Starting human body

Chapter 645 You must call your name when you transform

"One more person!"

"Be careful, all the fragments of the ancient Guinega tissue must be recovered!"

"Hamu, move quickly!"

War zone scene.

After a fierce giant battle, the ruins of Genegagu were strewn across the ruins, and a large number of biochemical troops wearing protective suits went in and out among the rubble to search for pieces of meat.

"No. 3 has been recovered!"


Jakula picked up a few Ultra Medals in the corner and looked around against the whirling wind and smoke.

He always felt something was wrong.

It was too strange that Severnga lost control midway.

There is also Ganegagu, who would actually change his trajectory and fall into the suburbs, which is totally unreasonable.

"I have a bad feeling."

Looking back at the trajectory of Genegagu's actions, Jagoura shuddered inexplicably, hurriedly put away the Ultra Medal and left the scene.

Orb Circle NEO has not been repaired since it was damaged in the war 10 years ago.

No matter what, he needs to find a new replacement, otherwise he will be in trouble when Gergio Thunder recovers.

At least now he's still in the dark and won't be in any fatal danger.

Maybe it's just an illusion.

Hero's Gate Space.

After the battle ended, Natsukawa Haruki stayed in the exclusive space of the sublimator full of data light, communicating face to face with the life-size Zeta.

"Your name is Natsukawa Haruki, right?"

Zetac said.

"Reintroducing me, I am Ultraman Zeta, from the Kingdom of Light in the M78 Nebula. I am a member of the Space Guard to protect the peace of the universe."

"Land of Light?"

"Monsters all over the universe are now out of control because they have swallowed evil factors called devil fragments, and are destroying everywhere. In order to deal with this crisis, we created the Ultra Medal, which contains the power of our predecessors."

Zeta said in a serious voice.

"But just now, the space monster Genegagu took advantage of the chaos to attack the Kingdom of Light, swallowed the Ultra Medal and fled here. My mission is to recover the medal... Do you understand?"

"Probably..." Xia Chuan Yaohui grabbed his hair in distress, "You speak so strangely. Are you the only one performing the mission?"

"Well, I was originally with Master Zero, and something happened." Zeta said slightly embarrassed, "Anyway, I have to find all the medals that were scattered by the explosion just now. Are you willing to help me?"

"Yes, yes, but..."

Xia Chuan Yaohui felt puzzled and touched the medal storage box hanging on his waist.

"This thing is too conspicuous, isn't it? Can't you hide it like a sublimator? If everyone finds you, you will be in trouble."

"Don't worry, this is made of materials that cannot be seen by people on earth, and no one will find it." Zeta affirmed.

"You really can't see it?" Xia Chuan Yaohui asked suspiciously, "I can see it now."

"Because you have become one with me, other people on Earth will never be able to see it."

"That's good."

"Wait, wait a minute, I almost forgot," Zeta suddenly remembered and said at the last moment when the space was closed, "You have to push yourself to the limit and let our emotions resonate before you can transform. Don't forget."

"Is there still such a thing?"

Xia Chuan Yaohui looked slightly stunned.

No wonder he shouts Zeta's name loudly when he transforms. This is actually the truth.

If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem awkward.

Chengnan Dojo.

Natsuki sat in the center of the field as always, trying to communicate with the earth and perceive the universe through her supernatural power.

Although his human body is at level 7, his ability development is still very deficient. His ability to fly is simply not in line with his current identity.

It should be more powerful.

Just like in terms of perception, he is still far behind now.

Generally speaking, there are two main branches of perception improvement, "clairvoyance" and "precognition".

The limit should be something like omniscience.

But now he can only occasionally predict some scenes, and the scope of observation is also quite limited. He usually observes indirectly through some breaths.

For example, through Natsukawa Haruki, you can see the inside of the Zeta sublimator space.

I can’t say it’s useless, but it’s not free enough.

According to his current situation, even if he cannot observe the entire universe, he must at least be able to observe the entire earth.

"Second uncle!"

Just as he was thinking about it, Natsukawa Haruki's deafening shouts sounded outside the dojo again, and he rushed straight to Natsuki's side as soon as he entered the door.

"I'm back, uncle!"

"How many times have I told you, don't be rash."

Natsuki gathered her telekinesis, glanced at the panting Natsukawa Haruki, and landed on the Zeta Medal storage box on her waist.

A new invention from the Kingdom of Light...

Looking at the "Z" mark on it that is exactly the same as the Zeta timer, it is basically an exclusive prop specially designed for Zeta. No wonder Zeta will come out to pursue it.

Natsuki glanced vaguely at Natsukawa Haruki who was breathing slowly, and the shadow of Zeta was reflected in his eyes.

"Second uncle?" Xia Chuan Yaohui knelt down in front of Xia Shu, lowered his head in confusion and asked, "Please teach me how to defeat the captain!"

"Is everything okay over there at the armory?"

Natsuki interrupted and asked.

"You couldn't have come back secretly, right?"

"Of course not, I've already said hello," Xia Chuan Yaohui straightened his neck and said urgently, "Second uncle, you can't keep your word, right? What is the other method?"

He is so anxious that he always likes to whet his appetite without explaining things clearly.

"'s almost impossible for your captain to defeat him normally," Natsuki shook his head and said frankly, "In addition to sensing with your heart, you must seize every attack opportunity and complete the three attacks at a faster speed."

"Three stages of attack?"

Xia Chuan Yaohui made a confused sound.

He has been coming to the dojo to practice frequently since ten years ago, and it's not like he doesn't know the three-stage attack.

"But will the three-stage attack work?"

"One attack serves as an introduction, the second attack forces a parry, and the third attack completes the kill."

Xia Shu vaguely remembered the time she spent practicing in Leo's time and space.

Whether it is earth boxing or cosmic boxing, in the final analysis they are both methods of defeating the enemy and the use of one's own strength.

For the latter, cosmic boxing techniques will be more abundant. During his years of time and space travel, he has seen many types of cosmic boxing techniques, some of which even surpass light techniques in terms of strength and destructive power.

But when it comes to defeating enemies, especially when it comes to close combat with humanoid creatures, the Earth is actually even more powerful because of its environment.

There is no fancy energy, pure physical fighting, this is how he started and kept going.

Although I have accumulated a lot of combat experience in the future, my foundation still lies on the earth.

"Can you defeat the captain in this way?" Xia Chuan Yaohui's eyes lit up.

"It's just a chance," Natsuki reminded, "You only have one chance to attack with three stages. If you miss it, it will have no effect on him."

"Second uncle," Xia Chuan Yaohui asked curiously, "Do you know our captain? Why do you feel so familiar?"

Xia Shu nodded slightly: "I don't know."

"Huh? Second uncle, you just nodded, right?"

"Hurry up and get back to work. You have joined the armory now. Don't always run to the dojo."

Natsuki waved her hand away.

"Let me clean up for a while."

"Aren't I worried about you being alone?"

Natsukawa Yaohui pouted, and when he was about to walk away, he suddenly thought of something. He pressed the storage box on his waist and wanted to ask Natsuki something, but when he turned around, he found that Natsuki had closed his eyes and was taking a nap.

Zeta said that the storage box would not be seen, and she did not know if the second uncle could see it.

After opening his mouth, Xia Chuan Yaohui finally left the dojo honestly.

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