, maybe the signal was blocked just now."

Ruixi picked up the personal terminal again and still did not relax his vigilance in the face of everything around him.

Kaito and Ririka were both wounded, the advisor was a non-combatant, and she herself was in a bad state, but she was lucky enough to be able to push back two aliens.

"Those two guys are likely to come back again, and I'm requesting backup right away."

Titan base.

After support arrived, Natsuki personally escorted the unconscious Rilika into the medical center.

After all, Ririka is not from Earth, and her identity is likely to be revealed during the examination. As for Touma Kaito, he can only leave it to Mizuki to take care of her.

"The man in Teramachi is still in a coma," the technical officer of the scientific analysis room spoke to everyone at DASH. "His body is not injured, but he is very weak, and one thing is strange, that is, other brain waves besides Alpha They are all very weak, which is also the cause of drowsiness. If we check Miss Lilica again..."

"No need," Xia Shu interrupted, "You can actually know by directly studying the living larvae of King Airei that their brain waves should have been absorbed by the larvae."

"Brain wave absorption?"

"It's not just absorption, it's also control. I'm afraid there are still many people being controlled to raise King Airei."

Natsuki said frankly.

"The top priority is to find other Aile King larvae as soon as possible. You probably don't want to see Aile King monsters appearing everywhere."

"Will there be more than one Airei King?"

Captain Hijikata shivered violently.

It shudders to think about it.

Last time, just one Airei King didn't know how much trouble it caused DASH.

If the city was full of monsters like this, not even two Ultramans would be able to deal with them.

"We really need to find all the larvae quickly," Hijikata said anxiously, "Otherwise, even if Ultraman can help deal with King Airei, this crisis will not be solved. Muba, Xian, Kaito and Mizuki are not suitable to be dispatched now. , I can only work hard to continue the search!"


On the terrace of the base, after coming out of the medical center, Ruixi leaned against the guardrail and looked at the bay, feeling depressed while feeling the sea breeze.

She can't even resist the brainwaves of King Airei's larvae. Is she really qualified to become Ultraman?

If she hadn't been a hindrance this time, Kaito's team members wouldn't have been injured like that, and even Ultraman Transformer No. 1 was snatched away by aliens.

Ruixi silently took out the Max dagger from his arms, and for a moment it felt as if it was as heavy as a stone.

Kaito lost his ability to transform, and now she is the only Ultraman left...

"Team Rishi."

Natsuki came from the base hall and shouted to Ruixi after seeing him in a daze.

"Why are you here? Kaito is already awake and is looking for you."

"Kaito is awake?"

Ruixi's face showed a look of surprise, but the next moment it dimmed.

"I want to be alone for a while. Please let the consultant tell me that I will go see him later."


Natsuki looked at Ruixi's face and didn't ask any questions. She nodded slightly and prepared to return to the medical center. However, she couldn't help but pause after taking a few steps.

He may not be able to take action in the King Airei incident this time. Ruixi, who is Max's human body, has no problem.

"Team Ruixi seems to have something on his mind? If you have any difficulties, there is no need to hide alone. Maybe I can help." Natsuki turned around and asked.

"Counsellor you don't understand."

Ruixi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Normally the only person she could talk to was Kaito, but now she didn't know how to face Kaito.

"I really don't understand emotional matters," Xia Shu followed and walked to the guardrail, "But it's hard to say anything else. Anyway, I came here like this. Seeing you like this, you don't have confidence in yourself, right?"

"Consultant, how do you know..."

Ruixi opened her mouth in surprise, but quickly stopped speaking after she realized what was happening.

"It's not that I don't have confidence, it's just... I don't know how to put it, I just feel like I'm confused. Team Kaito joined DASH to save people, and even sacrificed his own life.

But I don’t seem to have any pursuits, and I don’t have the courage of Kaito. I joined DASH because I was originally a UDF pilot, and it was my duty to fight aliens..."

Natsuki felt that this woman was in Versailles.

You must know that DASH is not something that ordinary people can join. Kaito Touma was also kicked out once, but he still had to work hard to become an official member.

"I remember," Xia Shu said in advance, "You said before that you hope that one day the civilizations in the universe can be connected and understand each other. Isn't this a pursuit?"


"You have to learn to believe in yourself. Everyone in this world is different. You are who you are. There is no need to think about Kaito."

Seeing Ruixi pouting and lowering her head, Natsuki subconsciously wanted to raise her hand to pat Ruixi's shoulder. She reached halfway and then took it back angrily.

"Let's go, now is not the time to worry. There are still a lot of troubles that need to be solved by DASH."


Ruixi put her thoughts aside, took a deep breath and followed Natsuki.

The consultant is right, now is not the time to worry. If the problem of King Airei's larvae is not solved quickly, mankind will be in big trouble.

The next day.

Christmas Eve is coming.

The King Airei incident intensified, and DASH began to fall into a desperate stage. At this time, Natsuki suddenly asked for leave and disappeared.

"Did the consultant go to Yunijin?" Ruixi guessed.

"How can it be?"

"Try to contact me again, at least let the consultant know the situation, and don't mess around." Hijikata's eyebrows became more and more worried.

He finally discovered that this consultant liked to go to the front line.

This time Lilica was attacked, which might have stimulated the advisor...


The other side of the city.

At the edge of the forest in the small town, Xia Shu watched the old man Guli, the liar doctor, plant a tree branch and turn off the vibrating personal terminal on his body.

The old man has already set up a magic circle composed of ash tree branches in the forest, waiting for the arrival of the legendary mythical beast Unikin.

As the time approached, the position of the space-time prediction disk became more accurate. The glimpses of Yunikin approaching a few times in the middle gave the old man a lot of confidence.

Until now, I had no idea what was happening with the ash tree branches that appeared out of thin air.

"hold head high--!"

Waves of weird screams came from the distant night sky, and the ensuing city-wide alarm made the old man wipe his sweat.

When I was abroad, I heard that Japan was very dangerous now, and there were many reports about monsters and alien invasions, but this was the first time I encountered it in person.

It just happened to be the time when Eugenia was about to arrive.


The communication buzzed again, and the latest information was transmitted to Natsuki through the personal terminal.

In fact, there is no need for DASH to remind him, he has already sensed it.

Xia Shu frowned slightly at the thought.

King Airei still appeared, and there were more than one.

But he couldn't care about that for the time being, and could only leave it to Max to deal with it.

The opportunity for Unity's arrival is rare. If he misses it, there may not be another chance. For him, other things can be put aside.

Although Unikin will pass by the Earth again in 12 years, the time and place will never be as clear as this time.

This time it is not so much Dr. Guli's successful prediction as it is Unigin's active exposure.

It is also impossible for him to continue waiting for 12 years in Max's time and space.


Natsuki looked up at the night sky.

Before Yunijin appeared, time and space had already fluctuated. Countless golden light spots fell from the sky under the aurora flood, and gradually gathered into a white luminous figure in the forest.


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