Starting human body

Chapter 643 Fighting Master

Armory training area.

Ace pilot Nakajima Yoko and the armory's scientific advisor Ohta Yuka followed outside the training dojo while discussing in low voices.

"Who do you think will win between the two of them?" Ohta Yuka asked curiously.

"I don't know, he must be the captain."

Yoko Nakajima is also a master of fighting and is quite confident in her own feelings.

Once she secretly watched Captain Shecang take action and felt that she was no match for him.

It's even more impossible for new players.

"Shh, look first."

In the training room.

Jakura and Natsukawa Haruki were facing each other in the dojo wearing karate training uniforms. They heard the voices of the two women outside with keen awareness, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

"Captain?" Yaohui shouted in confusion as he had no special hearing.

"Nothing, let's get started."

Jakura clapped his hands and stood calmly with his hands on his hips, and said confidently to Haruki who was taking a posture.

"Don't feel pressure, just do whatever you want."


"Oh what? You need to make it clear!"

"Oh...I understand!"

Yaohui's eyes were piercing, as if a flame was burning at any moment.

Although he was more confident in himself, he did not underestimate the captain.

My second uncle said that you should never be arrogant and look down on any opponent at any time.

"Be careful, Captain!"


Jagula easily avoided Yaohui's charging attack and adjusted his collar with ease.

It’s time for this little brat who’s always oozing over his head to suffer a little.

"What?" Jagula fell down neatly and Yaohui said with a smile, "Isn't this going to work?"

"Come again!"

Yaohui's pupils narrowed.

He had already spun to the ground before he could see clearly what was going on.

The captain is definitely a master among masters.


"Bang bang!"

Yaohui, who was very energetic, took a deep breath, calmed down and continued to look for opportunities to attack, but after several punches failed, he was knocked to the ground one after another.

"Trouble again!"

Yaohui, who was in severe pain, stared at him and stood up repeatedly to look directly at Jakura who was smiling.

"Come on!" Jagula put down his kick and gently raised his fingers, "With this kind of strength, your uncle's judgment doesn't seem to be accurate."

"It's not over yet!"

Natsukawa Yaohui shouted and punched with sweat, the afterimage of Natsuki's move flashed in his solemn and focused eyes.

"Come again!"


With the afterimages of the black belt flying everywhere, the two people in the dojo started to attack in a back and forth combo.


Jagula's expression changed slightly after he received a heavy punch from Yaohui on the abdomen. He groaned and quickly grabbed Yaohui's arm and threw him away.

Damn boy, is it a coincidence?

His eyes swept over Yaohui who was lying on the ground and gasping for breath, Jia Gula's expression recovered and he said: "Let's stop here today and practice hard again."

Xia Chuan Yaohui stood up holding his stomach and looked at Jia Gula who was walking towards the door unwillingly: "Captain, I..."

"Oh, by the way," Jagula suddenly stopped, "That uncle of yours... forget it, I'll visit him myself another day."

After calmly walking out of the training dojo, he glanced at Yuka Ohta and the two who were running away. Jakura rubbed his belly and walked to the bathroom.

That brat is really quite capable and extremely strong, and it actually hurt him.




Universe space.

Zeta suffered deeply from his greed for success. The giant body with flashing red lights flipped over and crashed onto the moon's surface.

As a member of the Space Guard, he is not unfamiliar with the violent space shark Gaenegagu, but the difference between the current Gaenegagu and the records is too big.

"It's so awesome that it's a bit too much!"

Zeta held his body and climbed out of the crater. When he raised his head, he found that Genegagu had turned back and chased after him. He suddenly froze in place.


"hold head high!"

Genegagu opened his strange mouth full of sharp teeth like a crocodile, spitting out a blast of terrifying and destructive light that went straight to the moon, looking at Zeta with cold eyes.

"call out--!"

After a brief expansion, the destructive light turned into a huge beam of light and shot straight towards the stunned Zeta.

