Starting human body

Chapter 661 Jagula: I’ll go to the south of the city tomorrow.

"112, 113..."


The stimulated Natsukawa Haruki sat down and did push-ups, trying some difficult moves from time to time.

He was also training at the Chengnan Dojo, but his hard work over the years could not compare to Yoko Nakajima. It was natural for the second uncle to be disappointed.

"Strive! Come on! 120..."

"Honestly hand over the sublimation device, Ultraman Zeta!"

Suddenly there was a shout outside, interrupting Natsukawa Haruki's training. It seemed that someone had a conflict with Ohta Yuka.

"Don't even think about it!"

"Get out of my way! We are only looking for Zeta!"


"Oops," Xia Chuan Yaohui stood up with a stiff face and walked back and forth anxiously, "I was actually found here. Am I not asking for trouble when I go out now? But it's strange, why is my identity exposed? Zeta-san... …”

"Sister, leave these two women to me! Go inside quickly, don't let Zeta escape!"

"You shouldn't act at this time...there's nothing we can do!"


Xia Chuan Yaohui struggled to lean against the door.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and prepared to go out to help, but he found a beautiful woman in red in the corridor rushing towards the inner room like a wind.


Over there is the second uncle's room.

Confused, Xia Chuan Yaohui wanted to reach out to stop the woman in red, but a long leg kicked out in front of his eyes. As he hurriedly retreated, he stared blankly at the other person running forward without looking back.

"Why is she going to her second uncle's place?"

Xia Chuan Yaohui scratched his head in confusion.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he didn't need to worry about his second uncle's words...


The woman in red kicked her legs in and broke through the door, looking coldly at Natsuki who was pouring tea in the room.

"Ultraman Zeta! Hand over the sublime device and medal!"


Xia Chuan Yaohui's mind was confused and he couldn't turn a corner. He waited until the woman in red flew out like rags before he hurried forward.


The woman in red who happened to hit the wall screamed in pain and rolled several times before revealing the prototype of the Pit Star. The strange face immediately frightened Natsukawa Haruki.

"Fighting monsters every day, what's the point of being afraid of an alien?" Natsuki said with a frown as he looked at the damaged door.

"Really, the contrast is too great."

Xia Chuan Yaohui smiled dryly and walked away from the Pitt star.

"I'll go to the front to help!"

"We'll take her away later."

Natsuki's eyes turned to the Pitt star who woke up and fell into panic.

The poor guy whose consciousness was manipulated didn't even know that he was being used as cannon fodder to explore the road.

In the final analysis, it's your own fault.



Although Yoko Nakajima was unable to fight due to her injuries, she managed to subdue Twintails after Haruki Natsukawa joined.

The Pitt sisters didn't even have time to use their superpowers before they all fell into the dojo in the south of the city.

Until the end, there was no movement from Kabuto Shinya's side, and it seemed that he had given up on the Pit Stars from the beginning.

"Really aliens!"

Ohta Yuka's eyes glowed as she looked at the tied up Pitt star.

"I haven't dissected a Pit Star yet!"

"What are you doing? Don't come over!"

Nakajima Yoko secretly breathed a sigh of relief beside him.

Fortunately, Yuhua was attracted by the Pitt star and did not delve into the other party's purpose of coming to the south of the city.

"By the way," Yuuka suddenly approached the Pitt star and asked, "What do you mean by Ultraman Zeta and the Sublimation Device just now?"

The Pit star hummed and turned away: "Don't think I will tell you..."

"Let's just dissect it."

"Wait! The curator here is Ultraman Zeta!"


Ohta Yuka was stunned for a moment, and looked back at Nakajima Yoko in a funny way.

"She actually said that Mr. Curator is Ultraman Zeta. Sure enough, she still needs to dissect..."

"it is true!"

The Pit star struggled.

"Don't you know anything at all? Are you still in the dojo at this time, aren't you starting to have doubts?"

"Well, we stayed at the dojo because..."

As Ota Yuka spoke, she looked at Yoko Nakajima, who had an evasive look. As the clues came together in her mind, she gradually stopped speaking in surprise.

"Isn't it? Yoko, are you... Zeta? Curator?"


Nakajima Yoko pulled Ohta Yuka over, shook her head and looked at Natsukawa Haruki who went behind to pull out another Pitt star.

"What's wrong with you?" Xia Chuan Yaohui met the strange gazes of the two women and subconsciously touched his face, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"real or fake?"

Ohta Yuka avoided Haruki and whispered to Nakajima Yoko.

"The curator is Ultraman Zeta? The quality gap is too big, right? Does Haruki know? No wonder he is always very familiar with Zeta."

"Okay," Nakajima Yoko warned, "we just pretend we don't know about this, and don't tell the captain again."


"The fewer people who know about this, the better."

Yoko Nakajima pushed the pouty Yuuka Ohta hard and turned to Natsukawa Haruki with a smile.

"Yaohui, send them two to the base first. We have to report this matter to the captain."


Xia Chuan Yaohui rubbed his face fiercely.

These two Pitts really confused him, but the good news is that his identity was not exposed, but he didn't know why the other party thought his second uncle was Zeta.

This will put the second uncle in danger.

Xia Chuan Yaohui suddenly felt worried.

The second uncle's skills are no problem against ordinary aliens, but it will be troublesome if he encounters monsters or aliens with strange abilities.

In front of those guys, no matter how good his skills are, the second uncle is just an ordinary person.

No, I can't go back to the base these days.

He also wants to stay in the ashram.

Finally, the next time he transforms, he will find a way to help his second uncle get rid of the suspicion.

"Eh?! What do you mean you don't all come back?"


Jakula, who had just inspected the maintenance of the special aircraft, looked in disbelief when he received the call.

"Pittites... So you want to stay in the dojo? What should we do here?"


After hanging up the phone and looking at the empty war room, Jagula wanted to be angry but didn't know where to start.

There is indeed nothing wrong with the reasons given by the team members, and they come back in time for every mission, so there is no fault with them.

"Really, do you have to go to the dojo in the south of the city for special training?" Jagula touched his chin depressedly.

Should I show off my skills more?

These guys sacrificed the near for the distant, which made him lose face.

The last time he lost to Yaohui, apart from a big accident, the main reason was that he needed to hide his skills, and as a result, he was disliked.

No one has ever dared to dislike him like this.

"We'll go to the south of the city tomorrow."


A sudden loud noise outside startled Jagula.

The war room is located on the second floor of the workshop. If you lean out the window, you can see the busy maintenance team members below.

"What happened?" Jagula shouted and asked.

"It's okay," Mr. Ye Hu, the squad leader, raised his hand and said with a smile, "It's just that a part suddenly became loose. The recent battles have put an increasing burden on these two special air planes. It's really a headache."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jakula looked away, but the alert look on his face still did not disappear.

Someone clearly passed by outside the armory just now, and the target seemed to be the medal in his hand.

These medals don't look very impressive, but they actually emit special energy fluctuations.

"Ah... I have something to be busy with again."

Jagula completely blocked out the fluctuations of the medal in his hand, and sat back in his office while scratching his back helplessly.

A few months had passed since Genegagu's attack. At that time, apart from the three Ultra Medals he had, six of the scattered Ultra Medals were recovered and preserved by the defense forces.

If someone is really eyeing these medals, they will definitely be handed over to the armory.

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