Starting human body

Chapter 612 Aliens and Humans

"Hey, can't you hear me?" The long-haired young man saw Xia Shu stop and stepped forward, cursing and pushing him, "Where did you come from, that brat..."


Natsuki held the taiyaki in one hand and leaned against the long-haired young man with the other. The heavy but not fatal invisible force brought the long-haired young man into the crowded debris in the bridge.

"It's been a long time since anyone talked to me like that."



The remaining two delinquents screamed in surprise, and did not bother to hit the migrant worker again. They angrily picked up the steel pipe and rushed towards Xia Shu. However, the moment they saw Xia Shu's eyes clearly, a cold air rose from behind the two of them at the same time, and they started to move with inexplicable heart palpitations. The movement was also a beat slower.

"Bang bang!"

Natsuki raised his hand and grabbed the arm of one of the delinquents, pulling the steel pipe and colliding with the other delinquent. In a flash of lightning, both of them were thrown away and fell to the side of the first one.

"Weird, monster!"

Facing Xia Shu who continued to approach, the three of them were so frightened that they didn't even dare to pick up the steel pipe anymore. They stumbled and got up in a hurry and fled the scene.


The bridge fell into silence again.

They were just a group of ordinary people, and Xia Shu didn't do anything heavy-handed, but only exerted mental suggestions.

Presumably these people will have psychological shadows in the future and will no longer act recklessly.

"Hey, your skills... don't look like those from Earth."

The Baite star reluctantly sat up and looked at Xia Shu with a look that was not too grateful, but just a little more approving.

Seeing that Xia Shu seemed to be preparing to leave, the Baxter wiped his face and then shouted: "Don't worry, in fact, I am an alien just like you."


In order to prove himself, the Baxter star stretched out a finger to release the electric current, and said as if he had experienced it: "You were too impulsive just now. People like us are easily targeted. If our identity is exposed, there will be no place for it." ”

"I'm different from you, I'm not an alien." Xia Shu glanced at the Baxter who was talking to himself without saying anything.

Because he has been dealing with different aliens since Planet O-50, he does not reject these aliens living in seclusion on Earth.

However, there is something special about this Baxterian at the moment. Although it is very weak, the annoying aura of Tregear was clearly left on the opponent when he used his ability just now.

Unlike other ordinary aliens, the Baxter aliens are not low in strength and talent, and it is normal for Tregear to come to their door.

"It's really haunting."


The Baxterian was confused, and he collected the items from the toolbox that fell on the ground and said, "There's no need to hide it. I can still tell if it's an alien. Come to my house for a drink. You've helped me anyway."

Natsuki didn't bother to argue with a minor character.

"I do not drink."

"It's not wine, it's the orange juice that was once popular on Mephilas. I heard that a big shot named Lucifer liked to drink it. The people of Mephilas survived because of this."

The Baite star pointed to the south of the bridge cave.

"My home is over there, if you don't mind, go and sit down."

What is this mess?

Natsuki suddenly wanted to beat Tregear again.


The first time Soya Yu returned to the office with Taiyaki, he was surrounded by Sasaki and others.

"Ayu, where is Mr. Gao Shu?"

"Have you not met Mr. Gao Shu?"

"Well," Soya Yu said while protecting the Taiyaki in his hand, "Yes, we met, but he seems to be going to a friend's house as a guest."


the other side.

Xia Shu followed the Baxter people into an ordinary residential area. There were densely packed cheap apartments. The buildings looked very dilapidated, but the street hygiene was pretty good.

The apartment buildings here seem to like to be named after "XX Village", and the place where Baitexing lives is no exception. It is a two-story building with a verandah, several bicycles placed at the door, and two washing machines in the corner.

"I share the house with someone else, but she has gone out to work now."

The Baxter star opened the curtains and took out a bottle of orange juice from the refrigerator, along with two clean glasses.

"I don't know if you like it or not, give it a try."

