Starting human body

Chapter 647 Transformer 2


Nakajima Yoko and Ohta Yuka sneaked outside the training dojo, but before they could take a peek, they saw Jakura coming out with his hands behind his back and his head held high.

"Captain!" Xia Chuan Yaohui put the wooden sword back to its original position and hurriedly followed behind to explain, "I'm sorry, captain, I didn't mean to do it. Are you okay?"

"How could anything happen to me?" Jiagu La said loudly with his eyes widened, "Humph, you don't think you can prove yourself just like this, do you? You're still far away!"

"But captain..."

"But what?"

Jakura scolded.

"Wait until work is over before training. I won't hold back next time."

"Oh, oh!" Xia Chuan Yaohui looked stern.

No wonder he knocked off the captain's wooden sword easily. It turned out to be a leak.

The captain will definitely guard against three attacks next time, what should I do?

Xia Chuan Yaohui secretly scratched his head.

I always felt that the captain would look for an opportunity to retaliate, and he might give him a good beating during the next training session.

"What are you doing here?" Jagula looked at Yuuka Ohta and the two with a grim expression, "Yoko, has Severnga's problem been solved? Yuhua, have you got any results from the monster monitoring situation?"

"not yet……"

"Why don't you go to work?!"

After all the team members returned to the office, Jagula slowly walked into the bathroom, raised his right hand and scratched it, and the moment when the wooden knife was knocked away flashed through his mind again.

Three attacks.

And it's not an ordinary three-stage attack, it seems to be specifically aimed at the weaknesses of the snake heart-ryu swordsmanship.

Although it is just a trick, it is difficult for people who are not familiar with the swordsmanship of Snake Heart Style to discover the secret.

"How come that brat Yaohui has such ability? I have never used swordsmanship before, is it a coincidence? And that uncle..."

Jakula's eyes were blank, and he was just deciding what to test Natsu Chuan Yaohui again, when a rapid alarm suddenly sounded at the armory base.


"A monster appears on the Izu Plateau! The armory received an attack order!"

"How could it be at this time? Isn't it too soon?"

Jagula's face darkened, and he quickly packed up and ran back to the office to check the specific information.

"Get to your positions and prepare to attack!"

Facing the assembled team members, Jakula put on his headset and gave serious orders.

"Yaohui, this time it's your turn to drive Severnga. Don't screw it up again. There is an important observation station on the front line. Be careful!"


Xia Chuan Yaohui looked excited.

Even after becoming an Ultra Warrior, the passion for flying an Ultra Spaceship has not disappeared.

The identity of an Ultra Warrior cannot be revealed, but the Ultra Warrior is different, which represents everyone's trust in him.

"Okay, let's go."

Jakula picked his ears in confusion.

I don’t know where this newbie learned it from, but it’s useless to say “I understand” so many times every day.

I'm really too lazy to say anything more.


Izu Plateau.

The first large monster to awaken after the attack of Genegagu resembles a snow monkey, 40 meters tall, and is the frozen monster Chikas that appeared in the original Ultraman.

This monster was not very powerful, but it was quite capable in hand-to-hand combat with Severnga who flew to the scene.


After a brief stalemate, Natsukawa Haruhui chose to mobilize new weapons. Severnga separated his iron fist from his right arm and fired it like a cannonball to bombard Chikas.

The propulsive flames drove Chikas back continuously, and finally crashed into the observation station and stopped moving.

"Done!" Xia Chuan Yaohui clenched his fists and cheered, "Captain, this move is really powerful!"


Jakura leaned back with a headache, without any joy on his face. Behind him, Ota Yuka and the two others also looked sympathetic.

"I told you there was an observation station nearby, right?"

"He's finished," Ohta Yuka discussed in a low voice with Nakajima Yoko. "Not to mention the building last time, this observation station is a key project. The commander has recently made a lot of preparations to obtain the development budget for Mecha No. 2. Now because of the observatory, everything may be in vain..."

