Starting human body

Chapter 387 Battle 2


The fire continued to spread in the streets of the city. The remaining four Ai Lei kings included the Natsuki giants who had fallen into the tall buildings into the attack range. The crescent-shaped light blade almost enveloped the entire battlefield.

Two more Airei kings appeared further away, but fortunately after the explosion of the Pitt spaceship, the ungrown King Airei larvae were also destroyed on their own.


Max, with the red light flashing, walked up to Natsuki, nodded and took the initiative to help block the light blade, leaving all attacking opportunities to Natsuki who was in good condition.

From the initial suspicion and fear, Ultraman Max finally officially trusted Natsuki, a giant warrior of unknown origin.

In other words, he recognized Kaito Touma as a human being.

To be able to become Ultraman Max on TV, Kaito Touma does have a unique personality.

Now as I grow up, this charm becomes more and more obvious.

At least Natsuki has felt the increase in the power of light.

In the past, the power of light was very illusory, but now it is much more stable. Although it is still far inferior to the power of darkness, it is gradually becoming comparable.


Natsuki's arms exploded with great force and threw away an Airei King, and an ice axe-shaped divine lightsaber popped out while moving at high speed.

The world came to a standstill again, and whether it was Max, King Airei or the sky-wide light blades, they all fell into a freeze state.

So many Airei kings, even if they have just been formed, are still a big trouble for his A-level giant body.

The fight must be quick, and he won't be much better than Max once he gets into a stalling battle.

"call out--!"

"There are two more Ai Lei kings, this is bad!"

On the ground, the DASH team members who were firing in support looked anxious when they found King Airei approaching on the other side.

If all the Airei Kings were allowed to join together, I'm afraid neither Ultraman would be a match for them together.

"No! We must stop them!"

"team leader!"

Sean suddenly stared and shouted.

The figure of Ultraman No. 1 on the battlefield disappeared, replaced by a bright line of light that penetrated many Airei Kings.

Starting from King Airei who was thrown away but had not yet landed, a circle of King Airei was thrown together by bright light at the same time. The scene seemed to freeze for a short time, as if there was a momentary hallucination.

Captain Hijikata looked confused, and when he reacted, Ultraman No. 1 had already moved to the two Airei kings in the distance with a luminous ice ax in hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

As bursts of lightning tore apart, a total of 6 Airei kings fell to the ground in the violent explosion.

Kill instantly with one hit.

Everyone in DASH was so speechless that they almost thought they were dreaming, but Max saw everything and knew exactly what happened just now.

Natsuki instantly moved at high speed behind the other two Airei Queens, controlled the ice ax to penetrate the four Airei Queens here, and just raised his hand to catch the ice ax and kill them in one fell swoop.

"Max," Ruixi struggled to regain consciousness in the mental space, "Can we do it?"

Max remained silent.

Indeed, he also has an ice axe, but its destructive power is far less exaggerated.

At most, the horns or tail of King Airey's head can be chopped off. To kill, you need to increase the number of ice axes.

Moreover, killing 4 Airei Kings at the same time is not as simple as it seems. It requires quite high control of telekinesis, not to mention the seamless transition to killing the other 2.

Even if you give him the same ice axe, he may not be able to complete it so easily.


The red light on Natsuki's chest lit up.

The feeling of weakness that followed the burst of strength also followed.

Although the Divine Light Sword is an S-class weapon, it still depends on the user to exert its power. This wave of attacks looks easy, but it also consumes most of Touma Kaito's physical strength.


The ice ax blade in Xia Shu's hand disappeared. He looked around, recovered the 6 spark puppets left by King Airei's explosion, and then jumped into the night sky.

Christmas town.

Because of the outbreak in King Airei, the bustling Christmas in previous years seemed extremely deserted. Most people hid in underground shelters, and there was no one on the street.

There are not many people in the forest on the outskirts. Only the old man Guli, who has been pursuing Yunijin for most of his life, is sitting quietly in the corner of the magic circle. He is sitting on the ground in a daze holding the branches of the ash tree that have been pulled out. His back is even more lonely and old.


Natsuki walked out from behind, looking past the old man and toward the forest night sky.

Unikin had completely left, and even he could not sense the slightest breath.

This phantom beast belongs to a special type and cannot be measured by combat level, but its life level is undoubtedly far beyond S.

"Who are you?"

The old man heard the footsteps and turned to look at Xia Shu in surprise. He noticed the regretful look on Xia Shu's face and his face fluctuated.

"Young man, have you seen everything?"

"Won't you regret it?" Natsuki asked, "The chance to capture Yunikin may only be this once."

The old man's gray beard trembled, and he glanced at the starry sky and sighed: "Traveling in the long river of time is the life that belongs to Unikin. Only such Unikin will be happy. It would be too pitiful to be locked in a crystal..."

"It doesn't matter if he continues to be considered a liar doctor?" Natsuki continued to ask.

"It doesn't matter," the old man said relieved, "I'm satisfied, at this age..."

"Go and have a look."

Natsuki's gaze penetrated the woods and landed on the open space in the center of the circle where Yunijin had stayed.

"It's not without reason that Yunikin appears here again. Maybe there is something left for you."


The old man who was still lifeless was stunned for a moment, his eyes regained his luster, and he hurriedly got up and ran to the open space in the center of the circle without talking to Xia Shu.

It was only then that the old man discovered that there was still a red light there.


"This is……"

The old man ran forward and excitedly held the red light ball on the grass with both hands.

As the light gradually dissipated, a branch full of red fruits was revealed in front of the old man.

"It's the Aitong tree fruit I've been looking for that day, and Unikin still remembers me!"

Tears of joy appeared in the old man's cloudy eyes, as if he had returned to the time when he met Yunikin as a child. He was immersed in huge surprise and emotion, and even had the pride of a child's victory.

"It doesn't matter if I thought it was an illusion..."

The old man completely untied his knot in his heart and turned around after regaining his composure, only to see Natsuki's far away back.

"Young man, what is your name?"

"Takasuki Rei."

"Twelve years later I want to say thank you to Unity. Do you want to come with me?"

"No, I'm just passing by."

Natsuki waved her hands and left the forest.

All the data of Unikin has been collected. Even if Unikin is captured, it will only be a collection of several, and it is not worth wasting too much time on him.

And unlike Yefu, Yunijin will not be of any help to the monster planet, but will bring disaster.

The only regret is that no one else can see Unikin.

He tried taking a camera, but the picture was nothing but light, and there was no trace of Unikin at all, and the image was even distorted.

At least you can't take pictures of Unikin with ordinary equipment.

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