Starting human body

Chapter 656 Battle in the Dark


Quantum realm space.

A large amount of black mist condensed into the red and black figure of Belial, and several Belial fusion beasts appeared during the roaring impact.


Natsuki's glowing Gaia body fell to the ground, and black lines emerged around her body, transforming into a supreme form. A beam of killing light in front of her crossed arms collided with the red and black destructive light emitted by Black Mist Beria's claws.


After a brief impact, Black Mist Beria jumped up high and pressed towards Natsuki with the destructive light like a attacking beast.

The howling wind and Beria's familiar wild laughter made him feel like he was dreaming back to the time and space of Geed.


Natsuki raised his hand to deflect the fireball attack of a fusion beast, his legs shook violently, and he flew up simultaneously with one arm supported by the light. He collided head-on with Black Mist Belia in mid-air, and suddenly radiated an explosive light group with a diameter of several thousand meters.


real space.

Unknown changes have taken place on the entire earth, and a particularly violent earthquake has exploded in Tokyo. There are thunders in the night sky for no apparent reason, as if a catastrophe is coming. Strong winds are constantly sweeping across the ground, and the green leaves of the streets are swaying wildly.

"What's wrong?"

Jakura paused outside the Monster Research Center, looking around at the mutants blankly.

The strong sense of danger made his hair stand on end, but he could not find the source of the danger.

"Is it Celebolo? That guy's parasitic Shinya Kabuto is indeed missing now."


There was another loud bang, and a heavy rain suddenly fell in the Tokyo night sky, and the streets were filled with splashing water.

The battle in the quantum realm that no one knew was becoming more and more intense. The corpses of fusion beasts were scattered everywhere, and only Black Mist Belia was still colliding with the giant Natsuki Gaia.

After a brief stalemate, the photon streamlines grasped by Natsuki's right hand gathered rapidly, and with the stream of light, they quickly broke through the defense of Black Mist Beria.

"call out!"

Gaia's body fell from the sky, pressed Black Mist Beria's head into the red ground, and was finally successfully destroyed after several explosions.

The surrounding black mist also disappeared in the blink of an eye with the defeat of Beria.

Quantum space returns to calm.


Natsuki closed his fist and stood up. The luminous giant looked around for a week and then turned into countless light particles and exited the quantum realm.

Although he doesn't want to be bound to the earth, he is not completely indifferent. At least during his stay, no one will get involved in the earth's consciousness.

The dark clan...

The other party's consciousness of invading the earth may still be aimed at him.

Chengnan Dojo.

Natsuki slowly opened her eyes.

He was a little curious.

This time he thought he had hidden himself well. When he discovered the spies of the dark clan before, he killed them as soon as possible. Why are there still people chasing him here?

And it seemed like the other party didn't even know he existed.

Natsuki's thoughts were racing and he decided to take a look at the situation first.

Now the other party is showing it and he is hiding it, and the situation is favorable to him.


In the alley with puddles, Shinya Kabuto fell in pain into the rubbish heap washed away by the rain. His face was distorted, and he curled up like a lobster. He clutched the Medal of Beria tightly in his hand. It took him a long time to regain his composure. .

Things seemed to be getting out of control.

There was a hint of fear in Kabuto Shinya's red eyes.

As a parasitic life form, it has always controlled other people, but this time it seems that it has also been controlled.

He was unable to control his body twice in a row. Although he was clearly conscious, he could only watch himself perform extraordinary actions.

Even if he escaped from the mysterious man for the first time, he actually used his medal to fight the Ultra Warriors in an unknown space just now.

If he read correctly, that luminous giant should be Ultraman Gaia.

But it is incredible that Gaia can kill Belial and many Belial hybrids at the same time.

Has Gaia's strength been underestimated?


Shinya Kabuto's expression changed, he walked out of the alley while holding on to the wall, and left the scene in the gradually decreasing rain.

"It finally stopped."

Jakura stood by the window of the laboratory and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the commotion outside had subsided.

In the past, it was none of his business what happened to the earth, but for some reason he now cares about the earth.

Maybe it's because the earth is his territory now.

"Then, I'll go back first." Jagula turned to the head of the research room and said.

"I'm sorry, but could you please send over Dymu's work permit?"

"It's okay, I just want to come over and take a look."

Jakula hid two pieces of how to make monster medals without leaving a trace, and said goodbye to the person in charge with a smile on his face.

Celebolo actually stole the technology of the Kingdom of Light, and now he doesn't have to worry.

After getting the Zeta Ascension Device, he won't be without medals to use.

A few days passed by.

There are still monsters in Japan.

However, Nakajima Yoko's special training plan has not been interrupted. Every time after work, she will drag Ohta Yuka to the Jonan Dojo.

Apart from receiving guidance, this man who likes mature men always tests Natsuki intentionally or unintentionally.

"My father used to be a member of the National Defense Forces. He always told me that I must marry a man who is stronger than myself... But now I don't even have a boyfriend. Everyone says that I am an uncle. Actually no, it’s just that all my peers lost to me.”

"do not come."

Natsuki pushed Nakajima Yoko away with a slightly dark face.

Obviously in front of Yaohui, he is still a serious and serious senior ace pilot, but in private, he is like a nymphomaniac, and his eyes light up every time he sees him practicing.

"Tell me the truth, Director Natsukawa," Nakajima Yoko said without leaving an inch, "I saw you at the scene that day. The one who rescued Xiao Lu was actually you, the curator, right? How did you deal with so many robots?"

"There's nothing to say, your captain can do it too."

"Captain? Captain, he can't even defeat Haruki."

"Senior," after the training, Haruki wiped his sweat and walked over to Ohta Yuka. Hearing this, he wondered, "I'm very powerful now, okay? You didn't beat me during training, right?"

"You lost to me in an arm wrestling match."

"Can you please not mention arm wrestling?"

Xia Chuan Yaohui secretly curled his lips.

In fact, his strength is not necessarily lower than Yoko Nakajima.

It's just that everyone in the armory said privately that the standard for Nakajima Yoko to find a boyfriend to marry is arm wrestling.

If he accidentally wins, won't he marry Nakajima Yoko?

Although the seniors are pretty good, this is too childish.

"What are you thinking about?"

Nakajima Yoko glared at Natsukawa Haruki and turned to Ohta Yui Hanamichi with a groan.

"Yuhua, let's practice together. The loser will go out and buy ingredients."

Ohta Yuka's face suddenly darkened, and she said reluctantly, "What does it have to do with me? Don't take it out on me. It's not like you don't know my level. You might as well just let me buy the ingredients."

"Excuse me."

Riku Asakura happened to pass by the training room and raised his hand with a guilty conscience.

"I'd better go out and buy it."

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