Xia Shu took a rough look at the layout of the room for a while. Although the house was old and small, it was neat and clean. The furnishings were quite warm, and the details of a female life could be seen.

If he hadn't been here, few would have thought that the people inhabiting it were aliens.

"Is the guy you share a flat with an alien too?"

"Of course."

The Baite man poured a glass of orange juice for Natsuki, his eyebrows still showing his rejection of human beings.

"Earthlings can be very xenophobic creatures. If we aliens want to live, we must restrain ourselves. How is it possible for them to live together?"

"Not all people on Earth are xenophobic."

Natsuki took the cup hesitantly.

The preferences of aliens are too complicated. There are real delicacies but there are also poisons.

Many alien races also drink oil as a drink.

Orange juice should be normal, right?

I tried to take a sip, and an overly sweet and sour taste hit my taste buds.


"Really? People on Earth don't know how to appreciate this delicious food. If you like it, just drink more."

The Baxter raised his cup happily.

"My name is Komori Seiji, what's yours?"

"Takasuki Rei."


The glass in Baite's hand suddenly slipped, and the orange juice flowed out and infected the tatami.

"H-I'm sorry," Facing Xia Shu's strange look, the Baite star stiffened for a moment and forced a smile, "A big shot seems to have this name, I thought..."

"It's probably just the same name, I'm not a big shot," Xia Shu poured a few more glasses of orange juice, faced the Star Baxter's stiff gaze, and coughed lightly, "Is it possible to drink such delicious juice? Do you mind?"

"You're welcome, there's some in the refrigerator if you like."

The Baxter relaxed.

"Speaking of which, what do you do?"

"Now I work in a small security company." Xia Shu closed her eyes and savored the orange juice.

Most people on earth really can't taste this taste, it's too sweet and sour, but for those who like it, it has a unique mixed charm.

There seems to be some unknown ingredients inside that can strengthen the body.

"Security? Sure enough, the status of aliens needs to be further improved."

Starman Baxter looked as expected, shook his head and sighed.

"People on Earth can tell who is weak and will bully the weak unconsciously. How could this happen if we had a higher status? Sooner or later I will change this society."

Natsuki stopped what he was doing, and his eyes shimmered as he observed the Baxter who was secretly gritting his teeth.

He is indeed a dangerous person.

He really didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, but he was extremely aggressive.

If left alone, I don’t know how many more people will die.

Natsuki put down the orange juice and said: "The reason why humans are xenophobic is largely due to fear. After all, there are only a few who bully the weak. Mr. Komori had better not deny all humans because of those few bad guys."

"Humph, isn't it?" said the Baxter alien dissatisfied, "I thought you should understand that at this moment, we don't know how many aliens are suffering."

"This is not an alien planet in the first place. Since you choose to live here, you should first change yourself and work hard to be accepted by humans."

Natsuki said looking directly.

"Mr. Komori's ideas are too extreme. Do you want to be an aggressor?"

"Of course not."

The Baxter smiled and stopped talking. It wasn't until Natsuki was about to leave that he took out a new bottle of orange juice from the storage room.

"If you like it, take it with you. This is the only one I can give you at home."

"very good already."

Natsuki didn't refuse, and gave a reminder in return.

"In any case, Mr. Komori had better think more carefully. The problem between aliens and humans cannot be solved by force alone. Don't let people take advantage of you."

"I know."

The Baite star smiled and didn't take it seriously. He stood at the door and watched Xia Shu go away, and then quickly stopped the smile on his face.

At this time, a cool long-haired woman walked out from the side and asked the Baxter star with some confusion: "What's going on with that person? Your friend?"

"He helped me when I was beaten by people from Earth."

After the Baite star checked around and found no one else, he entered the house with the woman.

"Don't worry about him. He is too naive. He actually said that aliens want to have a good relationship with humans. They are not from the same world as us."


The woman once again looked in the direction Xia Shu left, with a strange light in her eyes.

"Is he an alien too?"


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