Starting human body

Chapter 664 Destruction of Barossa Star

Citizen Park.

Natsuki passed the intersection with her hands intertwined, her eyes lingering on the crowds of people passing by. When she saw the dessert shop where the children gathered, her eyes were dazed for a moment.

Time has become longer without realizing it.

It's always been thousands of years since I came to the Ultra Universe, but after the memories of the past are awakened, it still seems like yesterday.

When I was a child, I could only see my father once a year. Every time, my father would bring various dessert gifts. Sometimes he would take him to a dessert shop after forgetting.

Although you can now eat desserts at any time and never worry about damaging your teeth, the taste will never be the same again.


Natsuki's figure gradually faded and disappeared at the edge of the park. The next moment, he turned into a ball of light and flew straight out of the atmosphere and into the universe.

After locking the sensing position, Natsuki's photons rushed into the tunnel of light that spread out in the void.

Although the Barossa Stars were not really a threat to him, and it was not as if they could be killed by too many ants, it was still a problem to keep them alive.

Shenjian City.

On the anniversary of his father's death, Natsukawa Yaohui returned to his hometown alone, carrying his bag.

Different from previous years, this year he has experienced a lot. Not only has he officially become a special space pilot fighting on the front lines, but he has also become the human body of Ultraman Zeta, the superman of the universe.

"You're not coming back? It's true, Ling. Is it so difficult to go home?"

Natsukawa Junko took out a plate of tea and snacks and shouted.

"There are many single young nurses in our hospital..."

"Well, the second uncle also has his own ideas," Haruki Natsukawa said with an awkward smile, "Recently he has become very close to senior Yoko in our team."

"Is that so? I finally figured it out. I'll ask him to bring it back for a look." Junko said happily.

"It's still early."

Natsukawa Haruki took out a box of pastries from his backpack.

"Mom, this is a specialty bought by my second uncle for you."

"He still likes sweets so much, Haruki, you can't have this problem." Junko looked worried.

"No, no, no." Xia Chuan Yaohui shook his head repeatedly.

Unless you can become as good at eating sweets as your second uncle, otherwise...

"Speaking of which, Haruki," Junko asked suddenly, "you are not young anymore, isn't it time to find a partner?"


Xia Chuan Yaohui didn't expect the fire to burn him, so he waved his hands hurriedly and said.

"I haven't thought about it yet. The armory is busy, and it's not a good time to fall in love."

"It looks more and more like your dad. When he was at the fire department, he was busy working every day."

Junko said naggingly.

"Mom remembers that you were quite cute when you were a child. Who would have thought that now that you have grown up, you no longer like to be close to others."

"Don't talk nonsense, Mom, I don't like to be close to others. I am very popular in the armory."

"Really? Let's agree first. Don't be like your second uncle in the future. The Xia Chuan family still depends on you."

Junko said suspiciously, stood up and picked up the family photo on the cabinet.

"Time flies so fast, look at how cute you were when you were a child, and look at you now..."

"I'm cute now too."

Natsukawa Yaohui curled his lips and looked at the framed photo taken out by his mother.

Most of them are photos taken 10 years ago, with his father smiling brightly and holding him when he was a child.


Xia Chuan Yaohui looked at the photos from the past and always felt something was strange.

"Hasn't my second uncle ever taken a photo with us before?"

Junzi was stunned for a moment, then recalled with difficulty: "Probably, your second uncle went out very early and didn't come back until the end of the year."

"Not even a single photo?"

Xia Chuan Yaohui scratched his head in confusion.

I looked through the photo album in the drawer and couldn't find one.

But he didn't think much about it.

He also hadn't seen any photos at the dojo in the south of the city. Maybe his second uncle didn't like taking pictures.

"I don't know where my second uncle is now."

Xia Chuan Yaohui put down the photo album, and his thoughts couldn't help but drift to his second uncle.

When he came back, he made a special trip to the Chengnan Dojo, but it turned out that his second uncle really went far away.


Deep space of the universe.

Natsuki's original dark giant form looked down at the red planet below.

It was a desolate planet with meteorite belts and star rings, and the swirling red lines were particularly eye-catching in the universe.


Natsuki's arms burst with red and black energy, directly locking space and aiming at the crimson planet and the densely packed Barossa planets who didn't know the situation on the surface.

The Barossa family is notorious in the universe. They like to plunder by nature, otherwise they would not be called space pirates.

Moreover, the reproductive ability of these guys is quite terrifying. They can lay 10,000 eggs at a time. If you offend one of them, you will provoke a group of them.

If it weren't for the lack of gigantic ability, I'm afraid it would be enough to rule the universe.

After all, there are actually no strong people active in the general universe, and S-level ones are very rare, let alone SS-level and above.

But this time, the Barossa clan is unlucky.



The people of Barossa, who seemed to be discussing something, finally felt that something was wrong, and they all looked up at the oppressive and heavy sky.

The originally very comfortable red light suddenly became scorching and dazzling. The sound of thunder spread to every angle of the planet. The planetary defense system was completely ineffective. The entire planet was shaking. The fear of impending disaster fell into the hearts of every Barossa star.

"Barossa! Barossa!"

At the last moment when consciousness was annihilated, everyone only saw the sky lighting up with star-like light and heat, space collapsed, and Barossa planet was wiped out from the universe almost instantly.

There was no explosion, no light radiation, a small black hole was only briefly formed in the place and then calmed down quickly.


Natsuki slowly lowered his arms.

The main direction of evolution in the Ultra Universe is individual combat. Although the destructive power at the cosmic level is not low, the attack method is still a bit monotonous.

In order to eliminate the light waves emitted by a planet, it always feels like it is a bit overkill.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it.

The current light and dark forms are all based on Ultra Warriors. Although Ultra Warriors have superpower types, their expressions are similar, not to mention that he is not a pure superpower warrior.

Unless special systems such as technology or magic are used.

Almost all the events of destruction of the universe are due to super technology, but the technology he personally masters is too far behind, so it is not a direction he needs to consider. The magic system can be considered.

There is no need to master magic, but to learn from and develop corresponding superpower skills.


After making sure there were no other problems around, Natsuki turned and walked into the wormhole.

It is estimated that there are still many lucky people who are not on the planet, and he does not expect to directly exterminate the clan. This is enough. If the remaining Barossa stars are smart enough, running away is the right choice.

Compared with when we came, it didn't take much time to return to the earth. It took a lot of effort to find the location.

"I don't know if anything has happened in the past few days."

Flying out of the tunnel silently, Natsuki dodged and was about to return to the dojo, but unexpectedly heard a faint call from a woman just before leaving.

"help me……"

I don’t know why it’s repeated. The charge is twice as high. The next chapter will be free.

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