Starting human body

Chapter 601 The taste of darkness and light

"What are you talking about?"

Natsuki walked into the office carrying several bags of cakes and snacks, and clearly felt that something was wrong with Kudo Hiroyuki.

The bond value of 70 is not low, and the current relationship between Taiga's three-person team and Kudo Hiroyuki is only about 90.

At least he could clearly feel Kudo Hiroyuki's hesitation now.


Dark breath?

Xia Shu looked carefully through her eyes and saw floating monster light rings through the space of consciousness.

Every light ring has a dark aura emanating from it, gradually eroding the surrounding light.

This thing also seems to be the work of Tregchia, and the spiritual mark left by Tregchia can be vaguely seen.

I see.

Xia Shu suddenly understood.

Just as he cultivated the seeds of light, Tregear also cultivated the darkness, constantly letting Taiga fight, and then letting Taiga use these light rings generated by defeating monsters.

The more times the light ring is used, the deeper the darkness erodes.

It is now on the verge of an explosion.

"T-Mr. Takaki?" Kudo Hiroyuki felt uncomfortable when Natsuki looked at him, "Is there any problem?"

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Natsuki opened the paw that Mei Lihua secretly extended and shared the cake with everyone while revealing it.

"When I came back, I saw a group of aliens secretly creating synthetic monsters. Can I call the police for this kind of thing?"

"Synthetic monster?"

Merika quickly put on her glasses and shouted to Sasaki, who was raising his ears deep in the office.

"President, do you need to notify Foreign Affairs Department X?"

"Call the Sakura Police Department."

Sasaki dialed the phone, explained and looked at Natsuki curiously and asked.

"Mr. Gao Shu, can you elaborate?"

"Actually, it's nothing," Natsuki sat down and said, "Just in the factory area over the river bend, there is a big-headed alien sneaking around, saying he wants to study the ultimate monster..."


A sudden explosion interrupted Natsuki's speech.

Sakura, who looked like a middle-aged uncle on the other side of the phone, had a twitching face. She looked at the clearly visible red monster figure outside the office building, turned back to the phone and said, "In the future, just contact us as soon as possible for such matters."

Natsuki didn't respond much, just watched as Kudo Hiroyuki ran out of Igis impatiently.

For ordinary warriors of light, there is no difference between darkness and poison. After all, there are only a few people like him who rely on darkness to hone their light.

Taiga is obviously unable to resist the erosion of darkness.

But that's also a good thing.

His chance finally came.


Natsuki walked up to the rooftop of the building where Iges was, and saw the Belial synthetic beast Scarug Mora with a series of explosive flames in the factory area from a distance.

It was actually successfully studied by that Qibur star.

Seeing this monster is like returning to Geed time and space.

The red monster's figure was too eye-catching, with the huge horns on its head like a demon, and its large body caused serious damage to the city streets just by walking across it.

Natsuki calmly looked at Skalugomora who was stopped by Taiga, and the memory of Geed Asakura Riku and others came to his mind again.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I've seen the cheap disciple Lai Ye. I don't know what the situation is like there.

The last time I heard the news, it seemed that I had joined AIB, which was barely a step into the universe.

But human beings are too small at the cosmic level...


A loud bang interrupted Natsuki's thoughts.

After the out-of-control Golden Taiga broke one of Skalugomora's red horns, his power suddenly surged, and a beam of golden light entwined with the dark aura of the light ring destroyed Skalugomora.

Golden Stream!

"Bang bang bang!"

"What's wrong with you, Taiga?"

Kudo Hiroyuki's voice was anxious in the mental space, and he felt that something was wrong more and more as he looked at the dark atmosphere surrounding him.

Since the battle just now, Taiga has lost control of his emotions again, like a wild beast.

"calm down!"


Taiga came back to his senses with a jolt, looked at his hands blankly, and was about to say something, when a purple light bullet suddenly hit his side.


The light bomb was not particularly powerful, but it suddenly knocked Taiga away and smashed into the ruins of a high-rise building.

