Starting human body

Chapter 632 Tears



The Aigis building collapsed, and pieces continued to fall. There were also cracks in the ceiling of Igis's office. The fixed steel frame could not bear the pressure and gradually bent and made a terrible creaking sound.

Sasaki had a painful look on his face, reluctantly looking at his hard work that had gone up in smoke, and shouted to urge everyone to escape.

"hurry up!"

"My doll!"

Kudo Hiroyuki turned around in shock as soon as he ran to the exit, and hurried back to grab the two spark dolls on the table.

"Hiroyuki! What are you still doing?"

"You can't throw this away."

Natsuki stopped and watched silently as Kudo Hiroyuki rescued the doll.

The spark dolls are actually highly energy crystallized, and the monster's target seems to be these dolls.

"Mr. Gao Shu! This way!"

Sasaki stayed at the end, grabbed Natsuki and ran out of the building with his head lowered and followed everyone.


The entire high-rise building collapsed under the pull of Ula's big mouth, and turned into a dusty ruin in an instant.

Sasaki couldn't bear to look back, so he just ran away with everyone.

"Go to the port, it's more open."

"Ula is coming after me!"

Sakura looked behind her with a pale face and saw that Ulla had rummaged through the rubble and then rushed out of the block with her legs buried.

"What's going on? It seems to be targeting us!"

Kudo Hiroyuki's expression suddenly became tense, he opened his mouth and shouted to Sasaki: "President, its target may be me, I'll lead it away!"

Sakura Police Department scolded: "Stop talking nonsense, how do you distract me?"


Soya Yu urgently grabbed Kudo Hiroyuki.

"Don't mess around! How are you going to fight like this? Even Ultra Warriors have their limits!"

"Ah?" Kudo Hiroyuki stared blankly at everyone's worried gazes, "You... all know? When?"

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Sakura jumped anxiously, "Didn't you see that monster chasing after you?"

"Feel sorry."

Kudo Hiroyuki turned his head and looked at the rampaging Ula, broke away from Soya Yu with determination, and ran quickly in the other direction regardless of everyone's dissuasion.



Sakura was confused and couldn't figure out the situation. After seeing Ura really chasing Kudo Hiroyuki, she felt dizzy.

"Should you guys explain it? If I heard correctly, Hiroyuki is actually an Ultra Warrior?"


Before anyone could respond, Kudo Hiroyuki, who ran some distance away, had already torn off the bandage, and the aura of transformation shrouded the condensed Taiga giant body.


Natsuki narrowed her eyes and stared at Taiga, whose red light flashed as soon as he appeared.

It's really messy, and the transformation in a short period of time is not a small burden on the human body.

But it's really weird.

Hiroyuki Kudo's bond value has already met the conditions before, so he should be able to transform into the original Titan of Light with the light seeds.

At least some of the original Light Giant's power can be used through the Taiga Spark.

But now there seems to be no sign of it.


Natsuki looked thoughtful.

If Lingjia's bond value does not reach 100 before he is born, his gains will be quite limited, and his work may even be in vain.

Although he didn't make a few moves after arriving in Taiga Time and Space, he really spent a lot of energy.

To be honest, he has been planning for more than ten years.

"Is it because you haven't experienced enough despair?"

Relatively speaking, Hiroyuki Kudo was a little too smooth.

The Taiga spark contains the power given by all the new generations. The potential of the golden Taiga form has not yet been developed, and a more powerful triple form has been obtained.

Although the power of the triple form has not been fully utilized by Taiga, it is still seriously exceeded on a battlefield like Earth. Many monsters can be killed instantly with just one shot of the special attack beam.

Natsuki calmly looked at Taiga who was bitten on the arm by Ula again and screamed in pain.

In the final analysis, Kudo Hiroyuki was too weak and believed too much in the power of Taiga's three-person team.

His special training during this period was not only to enhance the cooperation between Kudo Hiroyuki and Taiga, but also to hope that Kudo Hiroyuki would dominate.

But the effect doesn't seem to be very good.



The shouts of everyone in Igis rang in Natsuki’s ears.

With a loud explosion, Taiga successfully escaped from the battlefield by firing a beam of light at close range, but he also disintegrated and transformed again due to lack of energy.


"President," Mei Lihua looked at Wula who was still unfinished after swallowing the light, and took the initiative to walk out, "Let me do it, now I can only..."

"No!" Sasaki held onto Marihua tightly and said, "You are no longer that Marihua 03, you are Asahikawa Marihua! Whether it is an intelligent robot or a human being, you are our partner Asahikawa Marihua." !”

"That's why I want to go," Mirika hugged Sasaki gently, "I am now completing my mission as Asahikawa Mirika!"


In the ruins, Kudo Hiroyuki struggled to get up, looking anxious as he listened to the conversation in the headset.

Titus explained to him the situation of the Meriflower. The so-called mission was to connect the life system with Ula and then stop them together.

Not to mention whether he can really succeed, if saving the world requires sacrificing his friends, he will never be able to forgive himself.

"No, Mei Lihua..."

"Want to save her?"

Natsuki stepped onto the ruins and walked up to Kudo Hiroyuki. The familiar leather shoes and the sound made Kudo Hiroyuki look slightly stunned.

"Mr. Gao Shu?"

"Do you want to save your friends and this planet?" Natsuki asked again.


Kudo Hiroyuki's eyes were red, and he clenched his fist reluctantly and hammered the ground hard. His heart was aching, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

"I can't do anything! Bastard!"

"What can tears do? What's the use of pain?"

Natsuki turned around and looked at Ula who was looking for food blankly.

This kind of attack without malicious intent is so ironic, just like a cute little baby laughing and playing with ants to death, which makes people more desperate than if it is malicious.

"Don't give up easily at any time. Your power is definitely more than this. Think about it, have you really tried your best?"


Natsuki raised his hand to open the light curtain, covering Kudo Hiroyuki and the others who had found Igis, and then took the initiative to meet Ula who raised his head curiously.

"I hate foodies the most."

"Mr. Gao Shu?"

Kudo Hiroyuki looked at Natsuki's figure blankly, feeling vaguely strangely familiar, as if he had seen the strange windy and snowy planet in his dream again.

Fengma's voice suddenly sounded: "It's strange, it's so similar. I feel the breath of Planet O-50. Maybe he was once one of the challengers to climb to the top of the Warriors."

"Mr. Gao Shu!"

Sasaki exclaimed seeing Natsuki walking towards Urla.

"Don't go there, come back quickly!"

"Consultant, are you crazy?!" Zong Guyu's brows were twitching wildly, and he wanted to rush over and pull Xia Shu back, but he bumped into the protective light curtain halfway.

Natsuki glanced at everyone in Igis, and paused for a moment on Melika and Maria.

"Just stay here and don't come out."

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