The offensive and defensive pursuits were instantly reversed.

Now Zeta has become Genegagu's target.


The projection of Natsuki's giant figure of light appeared above the moon. While Zeta was stunned, he raised his hand to blast the impact ray, and looked up directly at Genegagu, who was slowing down urgently.

In addition to a parasitic life form, a glowing red crystal is particularly eye-catching.

Another demon fragment.

Looking back at Zeta who was following behind, Natsuki's giant figure turned into light spots and disappeared like a bubble.


Zeta greeted him blankly, and after looking around and finding no trace of Natsuki, he realized that Genegagu had already flown to Earth.

"This is really troublesome!"


Chengnan Dojo.

Natsuki withdrew the power of projection in the light and shadow, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The Kingdom of Light actually lets a new warrior carry out such a pursuit mission.

If he remembered correctly, Zero was still Zeta's master, and he didn't care about it.

If he hadn't put extra thought into it, Zeta might have died directly at the hands of Genegagu.

"Is there something else going on in the Kingdom of Light?"

Natsuki's eyes were slightly hesitant.

He has not forgotten his agreement with the King of Ultra. If it is not completely impossible, of course it is better to make an agreement.

A favor from the King of Ultra...

He couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't encounter a fatal crisis, and the King of Ultra might be the life-saving straw when the time came.

Moreover, the Ultra King is still a treasure trove. The "Taiping Fengtu Ji" sent by the parallel peer has helped him a lot. Most of the monster data collected by the Shenguang Mirror currently comes from "Taiping Fengtu Ji".

"Second uncle!"

Natsukawa Haruki's familiar shout rang out in the dojo south of the city, but it didn't sound as energetic as before.

"What's going on?" Natsuki's brows twitched as he looked at Haruki who looked like a defeated rooster.

His body was covered in bruises and bruises, and he looked like he had suffered a lot.

"No, it's nothing."

Natsukawa Haruhui hesitated to cover the scars on his hands, trying to explain what happened to Jakura but couldn't.

Maybe coming to visit uncle was just a casual comment from the captain?

Thinking of the confrontation between the captain and his uncle, Xia Chuan Yaohui shuddered hard, shook his head quickly and asked: "Second uncle, do I really have the strength to be a national karate champion?"

"Of course," Natsuki looked away, "Your current strength is more than enough to become a karate champion."


Xia Chuan Yaohui scratched his hair in confusion.

"Is it possible... that I won't be able to touch anyone else?"

"Who are you fighting with?" Natsuki felt a hint of Jakura's aura from Haruki.

"No, no," Xia Chuan Yaohui waved his hands in shock, "I didn't fight, it was just training. I trained with... and the seniors from the armory. I couldn't see his movements clearly..."

"There is such a powerful senior."

Natsuki looked at Natsukawa Haruki again.

"You don't fight with just your eyes. Next time, try to see with your heart."



Natsuki immediately rushed in front of Natsukawa Haruki with a fist, and the wind of the punch hit his face, not even allowing Natsukawa Haruki to react and avoid.

"Second uncle?" Xia Chuan Yaohui's heart was beating wildly and he almost collapsed to the ground, "Don't scare people, okay?"

"I'm just setting an example."

Natsuki recalled the Jakura battle data in his mind, closed his fist and explained.

"If you encounter an enemy that is too strong, it will be too late by the time you see the attack. In this case, there are two ways to deal with it. In addition to sensing with your heart, there is also a trick."

Natsukawa Yaohui couldn't help but listen, but Natsuki had already stopped talking.

"Second uncle..."

"call out--!"

Over Tokyo.

There was a sudden flash of light among the clouds, and a huge fireball cut straight across a diagonal line, dragging a long tail of flames and flying towards the dojo in the south of the city.


Natsuki saw in the fire that it was Gai Negagu, the one in the universe, and he breathed a sigh of relief amid the sirens in the city.


Forget about the random falling examples of space monsters.

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