After getting up again, Taiga looked at the blue-black giant who appeared on the battlefield in shock and anger: "Tregear? How could it be you?!"


Tregear chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Compared to that time, there is still no progress at all. Can you let me have more fun?"

"What a bastard!"

Taiga once again recalled the scene when the three-man team was beaten into particles by Tregear. His reason was completely replaced by anger, and he rushed towards Tregear with a fist at all costs.

Without any skills, the angry Taiga launched attacks frantically, but was easily dodged by Tregear one after another.

Although his strength had increased a lot, he couldn't keep up with Tregear's rhythm at all. He managed to get close but was kicked away by Tregear.

"Still so weak," Tregear said sarcastically, "Is this Taylor's son?"

"Shut up!"

Taiga gasped and looked at the flashing red light on his chest, then roared anxiously.

"I need more power! Yuuki, use the light ring! Give me more light ring power!"

"Wait, Taiga! Something's wrong..."

Hiroyuki Kudo, who was in the assimilated state, was also breathing rapidly and wanted to stop Taiga, but his body had automatically activated the power of the light ring.

The rich dark aura enveloped the spiritual space, and finally condensed into the Tregear giant body directly in front of Kudo Hiroyuki.



In the outer space, Tregear stretched out a hand and looked at Taiga who was swallowed by darkness with a smile: "Do you think there is no price for using the light ring?"

"What did you say?"

Taiga looked closely at Tregear in severe pain.

"Could it be you..."

"The more you use it, the deeper your soul will sink into the darkness. Everything is just my plan, hahaha!"


Starting from the explosion of darkness in Taiga's body, the entire sky became dim, and from time to time blue-purple thunder and lightning fell and wrapped around Taiga's golden body.

The screams spread throughout the city along with the ominous aura.

Natsuki stood by the rooftop for a while, then teleported into the battlefield when Taiga left his golden form and fell to the ground.

The dark power gave Taiga a new body, leaving only the separated Kudo Hiroyuki lying alone among the ruins.

"The old Taiga is dead."

Tregear's figure shrunk, and he transformed into Kirisaki and landed between Kudo Hiroyuki and the fallen Taiga giant.

"Now he can transform alone even without you, and dark energy has become his new partner."


Hiroyuki Kudo turned to the puppet-like Taiga with a trembling voice, and ran forward past the intoxicated and laughing Kirizaki.

"Can you hear me, Taiga?! We have finally come this far, how can we break the bond like this? We can't give up!"


Kirizaki's smile faded, and he glanced at Kudo Hiroyuki with a cold snort.

"It's so annoying to open your mouth and shut up, to be bound! What can you do as an Earthling?"

"Why do you do this?"

Kudo Hiroyuki faced Kirizaki with red eyes and grasped it tightly with his fingers.



Kirizaki smiled as if he was thinking carefully.

"There's no reason. I just like to see Taylor's son fall into the darkness. Regardless of darkness or light, there is no meaning in the first place. Everything is nothingness. Don't you find it interesting?"


Kudo Yuyuki couldn't believe it.

It's like someone committing a murder casually but saying they were just having fun.

"Huh? You still smell like light!"

Kirizaki suddenly grabbed Kudo Hiroyuki's arm, sniffed it gently and frowned, looking at Kudo Hiroyuki's face, which was gradually becoming dangerous.

"I see, that's why that guy cares about you so much."

"What are you talking about?" Kudo Hiroyuki looked confused.

"It's nothing," Kirizaki grinned again, "You might as well die."


Kudo Hiroyuki stared and saw Kirizaki's eyes glowing with a dangerous red light. A strong death crisis surged into his heart. He wanted to escape, but his arms seemed to be trapped in iron hoops and it was difficult to break free.


In panic, Kudo Hiroyuki suddenly heard a strong buzzing sound in his head.

In the last moment of blurred consciousness, he could only vaguely see Kirisaki being violently ejected by the halo.


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