Starting human body

Chapter 604 Prediction


Sasaki Kana came home from get off work early, and Soya Yu and others also left one after another.

Although Kudo Hiroyuki wanted to ask Natsuki something, he opened his mouth when he saw the Simon star calm down after some troubles, but still suppressed his doubts and clocked out of get off work.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Mei Lihua carried her handbag, gave the Simon star a wary look, and warned Natsuki who was about to stay for the night.

"Gaoshu, you have to keep an eye on him, this guy might have itchy fingers again!"

"People are too suspicious nowadays, so it's best to be able to do it."

The Simon star curled his lips and turned to Natsuki. After seeing Natsuki tearing apart a bunch of cards, he couldn't help but lick his lips.

"Um...Consultant Gao Shu, right? You see, I haven't eaten anything for a whole day..."

Natsuki remained unmoved, soaking in hot water and stirring the seasoning.

The strong and spicy aroma spread, and the people from the Simon Star next to them stared straight-eyed, and the sound of swallowing was heard.

"Don't be so stingy."

The Simon star winked and moved closer to Natsuki.

"I know about you. You deliberately used the entrustment to stay here as a consultant. It's actually for Kena, right? Kena is really fascinating. He is like an angel to us aliens. If it weren't for the different identities, I would think so. It’s too hard to pursue.”

Seeing Natsuki ignoring him and starting to taste the instant noodles, the Simon star said mysteriously: "But do you know Kana's past? Let me tell you, Kana was not able to save an alien girl when she was a police officer. , I still can’t let it go, so I established this Iggis company.”

Natsuki glanced at the Simon star and added another sausage to the instant noodles.

This guy's words made some images of Sasaki's youth emerge from his mind more than ten years ago.

He had been observing Kudo Hiroyuki, but he didn't pay much attention to Sasaki.

To him, Sasaki was just a passerby whom he saved casually.

If Kudo Hiroyuki hadn't been at Iges, Sasaki and he would not have had any interaction at all.


The Simonian wiped the corners of his mouth and continued: "When the police found the alien girl, the whole family was killed, leaving only the lonely and scared girl.

Kana originally thought that the girl would be protected, but in the end she was sent to a research institute. ‘Aliens cannot be protected in an organization.’ It was with this idea in mind that Kana resigned from the police and founded Iges..."

As he spoke, the Simon star himself fell into memories and said with a nostalgic look: "For us aliens, the earth is a difficult planet to survive. In order to survive, I started to do bad things, and then it got worse and worse. The more I can't believe you earthlings, but it's different.

"Although I don't know why Kana is so nice to aliens, I am really grateful to her. I have been caught by her several times before. Every time Kana kindly introduced me to work and asked the protection organization to take care of me."

The Simon star quietly reached out to the cakes placed behind Natsuki.

"Did you know? Kana's biggest dream is to create a society that lives in harmony with us aliens..."


Natsuki raised his hand and opened the Simon star's arm.

"Just stay still."

"Anyway, I've said so much, don't I have any expression? I want to tell Kana..."

The Simon star covered his arm in pain, complaining and wanted to talk more, but when his eyes met Xia Shu's, he suddenly shuddered, and his face instantly turned to panic.

The same feeling as that person.

When he was being chased this morning, there was a man in black and white clothes who killed all the pursuers in one fell swoop. Coming to Aegis was also the other's prompt.

After all, he had just been released from prison and had no idea where Iggis was.

The other party was his savior, but he could never forget that terrifying feeling. He had never seen such a terrifying person.


The Simon star took a few steps back with his backpack in his arms. He distanced himself from Xia Shu before he regained his composure. He opened his mouth and did not dare to speak any more.


Natsuki's peripheral vision glanced at the Simon star whose hands and feet were stiff, and he sensed a trace of Tregear's aura in confusion.

It starts again...

He didn't know the specific time when Ling Jia appeared, but Tai Jia's triple form had already appeared, so it shouldn't take too long.

Now Kudo Hiroyuki's bond value has just reached 80, and the speed seems to be a bit slow.

Thinking of this, Xia Shu couldn't help but feel a headache secretly.

Compared with other human bodies, Kudo Hiroyuki's side is really difficult.

Although he had ignored it for more than ten years after planting the seed of light, he did not expect that the bond value would increase so slowly.

This time he took action himself, almost without directly transforming Kudo Hiroyuki.


Suddenly, a strange wave interrupted Xia Shu's thoughts. The "Taiping Fengtu Ji" stored in the space in the induction light turned the pages crazily, and a fragmented picture flashed by.

Kudo Hiroyuki who screamed in pain at Tregear, Sasaki who cried while hugging the Saimen who died while blocking the gun, Soya Yuri who was shot through by a beam, Mirika who had his chip formatted...the black hole that swallowed the earth... …


Xia Shu's eyes flickered continuously and then calmed down.

In the time and space of Nexus, he had witnessed the precognitive abilities of the visitors and Zaki, and the superhuman beings on Earth had also demonstrated related abilities.

Either way is more of an inference.

The precognitive picture he saw appeared out of thin air, just like Rob's time and space, as if he saw a timeline.

A similar situation occurred once in Nexus at the end, and the original source was "Taiping Fengtu Ji".

Could it be that this special prop from the King of Time and Space in the past is some kind of destiny book?

Through his understanding of Noah's inheritance, he has always had some ideas. The end of evolution is probably to master concepts and rules, but he is not sure.

Maybe after seeing Lingjia, we can know some answers.

Shaking his head to suppress his inner thoughts, Natsuki returned his attention to the prediction screen.

He had no intention of not affecting the development of the situation at all.

The process is not important, what is important is the result.

But will the predicted future be too miserable?

Tregear seemed to be stimulated. Even if Lingga was successfully born in the end, these people in Iges would probably die.

He didn't know the specific plot of the TV show, but it certainly wasn't that cruel.

Although there are countless outcomes in the future, this outcome is too bad.

"It's really troublesome."

"Eh?" The Simon star trembled and looked at Xia Shu who suddenly sighed, and carefully raised his hands, "I didn't do anything."

"I'm not talking about you."

Natsuki threw a bag of bread to the Simon star.

"Go to bed early after eating."

"Give it to me?" The Simon star said in shock, "Is there anything else..."

"Just this one."

"How can one be enough?"

The Simon star looked at Natsuki who stood up and walked away with a grimace, but did not dare to say anything more.

The main universe, the kingdom of light.

Zero, who had just completed his patrol mission, happened to be wandering back to his home planet when he suddenly vaguely sensed the Taiga Earth where Tregear briefly appeared.

It's been a while since Tregear disappeared.

It’s not that everyone doesn’t value Tregear.

It's just that the cosmic chaos caused by the Absolut clan is still continuing. Most of the Kingdom of Light's energy is focused on this, and Tregear can't be taken care of for the time being.

"Taiga's breath? Is that kid still alive?"

Zero chuckled, unfolded his ultimate armor and jumped into the space-time tunnel.

"Go over and check the situation first."

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