Starting human body

Chapter 597 The disappearing magic 2

the next day.

Because Kudo Hiroyuki went to investigate the disappearance of magic incident, when Sotani Yu returned from picking up Sasaki, there was one less person to share the cake in the office.

"What are you doing?" Zong Guyu sat aside with an unhappy look on his face, glancing at Meilihua who was pouring tea for the guests from the corner of his eye, "It turns out that everyone has a share..."

"You just have to be content," Mei Lihua teased, "otherwise you would have gone out to investigate with Yuyuki today."

"Speaking of investigation," Zong Guyu asked doubtfully, "Is the magician reliable? How can there be magic in this world?"

"There are even aliens and monsters, what else is impossible?"

Sasaki glared at Soya Yu and said.

"I heard that both magicians and witches are originally aliens."

Zong Guyu shrank his neck guiltily.

Although Xia Shu agreed to confess his identity to everyone, he never found a suitable opportunity.

"By the way, Mr. Takaki," Sasaki Kana suddenly remembered, "You should have negotiated the commission fee, right?"

"Commission fee?" Natsuki paused as she stretched out her finger towards the tea, "Maria only has the clothes and magic wand on her body, and all other magical things have disappeared. There should be no money."

He had seen Maria conjure food with his own eyes, and she didn't look like someone who knew how to spend money.

"No, no money?" Sasaki smiled bitterly, crying silently in his heart.

It's a waste of happiness, but it's a loss-making business.

"It's okay, it will be charged to my account."

Xia Shu was indifferent and acted arrogantly, but Zong Guyu couldn't help but said anxiously: "Advisor, that girl has nothing to do with you, don't be deceived, aliens are not all good people..."

"Do I look like someone who will be deceived?"

"It looks like it." Mei Lihua nodded repeatedly.

"Everyone, come and try it. This is our store's signature dessert."

Honoka looked at everyone in Eges with a smile.

Unlike Kana Sasaki, who is still single, this Ms. Honoka is full of charm as a married woman. I wonder if it is because she reunited with Fa Xiao, and there is a hint of girlish playfulness in her movements.

"My current goal is to open branches in Paris and New York. What do you think, Kana?"

"Very good," Sasaki took a bite of the cake and nodded, "Honoka, you have sacrificed so much to realize your dream. Isn't this considered a blessing in disguise?"

Honoka smiled happily and said, "Hey, you must come to my store next time. There are more delicious varieties."

"I've never tasted apple flavor. What do you call this?"

Natsuki asked from the side, interrupting the two chatting about old times.

"It's Hibster," Mei Lihua glanced at Natsuki and said, "You still say that you are a pastry master. Don't Hibster even know about it?"


Xia Shu was really hard to explain for a while.

He is not a dessert master in this time and space. Chiboust should be the name of a French cream sauce. The name comes from the pastry chef "Chiboust" who invented this cream sauce. Who knew that there would be an apple cake specifically called this here?

"There seems to be something going on outside." Meilihua, who returned to the console, suddenly shouted to attract everyone's attention.

After the main screen was connected to the TV signal, a solemn-looking female reporter appeared in the center of the live broadcast screen.

"This morning, many citizens claimed to be entangled in something similar to tree branches, and were finally rushed to Tokyo Setawara Hospital here. Fortunately, their lives were not in danger..."

"Huh?" Sasaki stared at the news screen and said in surprise, "Did Hiroyuki and the others be captured in the video just now?"

"It seems true."

"Is that hospital nearby?"

Zong Guyu frowned as he watched the partially enlarged video of Meilihua moving backwards, feeling a vague premonition of something bad.

"What are they there to investigate?"


Before Murray could contact Yuuki, the live broadcast camera on the main screen suddenly shook violently. After a scream, reporters and passers-by were attacked by suspicious tentacles.

"President! That's not a tree, it's some other creature!"

Soya Yu alertly picked up the electric baton weapon, put on two virtual cards and shouted to Sasaki.

"I'm going to help, please don't go out!"


Natsuki calmly watched the chaos on the main screen and did not join in the fun.

Chimayla's attack in this mode is not fatal, but will absorb spiritual power and cause coma. Chimayla will return to normal after being eliminated.

Judging from this appearance, Chimayila must be accumulating strength and will not reveal her true form easily.


Near Setawara General Hospital.

After Kudo Hiroyuki fused and transformed, he fought fiercely with an underground monster. Taiga and Titas appeared one after another and found that they had no way to defeat the monster. It was not until Fuma used a lightsaber to fight that the battle finally came to an end.

This thick-skinned monster suddenly appeared and was defeated by the lightsaber. Finally, it fell to the ground and turned into a huge monster stone statue.

"Awesome!" Meriflower cheered from behind the Igis console, "Ultraman Fuma is so handsome!"

Natsuki appeared in the battlefield area wearing a headset, looking up at the underground monster's hill-like stone body.

Hearing the screams of Mei Lihua in the communication, Natsuki said helplessly: "The owner of those tentacles is not this underground monster, it is just an ordinary monster that was driven out of the underground."


Mei Lihua's smile froze.

"Ordinary monsters?"

"The invasion of alien species will indeed cause wild creatures to leave their habitats," Sasaki Kana's face turned serious. "If Mr. Takaki is right, we may have got the wrong target."

"how come?"

Kudo Hiroyuki, who returned to the ground after the battle, limped under the monster stone statue and looked shocked when he heard this.

The target of the hard fight is not the rightful owner?

"But it was also very aggressive just now..."

"Is it just scared of unfamiliar surroundings?"

Maria walked sadly to the monster's petrified toes and gently touched them, which were probably the condensation products of tears.

"A monster is a monster," Natsuki didn't have any feelings at all. He looked at Kudo Hiroyuki's injured leg and said, "No matter what the reason, it is a threat after all. It just fell here in the end. The most important thing now is It’s better to find Chimaira, if we don’t care, the monster will get stronger and stronger.”

"Chimayla?" Kana Sasaki said blankly, "Mr. Gao Shu, do you know?"

"Before...there was a record in "Taiping Fengtu Ji"."

Natsuki's mind reappeared in the mind of Chimaira on the planet Fede, and she simply eliminated it at that time without thinking it was of any value.

But this one is different now. It can not only absorb biological energy, but also magic.

It is also a very valuable material for him, and it may have miraculous effects on dealing with magic enemies in the future.

"Hey," Zong Guyu came back with an axe. There were still green blood stains on the ax blade from the chopped tentacles. After taking a breath, he asked Maria in a hurry, "Don't you know some magic? Don't you? Can’t you deal with monsters?”

"I can't use magic probably because of that monster," Maria lowered her head unnaturally and avoided looking. "Those who were attacked were actually absorbed by magic, because spiritual power itself is also a kind of magic. Everyone You could say they are magicians.”

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