Starting human body

Chapter 630 Ula’s Attack 3


At the intersection of the street, Mei Lihua revealed her figure as the Zeton star disappeared. Her pupils were dilated and she stared blankly at Natsuki. When she noticed the spark puppet in Natsuki's hand, her eyes trembled uncontrollably.

A huge amount of data flows in an instant.

The Knuckle alien doll and the giant ant super beast doll flashed through Mei Lihua's mind one after another, and a deep terror invaded her heart.

"Da da."

Mei Lihua staggered back a few steps.

"I, I didn't see anything..."


Natsuki frowned and stopped Merika who turned around and wanted to run away.

"Why are you running? I won't eat you."

"I didn't run away, I just wanted to complete my mission," Mei Lihua turned back stiffly and smiled cautiously, "Well, I am actually an intelligent robot used to deal with Ulla. Only I can save this planet... You should know Ulla Bar?"


The Taiga giant body passed over the street, struggling to block the beam attack of Galatron MK magic array.


"Bang bang bang!"

The continuous explosions were blocked by Taiga with his body, but the shock wave still leaked out, and the entire street blew up bursts of dust mist.

Mei Lihua looked at the Taiga giant body so close, swallowed, and hurriedly ran towards the factory area while the dust and fog were covering it.

Affected by her memories and emotions, she is now unable to successfully connect to the core of Ula.

The system treats her new memory as an error and requires her to initialize her memory and change back to Merrill Flower 03.

But she simply couldn't do it.

The only way now is to strengthen the brain waves and then connect with Ula.

The Universe Auction House has an enhancement device, which is a brainwave control device used by aliens to control monsters.

She originally wanted to sneak into the auction house stronghold here, but suddenly met Natsuki and the Zetons of the Villain Association, and happened to see Natsuki turn the Zetons into dolls.

"I remember it was in this area."

Murray ran anxiously around the factory area.

She couldn't care less about what happened to Natsuki. Although it was scary to sacrifice herself to stop Ulla, she was even more afraid of being turned into a puppet.

She had seen the Knuckles doll Yuxing put on the table every day.

Maybe death isn't so scary after all.


Outside the factory area.

Mei Lihua panted lightly and found the entrance. When she was about to enter, the ground unexpectedly continued to vibrate.

It has nothing to do with the battle on the other side.

A huge auction house spaceship rose up as Mellie watched with wide eyes.

The spacecraft broke away from the hidden underground warehouse, stayed briefly above the city, and then slowly took off towards the universe while avoiding the battlefields of Taiga and Galatron MK.

"how come?"

Mei Lihua's face changed drastically, she reacted and chased the gliding spaceship, shouting loudly.

"Come back! How can you escape at this time!"

"It seems to be the lady from Aigis Company."

Starman Ma Qingduo noticed the Meilihua chasing on the ground through the home screen, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Should we tell her the truth? Not only does Ula exist on this planet, but Tregear and the legendary Lucifer are also there. There is no way it can be saved."

"It's better not to know," the Magma man next to him said gloomily, "Sometimes knowing more is more painful."

"That's right."

Ma Qingduo stars looked down at Tokyo for the last time with regret.

"It's such a pity. Business on this planet is quite easy..."

Especially when there are big fat sheep like the Qibul Stars.

Ma Qingduo murmured in his heart, and suddenly asked doubtfully: "Is it still impossible to contact the Qibul star? He should have received the news as well."

"Don't worry about that idiot," Magma snorted, "That guy used the name of Lucifer without authorization, and maybe he has already escaped in advance."

"Come back!"

Merlihua chased her all the way to the coast before stopping helplessly. She choked up and watched the spaceship fly further and further away, and the system prompt sounded again in her ears.

"Meilihua 03, eliminate the error immediately and carry out the mission!"


Natsuki walked out of the impact smoke, glanced at the spacecraft disappearing into the sky, and then looked towards the bay.

I don't know when, the aurora on the bay has disappeared, and the visitors from the sky have also disappeared.


Natsuki's eyes turned to Taiga with the red light flashing, and the danger perception picture flashed in his mind.


In a flash of lightning, Natsuki teleported directly to the coast, hugged Mei Lihua and moved away from the battlefield area at high speed with the afterimages.


Another loud noise came from the battlefield.

The Galatron MK, which was fighting Taiga, suddenly sent out a circle of warning sound waves. Under the colorful aurora, the silver noble body suddenly sank from the ground. When it wanted to jump out, it sank hard again.


"What's wrong?"

Taiga interrupted the light attack and was surprised to find that Galatron MK seemed to be grabbed by something, and was completely dragged into the ground before he could struggle.

A teleportation magic circle condensed in mid-air, but it collapsed as soon as it took shape.

At the same time, fire exploded underground and soared into the sky. A strange huge mouth popped out from the violent earthquake and swallowed the last explosive remains of the Galatron MK.

Natsuki turned around and stopped, put down the Murray flower, and looked at the tall monster that emerged from the ground like a collection of garbage.

The hands and feet are short, very similar to carnivorous dinosaurs, and the head opens and closes with a huge mouth.

Looking like a newborn bird waiting for food, its greedy mouth devoured the Galatron MK body in two or two times, and soon set its sights on Taiga, a huge energy body.

"What the hell? Is this Ula?"

Taiga was startled, and hurriedly responded to Kudo Hiroyuki and Fuma's combined triple form, and immediately activated the special attack light.

"Solve it in one go!"


The triple sword was erected, and the highly concentrated light energy caught Ula's attention like a small sun.

As soon as Taiga's ray was emitted, Ula opened his mouth to catch it, swallowing it as if drinking water.

"Can this be eaten too?"

Taiga was shocked and cut off the attack. Before he could react, Ula rushed in front of him. The triple sword was thrown away. In his haste, he could only block Ula's mouth with his arm.


Natsuki watched the battlefield calmly, watching as Taiga fired three layers of energy and was swallowed by Ula, then the red light flashed, and the entire giant body collapsed.

The careless Taiga didn't understand the situation at all, so he was caught off guard and was bitten on the arm by Ula when he failed to kill the ray.

The triple form transformation was much easier and improved to a certain extent, but Taiga still did not realize the importance of the human body and still used Kudo Hiroyuki as a tool man.

And when will this kind of mindless, always passionate fighting style be improved?

"Mr. Gao Shu."

Behind, Merlika stared blankly at Ula who seemed to never be able to get enough to eat and opened her mouth everywhere. Then she turned confused to Natsuki, who neither fled like the aliens at the space auction nor showed any fear.

Apparently even Taiga fell.

"Ula will swallow the entire earth from the ground up if this continues. Don't you care at all?"

If the manuscript is lost, I have to rewrite it and update it later.

Don’t use Word anymore, switch to WPS.

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