Starting human body

Chapter 609 Finding Lucifer



When Natsuki washed her face and prepared to wipe her hands, her ears suddenly twitched and she heard Kudo Hiroyuki's footsteps coming from behind.

"Mr. Gao Shu..."

Kudo Hiroyuki walked to the sink hesitantly.

"Today's shot, I feel, was aimed at the president. The alien gunman's target was not the Saimen people. Those guys' shooting skills are very accurate, and they can't miss that much."

"So?" Xia Shu wiped his hands.


Kudo Hiroyuki's expression changed, and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

"When I came back, a voice told me that everything happened because of me and that everyone would be in danger because of me."

"Nothing, just relax."


"Don't think too highly of yourself."

Natsuki stopped at the bathroom door.

"They don't rely on your protection to survive. Instead of worrying about this, it's better to think more about how to deal with Tregear."


Kudo Hiroyuki said in surprise.

"Mr. Takaki, do you know Tregear?"

"Of course I do. I also know that his human identity is Kirizaki."

Natsuki turned around and said.

"The weaker you are, the easier it is to attract attacks. Your pain, anger, struggle, and fear will all become his weapons. If you continue to have the idea of ​​'what happened because of me,' there will only be more and more attacks today."

"Mr. Gao Shu."

Kudo Hiroyuki took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to ask.

"Could you be Lucifer..."

"What Lucifer?"

Soya Yu appeared at the intersection, glanced at Kudo Hiroyuki strangely, and walked towards Natsuki in a flattering manner.

"Well, consultant...can you support another virtual weapon card? You have also seen it. I didn't want to use it this time. Who knows..."

"I didn't see anything, and I don't have any cards in my hand yet."

Xia Shu glanced at Zong Guyu with twitching eyes.

Dealing with several alien gunmen actually required two virtual cards. Although it was nothing to him, he couldn't get used to it easily. "I have one left," Hiroyuki Kudo dug into his pocket and said, "Give it to you, Ayu-senpai, I'm not very good at using it."

"Not very good at using it?"

Soya Yu's head is full of black lines, and he always feels that Kudo Hiroyuki is connoting himself.

He had seen everything that happened today.

"I really don't know how to use it," Kudo Hiroyuki said anxiously, "I don't know what happened today, my body is out of control..."

Xia Shu had just taken a few steps, and sighed secretly when he heard this, turned around and took out a few cards of light.

"The virtual weapons are gone, but there are still amulets. One for each person. Don't waste them anymore. Each one is worth ten million yen."

"Ten, ten million?"

Zong Guyu was speechless.

It's not like he hasn't seen the 10 million, but it's not his own money.

You may not be able to save so much money even if you work for several years at Aigis.

"It's too expensive, consultant..."

"Just think of it as an investment. I won't worry if something happens to you."

Natsuki looked vaguely at Kudo Hiroyuki, who was moved by his eyes, shook his head and went straight back to the office.

"Don't worry, advisor," Zong Guyu said happily, "There is only one accident, and I will definitely protect everyone!"

Kudo Hiroyuki next to him did not speak, but nodded vigorously.

Even if he knew it was Tregear's plan, he still couldn't care less about the safety of his companions.

Unless Tregear can be eliminated, there is no solution at all.

"Fortunately," the Taiga villain appeared like a ghost, feeling very uncomfortable, "In the final analysis, this situation is caused because we are enemies with Tregear. What he really wants to deal with is us... "

"The only way now is to find Lucifer," Feng Ma suggested cautiously. "Since Lucifer helped us in Chimu Mountain last time, he is very likely not an enemy. Taiga, you also said that, right? Lucifer may also be an Austrian Special warrior."

"That's right."

Taiga was not sure.

"Tregear once pretended to be Lucifer and caused chaos in various universes. If Lucifer knew that Tregear existed, even if he was not an Ultra Warrior, he would take action."

"But Taiga, is that Lucifer really still on Earth?" Titas said steadily, "If he is still on Earth, why didn't he react when Tregear appeared last time?"

"How do I know?" Taiga said with a headache, "Maybe they have already fought each other, or maybe Lucifer lost his body like us and can only use his human identity to be active, or maybe he is really not on earth and doesn't care about Tregear at all. , there are too many possibilities.”

"Hmm... That makes sense," Titus crossed his arms and thought deeply, "Tregear is so powerful, Lucifer may not be his opponent at all."

"So you don't know Lucifer at all?" Kudo Hiroyuki interjected speechlessly.

"There is no way, there are too many legends that are true or false," Taiga said awkwardly, "And the three of us happened to be training outside during that time, and we met Tregear just after we returned to the Kingdom of Light..."

"Now we can only believe in legends. The person who can impersonate Tregear should not be an ordinary person," Fengma encouraged everyone, "Fortunately, even if your advisor is not Lucifer, he is definitely not an ordinary person. Maybe he knows Something."

"Mr. Gao Shu doesn't seem to want to say much, and..."

Kudo Hiroyuki looked troubled.

He didn't know how to ask Xia Shu, and he couldn't speak.

I had been thinking about it for a long time before I asked, but was interrupted by Zong Guyu.

"It's better not to trouble Mr. Gao Shu, right?"

"Now is not the time to be embarrassed, Hiroyuki," the Taiga villain flew in front of Kudo Hiroyuki's nose, "We must find Lucifer's clues as soon as possible."

Kudo Hiroyuki hesitated and fell into silence, unable to make up his mind for a while.

"I'd better go to the intelligence dealer and ask first. Maybe I can get some news about Lucifer."

"Information agent?" Fengma asked curiously, "It will cost a lot of money. Do you have money, Yuki?"

"I don't know either," Hiroyuki Kudo scratched the back of his head and thought, "but the values ​​​​of that Vanton star are very strange. In his eyes, I should be very rich, right? He bought it with a broken bottle cap."

Eges Office.

Sakura Police Department has left, leaving only Sasaki running around Natsuki diligently, squeezing shoulders and pouring tea in a flattering manner.

"What's going on?" Xia Shu said helplessly, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Mr. Takashu, have you ever thought about being a real consultant?" Sasaki stared at Natsuki like a treasure and said with a giggle, "I think Mr. Takaki is simply a born consultant..."

"Am I not a consultant now?"

Natsuki stood up to avoid Sasaki, and suddenly Zero Telepathy sounded in his mind.

"Gao Shu, you bastard! Come here quickly! What do you mean by only paying for yourself?!"

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