Starting human body

Chapter 654 Parasitic Life Form Celebolo


Kabuto Shinya's pupils suddenly dilated, and he flew backwards as if he had been hit hard. His body twisted into an incredible angle as he struggled and rolled.

Just as he was about to escape from the parasitic state, the afterimage shook and disappeared in place.


Natsuki stepped forward in the whistling dust stream, looked at the place where Kabuto Shinya disappeared, and sensed the remaining aura with confusion, and found that he had lost his target.

He was actually able to withstand the impact of his telekinesis and escape.

Is that parasitic life form so powerful?


Later, Jagula gradually regained his strength and raised his arms in pain.


Natsuki's gaze paused for a moment on Jakura, and disappeared in the wind under the cover of dust and mist. .

Although I didn't deliberately hide it, now is really not the time to reveal my identity, otherwise many things will be difficult to deal with.

"Brother Ashu? Is it Brother Ashu?"

Jakura endured the pain and rushed forward, looking around anxiously. There was no response for a while, and then he bent down with gloomy eyes to pick up the ID photo that Kabuto Shinya had dropped.

Researcher at the Monster Research Institute...


He actually didn't notice that the other party was being parasitized by Celebolo.

These 10 years of easy living and role-playing have made him lose his vigilance. In the past, he should have been able to react even if he was unprepared.

Jiagu La's fingers turned white as he held the ID card tightly.

Although he didn't see clearly whether it was Brother Ashu who saved him, he was still panicking.


"I am Asakura Riku, please give me your advice in the future."

"My name is Natsukawa Haruki, and I am now guarding the peace of the earth with Zeta-san."

Outside the battlefield.

After returning to the ground, Natsukawa Haruki and Asakura Riku decided to stay on Earth to track down the demon fragments before revealing their identities to each other.

"Senior Xiao Lu doesn't have a place to live yet, right?" Xia Chuan Yaohui said enthusiastically, "Why don't you stay at my uncle's dojo temporarily? There are many empty rooms there."

"Then excuse me."

Asakura Riku had never thought about the accommodation issue, but now that he and Peijia were separated and the Xingyunzhuang spacecraft could not contact him, he really needed a place to live.

After a pause, Asakura Riku asked again: "By the way, that 30,000-year-old spear of light...can you tell me more about it?"

"This," Natsukawa Haruki said while scratching his head in embarrassment, "I don't know the details. Zeta said it was a gift given to us by Ultra Warriors 30,000 years ago. As soon as you hold it in your hand, you will know how to use it."


"Oh, there are reports on the Internet that it was taken away by unknown hands when it was transported from the excavation site."

Bar Street.

Natsuki walked into a noisy dark bar with the collar of his suit open. After passing through the writhing crowd, he found a counter with a divination pattern printed on it at the very back.

After all, it is a new era, and no matter where the earth is, there are always gathering areas for aliens.

When he was practicing his extraordinary telekinesis, he had basically figured out these places and knew that there was an information dealer here.

Behind the curtain-covered counter was a middle-aged man wearing a big gold chain while eating. He ignored Xia Shu when he saw her. It wasn't until Xia Shu raised his hand and took out a bottle of Mefilas star orange juice that his eyes widened.

"Where did you get this thing?" The middle-aged man suddenly appeared with a big-mouthed Vanton body, opened his mouth and stared at the orange juice.

"Don't worry about where it comes from," Natsuki said, deliberately shaking the orange juice. "Just tell me the information about the parasitic lifeforms and Gergio Thunder. This thing will be yours. The more, the better."

"No problem at all."

Star Fanton's eyes followed Xia Shu's movements, and he swallowed saliva one after another.

"Are you talking about the parasitic life form Celebolo? I happen to know some inside information. That guy likes to bury hidden dangers in civilized planets, and then intelligent life will continue to create weapons in order to protect themselves, until the final weapon they create is Let the civilization of the entire planet perish...

"This process has been tried many times on other planets. That guy claimed to be playing a game of self-destruction of civilization. The most recent time seemed to be 10 years ago, when the planet Baphomet was destroyed by Gergio's lightning. "

"Civilization destroys itself game?"

Natsuki tapped her fingers on the table and continued to ask a few more questions about Celebolo before pushing the orange juice to the excited Fantonian.

Although Celebolo in the intelligence has destroyed many civilizations, his own strength is not impressive and he relies entirely on his parasitic host to act.

This should also be the reason why the Zeta sublimation device was stolen through Genegagu.

Celebolo is obviously aware of the limitations of his own lack of strength.


The person who was parasitized this time was just an ordinary researcher. How did Celebolo escape from him?

The Zeta Ascendant has no such ability.

Natsuki closed his eyes and recalled the incident frame by frame in his mind. All of Kabuto Shinya's actions when he took action were broken down, including facial reactions and the movements before disappearing...


At the last moment, a very secret dark wave appeared on Kabuto Shinya's body. Others may not notice it and only think it is the power of the Monster Medal, but Natsuki is no stranger here.

"Those guys?"

Natsuki opened her eyes.

His feelings are rarely wrong, after all, he has dealt with him many times.

Celebolo has traces of the dark clan on his body.

It should be that time, coming from other time and space.

Chengnan Dojo.

When Natsuki came back, he happened to meet Natsukawa Haruki and Nakajima Yoko who came with him.

"Second uncle!"

Natsukawa Haruki shouted happily when he saw Natsuki.

"These are my seniors in the armory, and this senior Xiao Lu is my friend."


Asakura Riku didn't do anything at first. After seeing Natsuki's figure, his eyes suddenly widened and he almost thought he was hallucinating.

"What boss?" Xia Chuan Yaohui said blankly, "This is my second uncle, the director of the Chengnan Dojo."

"not me……"

Asakura Riku opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain clearly, and stared at Natsuki confused and suspiciously.

It seemed like he had recognized the wrong person, but he looked too similar.

He simply could not forget this figure.

During the Battle of Okinawa and subsequent encounters in multiple time and space, the impression of the boss in his heart was even higher than that of his father Beria.

But how could the world-famous Lucifer open a dojo here and become the second uncle Yaohui?

"You are Director Natsukawa," Nakajima Yoko shook hands with Natsuki with fiery eyes, eager to have a fight right away, "Haruki keeps mentioning you, and we are here today to conduct a special training..."


Natsuki looked helplessly at Haruki, who was smiling, and glanced at Asakura Riku, whose eyes were unblinking.

His relationship with Riku Asakura is somewhat complicated.

It can be said that he is the enemy who killed his father, and he is also half a master.

At present, Asakura Riku does not regard him as an enemy, but rather respects him.

"Come in first."

Nodding slightly, Natsuki opened the door and led everyone into the dojo.

He wasn't too worried about being discovered by Riku Asakura.

Unlike Jakura, Asakura Riku can't stay on Earth for long, only a few days.

The only troublesome thing is that it may attract the attention of other Ultra Warriors and even the Kingdom of Light.

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