Starting human body

Chapter 618 Commission Fee Orange Juice

Natsuki frowned and gathered his energy, and stopped the dark spark attack in time, but the aftermath still penetrated Hitomi Komori's body and plundered the biological energy.

"Hitomi!" The Baxter transformed into Komori Seiji, rolled around and crawled to Komori Hitomi's side, "Hitomi..."


Lightning flashed between Natsuki's fingers again, and the power of the red and black sparks formed streams of electric current.

"Please," Komori Hitomi weakly grabbed Komori Seiji's sleeve and begged desperately to Natsuki, "He will change his ways and let him leave the earth, okay? I'll give the people on earth an explanation..."

"I'm sorry, Hitomi!"

Komori Seiji cried loudly and hugged the woman who was gradually turning back into a Pitt star.

No ambition is as good as the people around him. Only with benevolence and beauty can he be happy, and it has nothing to do with the surrounding environment.

"I've said it before."

Natsuki's eyes fluctuated and he put down his fingers, looked at the triple Taiga on the other side that killed Zeton with one blow, and spread the dark power and said.

"The reason why humans are xenophobic is because of fear. Not everyone is xenophobic to aliens. I will hand you over to the police so you can take care of yourself."

I ate alien dog food for no reason, but why did he seem to be the villain?

However, it is better to give him a beating than to persuade him. This world is indeed a world of fists.

In the final analysis, Tregear causes trouble everywhere because his fists are big enough.


Facing the cold wind, he walked to the rooftop and called Sakura Police Department. Natsuki briefly explained a few words and prepared to leave.

What will happen in the end is a matter for the Foreign Affairs Department.

"Also," Natsuki stopped and reminded Komori and Seiji, "I am indeed from Earth, but I also happen to like Mephilas orange juice. Don't get me wrong."


"What happened today?"

After Sakura ended the call, she didn't even bother to deal with the follow-up of the three aliens in the fake Beria incident, and temporarily led her subordinates to the building address given by Natsuki.

In the past, he would have been very happy to be able to capture so many aliens, but this time it was different. Incidents of aliens summoning monsters occurred one after another. In particular, the Qibul Star group actually invaded the TV network to broadcast live previews.

Now the entire Foreign Affairs Department is in a state of panic, and if one thing is not handled well, it could easily lead to catastrophic consequences.

Although we don’t know how many aliens there are hiding in human society, it is definitely not a small number.

Otherwise, the higher-ups would not have compromised and changed their tough policy against aliens.

"Fortunately, the mastermind has been caught, and we can get an explanation at least."

Sakura led the team all the way into the building and happened to bump into Natsuki coming out.

Seeing that Natsuki hadn't left yet, Sakura immediately put a smile on her face, and greeted Natsuki like a treasure: "Mr. Gao Shu, why don't you also be a consultant in our Foreign Affairs Department? I can help write a recommendation letter.


Even if they are not aliens or superpowers, they are enough for him to recruit. "

"Let's talk about it later." Xia Shu said without interest.

He doesn't know how many consultants he has posted, and there is really no need to add more trouble to himself, unless the Foreign Affairs Department X has what he needs.

It seems not yet.

"Oh, I almost forgot!"

Sakura suddenly patted her forehead and said cautiously to Natsuki.

"Mr. Gao Shu, we have found a suitable candidate for what happened last time. We just received news from there that the Villain Association is targeting Kana and may take action against Kana. Could you please remind her that this paragraph It’s best not to have time wandering around.”

Natsuki frowned and watched Sakura and his entourage go upstairs.

Waiting passively all the time is not the answer.

Maybe he should sneak into the Villain Association and take a look. These people are not very capable, but they do things in the same way.

Maybe they can even monitor Tregear through the Villain Association.

He would not destroy the Grimdor seal in advance to force the birth of Lingga, but at least he would have some control over the situation.


What identity do you use to get into the Villain Association?

If the main body passes through, even if it can be deceived by other aliens, it will be difficult to deceive Tregear.

Unless the true body is not revealed...

In Natsuki's mind, the figure of the Chibur star who likes to use holographic projections appears in his mind.