"This guy Haruki." Yoko Nakajima seemed to be able to imagine the scene of Natsukawa Haruki being scolded by Chief Kurikawa.

If it weren't for being a special pilot, I don't know how many times I would have been fired.

Chengnan Dojo.

As soon as Xia Shu walked out of the light space, she sensed Xia Chuan Yaohui.

Not knowing what happened, he looked dejected again.

"Second uncle, today I..."

"You came just in time," Xia Shu handed over two banknotes and said, "Help me buy some ingredients, and also buy a box of sparkling water, orange flavor."

"One box?"

Xia Chuan Yaohui took the banknote blankly.

"Second uncle, I..."

"Go quickly, and we'll talk about it when we come back if anything happens."


Xia Chuan Yaohui scratched his hair and reluctantly took the banknotes and went out.

It's not like there is no delivery service now, so the second uncle didn't know what he was thinking, but he actually asked him to run errands to bring back a box of sparkling water.

Is it the wrong time to come back?


Almost at the same time that Natsukawa Haruki walked out of the dojo, Natsuki raised his hand and grabbed a Zeta Sublimator out of thin air.

The initial human transformation using a transformation device actually only required a medium, and some were even able to abandon the transformation device. However, in the new generation, the transformation device gradually became a plug-in-like existence.

This Kingdom of Light is no exception, and it can all be traced back to Mebius.

The improvement that a powerful transformer can bring to an Ultra Warrior can be said to be extraordinary. It is both a transformer and a super weapon.

Such as Ultraman Galaxy.

The Galaxy Spark itself is a legendary item.

Zeta Sublimator, Taiga Spark, and now the Zeta Sublimator... The Kingdom of Light seems to have been researching stronger and more useful transformers.

It’s just these three things that are famous.

The most valuable thing should be the research data within the Science Bureau of the Kingdom of Light.


The divine light mirror analyzed the light and swept across the entire Zeta sublimator, instantly integrating a massive amount of information into Xia Shu's mind.

Not only is there structural information about the Zeta Sublimator, but there is also remark information.

No wonder it has the Zeta logo on it, it turned out to be developed with the help of Zeta.

However, the remark information clearly indicated Zeta's credit, but did not classify Zeta as a researcher.

"Isn't it just a guinea pig?"

Natsuki looked strange.

I thought that Zeta was a young potential generation that was highly valued by the Kingdom of Light, but I didn't expect this to be the case.

That’s why you have to recognize a bunch of masters and hug Sero’s lap, right?

I don’t know whether he is really stupid or fake, but it is true that he has a promising future.


As the analysis of the Zeta sublimator was completed, Natsuki threw the original back, and neither Natsukawa Haruki nor Zeta, who were out shopping from beginning to end, noticed it at all.

At the same time, a new Zeta sublimation device gradually took shape in front of Xia Shu, surrounded by light flow.

There is almost no difference from the original product, except that it does not have the crucial Ultra Medal.


"Natsukawa Rei, access is allowed."

Xia Shu's thoughts moved slightly, and a dedicated space automatically expanded around her.

As the access card was inserted, three phantoms of Tiga, Dyna, and Gaia appeared behind Xia Shu, and at the same time, they turned into corresponding Ultra Medals and were automatically embedded into the sublimation device.

"Tiga! Dyna! Gaia!"


"This place is very similar to the Space of Light, but the scope is a little smaller."

After the preparation phase is completed, press the trigger to successfully transform.

But Natsuki did not continue with the last step. He paused, looked around, and then released the transformation state and put away the Zeta sublimator.

It can only be said that it is better than nothing, barely hiding it from others.

After all, this thing is not an exclusive prop. Basically, you can transform with a medal, and no one will doubt his true identity.

The disadvantage is that the ability to transform into a giant is limited to SS.

Exceeding the limit is not impossible, but it can easily cause damage to the sublimator.

It's simply an unfinished product.

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