Starting human body

Chapter 718 Hitram


"Make a name!"

Outside the factory, after the battle, Manaka Kengo and Sho Akito ignored the report and immediately tracked them via GPS.

After hearing the loud noise coming from the direction of the warehouse, the two looked even more worried. After looking at each other, they pulled out their Victory Hypa guns and rushed into the factory area at high speed. They happened to encounter the afterimage of the blue and black warrior who was escaping at high speed.

"Get away!"


The two of them felt something flash before their eyes, but they couldn't see the blue-black warrior at all.

"Something just passed!"

"You can't control that much," Sheng Zhangren shouted anxiously, "Hurry up and find Jie Ming! Nothing will happen to Jie Ming!"

Inside the warehouse.

Natsuki did not pursue the blue-black warrior immediately. After hearing the noise outside, he looked at the high school girl who was still in a dazed state in surprise.

Not very beautiful, but seems to be particularly popular.

I just don’t know what the relationship is with Jianwu.

But then again.

You Lian and the Eternal Core seem to be very important information, and I need to investigate them carefully if I have the opportunity in the future.

Sensing that Manaka Kengo had found the warehouse, Natsuki's telekinesis quickly locked onto the blue-black warrior.

With the ability to teleport, as long as he doesn't run out of his range of perception, it doesn't matter how fast the opponent is.

"Port area pier..."


Shizama Yumei finally came to his senses and hurriedly called out, but in the blink of an eye, Natsuki had disappeared, and only Manaka Kengo and Sho Akito were left in his field of vision.

"Are you okay, Yumei?"

Sheng Akira rushed to Shizama Yuina in distress and hurriedly untied the ropes. Although Manaka Kengo was also concerned later, his attention was focused on other places.

He seemed to have seen a familiar figure just now, and the other person seemed to have glanced at him.

"What's going on here?"

Manaka Kengo's eyes fell on the scattered debris, and he vaguely saw wisps of black mist, and blurry battle scenes flashed by.

"That was the dark giant just now?"


Port area pier.

The running blue-black warrior hit a huge force before he could relax his vigilance. His body was shot backwards again while moving at high speed. After penetrating the contiguous containers, it finally dragged out a long deep pit on the ground. Stop.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

The blue-black warrior took a breath in the thick smoke and sparks, stumbled to his feet and looked angrily at Natsuki who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You really pissed me off! Bastard—!"

"Hoo ho!"

A steady stream of dark aura erupted at the dock.

As he roared, the entire body of the blue-black warrior expanded crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it became huge, and Youlan's palm pressed down hard on Xia Shu.

"Go to hell!"



Natsuki jumped back and saw the giant body of the blue and black warrior, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Wouldn't it be better to become giant as soon as possible?"

Before the blue-black warrior could continue to attack, Natsuki raised his hand and held the divine light rod horizontally. As the middle prism unfolded, the power of light was eroded before it bloomed, and a dull purple-black thunderstorm emerged and enveloped the surrounding area.

Sure enough it was still dark.

Xia Shu's eyes twitched, but her hand movements didn't stop.

Like it or not, this darkness did not make him feel threatened or uncomfortable, but rather comfortable.




The purple-black thunderstorm completely exploded and turned into a gray-black giant Tiga standing on the pier. At the same time, the sky became dim again, the wind and clouds gathered to block the sun, and only a little red glow showed in the distance.


The blue-black warrior paused, confused and feeling the huge threat posed by the dark giant ahead.

"No, who the hell are you?!"

He has awakened a hundred years in advance and caused several dark turmoils, but he has never heard of the existence of other dark giants.

"Didn't I already answer it?"

Natsuki quickly adapted to the giant body that transformed for the second time, stepped on the dock ground and looked directly at the blue-black warrior.

"Don't keep asking the same questions, just give me your power."

The blue-black warrior was so angry that he was shaking all over, and looked at Xia Shu with an even more dangerous look: "You guy... don't think that I will let you go if you are a dark giant. Dark giants also have differences in strength!"

"The dark giant appears again!"

The command room of the Nastis.