There really is a suitable candidate.

Downstairs of the building.

Komori Seiji was handcuffed and sent to the Foreign Affairs X Section police car.

Hitomi Komori, a Pitt star registered as Hitomi Mizuno, followed him to see him off. When he saw Seiji Komori lowered his head and got into the car, he held back tears and stepped forward and made a promise: "Seiji, after you are released from prison, we will get married and start over. OK?"

Komori Seiji choked and buried his head, all his emotions turned into crying.


"It's okay, I will always wait for you."

The Pitt star hugged Komori Seiji for the last time, and turned to the silent Soya Yu with a complicated expression.

"Brother, please help us tell Mr. Gao Shu when you get back. All the orange juice left at home will be given to him as the commission fee for this time. Thank you very much."

"Entrustment? When did the consultant accept the entrustment?"

Zong Guyu had no memory of what happened after being attacked by Jayden, and his face suddenly paused with confusion.

"Wait a minute, the orange juice you're talking about is..."

"It's said to be the orange juice that was once popular on the planet Mefilas. They seem to like drinking it very much."

"real or fake?"

Zong Guyu was speechless.

"I've always wanted to try it. I heard it also glows... Can you give me a bottle?"

"Senior Ayu!"

Kudo Hiroyuki waved to meet Soya Yu, with a worried look still on his face.

When he transformed before, he saw Zong Guyu being attacked by a monster with his own eyes, thinking that Zong Guyu was killed, so he attacked Jayton crazily to take revenge.

"Are you okay, Senior Ayu?"

"What can I do?" Zong Guyu chuckled, "The amulet given by the consultant saved me, so it's nothing serious. I just fell into a coma for a while."

"It really scared me to death!"

Kudo Hiroyuki breathed a sigh of relief, took out his light card and stuffed it into Soya Yu's hand.

"I'll give this to you, senior!"

"Idiot," Zong Guyu said speechlessly, "give it to me, what will you do yourself?"

"I will protect myself..."

"You can't even defeat me, how can you protect yourself? Do you want to say that you are Taiga?"

"No, no," Hiroyuki Kudo hesitated nervously, "I also have a virtual weapon card, which is enough. The amulet won't be used for a while."

"Okay," Zong Guyu couldn't shirk it, shook his head and smiled, "I'll see if I can ask the consultant for a few more next time... By the way, where's the consultant?"

"Isn't Mr. Takaki here?" Hiroyuki Kudo said blankly, "Meilihua said you are all here."


Light space.

Ellie took off the Qibur puppet on the console, and after some data adjustment, she started the remote projection device and said, "That's okay, consultant, but there will be no flaws in the holographic projection, but do I have to control it?"

"If there's no other way, just make a temporary matching artificial intelligence."

Natsuki looked at the big-headed sausage-mouthed Chibur star that appeared in the projection.

He really can't play this guy, so the artificial intelligence is more reliable, and can at least simulate the tone of voice of the Qibul Star.

"The matching degree is 90%," Ellie continued to adjust the projection data. "Should we start the projection now? Currently we have only found the base of the Universe Auction House. The other party is planning a new auction, so we also sent a message to the Qibur people."

"Where are the Jeton people?"

"Contact cannot be made."

"Then contact the Universe Auction House first. They are all members of the Villain Association anyway."

Natsuki wasn't too anxious.

The Qibur people are more or less characters. Being able to auction off the Beria gene proves that they are of great importance. Sooner or later, they will be able to sneak into the core of the Villain Association.

"Beep beep beep!"

Suddenly, a call sounded on the virtual panel, and Ellie reminded: "It's President Iges Sasaki's call. Do you want to answer it? I have fixed the call address in the apartment."

"Answer it."

"Mr. Takaki!" Sasaki's anxious voice spread, "Are you going home now? Nothing happened?"


In Natsuki's mind, he sensed Sasaki and others surrounding Merika.

"I won't go to the company today..."

"Consultant!" Zong Guyu squeezed forward and said, "I helped you move the orange juice from Komori's house. I said it was a commission fee for you. Can you sell me a few bottles..."

"I'll be there in a minute."

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