Starting human body

Chapter 390 The Tool Man’s Awareness

At night.

The Longyanyue battlefield was far away from the hustle and bustle, and calm was restored under the moonlight. The damaged DASH frontline base was also rebuilt, and the lights were brightly lit in the night.

Because Touma Kaito failed to transform in time, the battle during the day ended with Evolution Lagoras absconding.

But things are not over for DASH. Lagrasse lurking underground is still a huge threat.

In the mobile base in the form of a container, the DASH team members stayed up late discussing Lagoras and thinking about ways to deal with this monster.

"What changes have happened in that guy's body? Not only has his physical strength increased, but his intelligence has also evolved."

"According to consultant Gao Shu, Lagrasse may be even stronger next time he appears..."

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

Natsuki passed by the door and glanced at the heavy-hearted people.

"If you don't keep your spirits up, even if Sheen develops a way to deal with monsters, the next battle will be affected."


"Where's Team Kaito?" Natsuki asked casually.

"Kaito went out just now, saying he was going to see Xian." Mizuki replied.

Natsuki sensed it slightly and found that Xian was developing weapons alone in the mobile laboratory, while Kaito went to a small lake next to the base.

Although Evolved Lagoras is powerful, it is only for DASH. The original giant of light can completely handle it, not to mention Max's assistance.

This time, Touma Kaito seemed to have some resistance to the transformation deep in his heart.

He has always regarded Touma Kaito as a tool, but he has neglected Touma Kaito's inner thoughts.

"Team Kaito."

Natsuki approached the small lake under the searchlight of the base, and walked all the way behind Touma Kaito, who was looking at the lake in trance.

"It's rare to see you like this. Could it be that you were also hit by Lagrasse?"


Touma Kaito turned around and quickly regained his composure.

"I was just...thinking about something."

"What's bothering you?" Natsuki stood next to Touma Kaito, "The last time was when I first joined DASH. More than half a year has passed. Can we talk?"

"Most of a year?"

Touma Kaito looked in a daze.

The time is not long but not short either. At least now he is no longer the newbie he was at the beginning.

"Team Rishi told me," Natsuki continued, "Even she admits that she is far inferior to you. Without your courage to risk your life, what else can you worry about?"

"I actually..."

Touma Kaito suddenly had the urge to completely confide in Natsuki, but he still didn't dare to speak when the words came to his lips.

Looking at the lake in the dark night, Touma Kaito secretly sighed and said blankly: "Since junior high school, I have loved traveling and often run around by myself. But when I was traveling, my home was hit by an earthquake. , both my parents...I didn't even have a chance to save them.

"I don't have any skills to make a living, so I took the DASH entrance exam when I was a volunteer. Although I couldn't save my parents, I can still save others in the future. That's what I thought, but..."

Scenes of transformation battles flashed through Touma Kaito's mind.

Only by realizing the power of Ultraman can we understand our own weakness more and more.

"I'm actually not as powerful as Team Rishi said. Recently, I've started to rely on Ultraman without realizing it. I even think about relying on Ultraman myself..."

"What's the problem with relying on Ultraman? Isn't it enough if you can save people?"

Natsuki shook his head and interrupted Touma Kaito's statement.

"I don't think it's shameful to rely on others, but you can't give up your own efforts when relying on others. I see all your efforts, Kaito teammate."

Touma Kaito looked at Natsuki blankly: "Advisor..."

"Remember what I told you? If we don't work hard, Ultraman won't help us."

Natsuki patted Touma Kaito on the shoulder, turned around and left the small lake.

His purpose from the beginning was to hone his understanding of the power of light with the help of Touma Kaito. He did not attach much importance to Touma Kaito's combat power, otherwise he would not have specifically limited the energy level of the original Titan of Light.

The growth of Ultra Warriors has always been difficult. If they were swept all the way, it would not be of any benefit to him, and it might even have negative effects.

After a pause, Xia Shu turned around and said: "When this matter is over, learn swordsmanship from me. It will be an extra skill."


Touma Kaito stared blankly as Natsuki returned to the base.

"Why do you want to learn swordsmanship? The consultant knows swordsmanship?"

Light space.

Natsuki stretched out his fingers under the light particles, and a Unikin virtual card gradually took shape between his fingers. But before he could take any further action, the virtual card exploded into countless points of light as soon as it got close to the light ball of the Divine Light Sword.


When it comes to time, even virtual technology is difficult to achieve.

Xia Shu looked at the divine light sword group in silence.

Weapon: Divine Light Sword (S+) [Transformation, Absorption Shield, Thunder Blade, Phantom, Breakthrough, Space Jump, Dark Armor, Balaji Bluestone]

After the complete integration of Balaji Bluestone, the complete foundation of the Divine Light Sword has become S+ level.

But the current Divine Light Sword is still not enough to carry the power of time, unless it can be promoted to the SS stage.

Xia Shu's eyes turned to the petrified red steel on the other side, and while thinking, he suddenly sensed the sound of an external alarm.


"Anomalies in the magnetic field were discovered! Lagoras is about to appear!"

"Bang bang bang!"

It was already the next morning. The DASH team members, who had been up almost all night, hurriedly ran out of the base amid the sound of sirens. From a distance, they saw the ground collapse on the other side of the valley, and a terrifying monster body rumbled out of the ground.

"It's Lagoras!"

"It's heading downtown!"

The color of the soil changed slightly.

Lagrasse, who reappeared, actually avoided the frontline base.

"We must not let it enter the city!"


"Xian's research hasn't been successful yet?" Kenjiro Kiba looked anxiously at the research cabin.

It was a bit of a fluke to defeat Lagrass yesterday, but now Lagrass seems to be even more powerful.

"It's too late, DASH, prepare to attack," Hijikata led the team and said, "Don't use missiles. I'm afraid plasma shots won't work on it either. You can only focus on its mouth!"

"hold head high--!"

Natsuki walked out of the room at the frontline base and watched the two DASH fighters fight for the second time.

The situation was even more dangerous than yesterday. Lagras, who had fully integrated Golangon's abilities, was further strengthened. The destructive light ball emitted by the fusion of ice and fire attributes fell in the valley, instantly evaporating large areas of the mountains and forests on the ground.

If it hits the fighter plane directly, Mizuki will probably disappear without even a chance to transform.

"Bang bang!"

The two fighter planes risked their lives and nervously launched a formation attack from the left and right sides.

After the ray emitted by the Muting machine was blocked by Lagrasse with his hand, the Ruixi machine successfully hit Lagrasse in the mouth from behind, but at the same time he also exposed himself in front of Lagrasse and was almost shot down. It looked like a dangerous situation.

Before Sheen developed a weapon system to deal with Lagoras, the two fighters could only stall for time under the threat of the destructive light ball.


This time, Touma Kaito didn't hesitate. Natsuki, who had just walked out of the base, immediately sensed the call to transform.

The light of the divine light mirror lit up, and Xia Shu closed her eyes and entered the spiritual space.


Valley battlefield.

After transforming, Touma Kaito was also brought into the spiritual space and raised his head in surprise.

Just like the first time he transformed, the huge body shrouded in Ultraman No. 1's glory stood directly in front of him.


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