Starting human body

Chapter 698 Bright Lucifer

"A snake."

Inaba Torajiro noticed Jakura's expression, and his heart suddenly sank.

"Humanity...has no hope?"

Not only Inaba Torajiro, but all members of the armory looked at Jakura.

The situation has become very obvious. Humanity now has no fighting power, and the defeat of the Ultra Warriors has become a foregone conclusion.

"Captain Shecang..."

"Is this the end of it?"

Jagula suddenly came back to his senses and pressed his forehead tightly under the gaze of everyone.


Brother Ashu cannot do nothing.

There must be something he overlooked...


Jagula turned his head suddenly, his pupils dilated and looked at the ruins of the base behind him.

At some point, bursts of light appeared in the ruins, and upon closer inspection, I discovered that another Zeta sublimator flew out of the rubble.

"It's the Zeta sublimation device that was taken away by the headquarters, and it's actually placed here..."

Jagula's face was slightly dull.

"No, it's not a Zeta sublimator at all. This is..."


As the strong light faded, only the "Natsukawa Rei" access card remained in front of everyone's eyes.

"Brother Ashu!"

Time seemed to slow down for a moment, and the access card suddenly turned into a stream of light and crashed into Jagula's body. Suddenly, an energy exploded and opened up everyone in the surrounding armory.

"Captain?!" Ota Yuka looked at Jakura in shock, as if he was under attack.


Jakula waved his hands, with a bitter look on his face.

He felt that he had regained the ability to grow to giant size, and the unimaginable dark power was even more powerful than when he originally held the Dark Circle.

But it was too late.

If he had found out earlier, he might have been able to stop Mecha Lucifer.

but now……

"Captain," Ohta Yuka asked with concern, "The card just now seemed to be the curator, you..."

"Well, the curator you are talking about is actually me, Brother Ashu."

Jakura collected his thoughts and looked at Zeta, who was on the verge of reaching his limit with the flashing red light on the battlefield, and then turned his gaze to the mecha Lucifer, who was about to complete his evolution.

Catalyzed by all the earth's monsters and unknown energy, this man-made mecha seems to have undergone incredible changes.

It is no longer just a man-made mecha, but more like a living body.

The form is also very close to Dark Lucifer.

"Hmph, do you really think you are Lucifer?"


Natsukawa Haruhui rushed forward, ignoring the dark shock wave caused by the evolution of mecha Lucifer, and once again reached into the main gun gap and grabbed the exposed mecha cockpit.

The thought of saving people seemed to be engraved in his bones. Even though his consciousness began to blur, he still refused to let go.


Zeta called urgently.

"Your body can't bear this situation! The human body on earth..."

"It doesn't matter what happens to my body!" Xia Chuan Yaohui struggled to stabilize his body in the energy storm, "Zeta-san, I must protect everyone!"

"This kid..."

Jagula's expression fluctuated.

Should I say it's a lack of strength or something else?

So what if we rescue people?

Sighing secretly with a headache, Jakula revealed his demon form directly in front of everyone, and leaped into the battlefield with a sword.

"New Moon Chopper!"


Looking at the dark storm raging below, Jagula raised his sword and hovered in the mid-air of the battlefield. The red and black energy wrapped around his body, and the ground became huge. He wielded the Snake Heart Sword and struck at the mecha Lucifer.


"team leader……"

Natsukawa Yaohui stumbled and propped up the giant body. When he saw Jakula, he was surprised and grabbed his fingers in pain.

If you are strong enough, you don't need others to risk their lives to protect you.

Dusk of Belial, and the captain...

"Hey, Haruki!"

Just as Jagula sheathed his sword, he noticed that Zeta was showing signs of losing control again, and his heart was beating wildly.

One Mecha Lucifer couldn't handle it, and he didn't want another one.

"Don't be affected by the darkness! I'll help you buy time. Before he completes his evolution, save Yoko first!"

"Oh, oh!"

Natsukawa Yaohui woke up and regained consciousness, and regained control of the cockpit with the help of Jagula.

Just a little bit closer!

"Senior! Hold on, I'll rescue you right away!"


Mecha cockpit.

Nakajima Yoko slowly opened her eyes, her eyes blank, and after a while she lowered her head to look at the shimmering light card.

The parasitic life form Celebro has disappeared. The cockpit bulkhead is covered with tumors, and its disgusting tentacles are blocked by a faint light shield.


Nakajima Yoko thought of Natsuki's figure and Natsuki's last words.

" to use this?"

Looking at the desperate Zeta, Jakura and everyone in the ground armory outside the cockpit, Nakajima Yoko couldn't hold back his tears and choked up sobs.

Although she lost her sense of autonomy, she still remembered everything that happened.

The annihilated defense force, monsters from the earth, and now finally their companions in the armory...

"Please, now is the time we need it."

Yoko Nakajima whimpered and grabbed the card of light.

It seemed ridiculous to beg for a card, but in the doomsday crisis, she didn't want to give up as long as there was a glimmer of hope.



Yoko Nakajima closed her eyes in despair, but the card seemed to have self-awareness. The dim light became brighter and brighter in the cockpit, and in a blink of an eye it was transmitted outside the cabin. The dark storm that enveloped the battlefield suddenly became riddled with holes.


As the cockpit was completely pulled out by Zeta, all the light converged and condensed into an original giant medal of light that merged into Zeta's Z-shaped timer.

The flashing red light instantly returns to fullness.

After the halo dissipated, the original giant body of Zeta had been replaced by the new light giant form. Except for the chest timer and head, it was almost a replica of the original light giant.

"Light Lucifer?"

Jagula almost failed to hold the Snake Heart Sword firmly. Looking at the opposing light and dark Lucifer in the battlefield, his consciousness went blank for a moment.


Mecha Lucifer finally evolved. While the mecha on his chest was filling and recovering, he roared and took the initiative to attack the new giant that was flowing with brilliance, as if he was stimulated.


Gaussian universe.

Natsuki avoided a group of Dracion battleships and opened the space-time tunnel back to the main universe of the Kingdom of Light. When he was about to step in, the image of Zeta Earth suddenly appeared in the sensor.

Lucifer, a decent-looking black mecha, was punched away. After penetrating layers of clouds and mist, he was swallowed up by the brilliant light that came first and turned into ashes at the edge of the stratosphere.

"Has Yaohui's bond value reached 100?"

The giant figure of Xia Shu turned into a ray of light and returned to the space of light. Before he could sense it carefully, he was enveloped by the power of light.

Original form: SS+ (light), SS+ (dark)

very good.

The hard work finally paid off.

Natsuki's eyes glowed.

In this way, he has more time and is more confident in planning the war between the Kingdom of Light and Absolut.

If the danger is eliminated, this war can be said to be the biggest opportunity in the later stages of the Ultra Universe.

His path to SSS evolution may lie within it.

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