Dark Tiga and the blue-black warrior giant appeared in the surveillance screen at the same time, and the energy detector kept sounding alarms.

Captain Chen Micheng also looked at the screen and crossed his fingers, wondering: "What is the purpose of that dark Tiga? Every time he appears, is he fighting the dark giant recorded on the slate, is it internal strife?"

"President Jingjian may know something, but..."

Correspondent Metronian looked at the data thoughtfully.

"It's strange. Although they are all dark giants, their energy reactions seem to be different. That dark Tiga is simply too strong."

"How strong can it be?" Chen Micheng also asked subconsciously.

"At least 10 times more than Teliga and these dark giants," the Metrotronian's voice trembled, "and this is still a detectable energy reaction. These giants seem to consciously limit their own energy on the planet. The actual gap is Maybe even exaggerated.”


Tatsumi Makoto almost choked on his saliva and turned back to look directly at the Metronian with wide eyes.

"10 times? Could it be even stronger?"

A human warrior with twice the strength would be completely crushed, even with one decimal point more it would be almost two levels.

If the base number is changed to the giant level, the count will still be 10 times...

Compared with this dark giant, the monsters that humans have dealt with in the past six years are simply not a threat.

No wonder TPU headquarters is so nervous.

"They seem to be communicating," Tatsumi Makoto suddenly asked, "What are they talking about?"

"Same as last time, it should be a super ancient language," the Metronian shrugged helplessly, "Who can understand this?"

"Ultra-ancient language?" Tatsumi Cheng also wondered, "Didn't you say they are different?"

"Maybe language is universal."


The thunderstorm at the docks in the port area intensified, and waves of water burst out in the bay.


The blue-black warrior skimmed the sea at high speed, glanced behind him, then suddenly turned vertically and flew into the clouds.

This kind of fighting was not at all as elegant as he expected, and it was not enjoyable at all.

Where did the dark giant appear from?

No matter whether it was 30 million years ago or now, such a guy should not exist

"Damn it, I'm going to destroy you and this planet together!"

Feeling the dark power gathered by the thundercloud, the blue-black warrior stopped fiercely and completely released the energy in his body.

"Look at my true power, haha!"

"Got you."

Natsuki's giant body appeared as the clouds rolled, and violently punched the blue-black warrior on the head. While interrupting the release of darkness, he knocked the blue-black warrior off the clouds in one fell swoop.


There was another loud noise, and the dazed blue-black warrior fell back to the ground like a meteorite. The blue energy lamp flashed sharply in the mixture of earth, rocks and waves.

In order to prevent his opponent from escaping like last time, Natsuki used almost all his strength in one blow. If the giant's body wasn't strong enough, he might have been blown away directly.

However, the situation of the blue-black warriors is not much better now. They have completely lost their combat effectiveness and have become fish to be slaughtered.


Natsuki landed on the ground shortly after, and walked towards the blue-black warrior in the pit of the ruins in the steaming water vapor.

Teleporting in giant form consumes too much energy, so this guy's speed actually caused him a little trouble.


The purple-black thunderstorm wrapped around his fingers and formed a fist, ready for the second blow, but before approaching the blue-black warrior, Natsuki suddenly stopped.

The next moment, light bombs suddenly exploded in front of them.

"Bang bang bang!"


In the dust, two other dark giants appeared at the same time to set up the blue and black warriors. Without saying a word, they turned into black mist and dissipated. When the purple and black thunderstorm fell, there were only ruins in front of them.

"All three are here?"

Natsuki raised his hand and waved away the dust mist, preparing to follow the remaining dark aura to search for and lock the target. However, what appeared in front of him was Teliga nervously in a fighting posture, and the aerial battleship Nastis with its gun muzzle fully exposed.

"Nascannon ready!"

Battleship command room.

Tatsumi Cheng also clenched his fingers, his sweaty hands staring at the dark Tiga looking up from the front of the battleship.

Although the giant in front has neither a stomach nor a sharp blade, as long as it is 10 times more powerful, the invisible pressure is still far greater than that of other dark giants.

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