Starting human body

Chapter 754 Eternal Night



A burst of thunderous artificial rain fell, and the entire base became gray outside.

Reina Manaka stood in front of the transparent protective canopy with an uneasy expression, glanced in the direction of the space port, and turned her eyes to the temporary news that was jumping in the hall.

"The third batch of spacecraft heading to Earth has canceled its plan and will return in 30 minutes..."

"The earth is now completely covered by mysterious black clouds, and all connections have been lost. A large amount of electromagnetic plasma seems to have formed an isolation barrier, and aircraft are temporarily unable to pass..."

"What happened?"

Manaka Lina's eyes became even more worried.

Everything happening now seems completely divorced from the circumstances recorded by super-ancient civilizations.

Is the Dark Giant that powerful?



Earth battlefield.

Manaka Kengo pulled off the bandage and prepared to transform again and join the battle, but before he could press the trigger, he saw that the two giants had collided with each other like lightning.



The center of the battlefield was like a big collision between heaven and earth. The terrifying air blast exploded and blew away countless cars and building ruins. Manaka Kengo and the others behind him also rolled out without any precautions.


The prepared Victory Light Rod fell directly at the feet of Tokioka Ryu as he left the battleship, and it seemed that he could transform just by picking it up.

The corner of Tokioka Ryu's eye twitched several times, and his eyes forcibly left the Victory Light Stick.

He guided the Shengzhang people to develop this thing, and of course he knew that only Manaka Kengo could transform it.

It takes a lot of preparation to seize this power.


Tokioka Ryuichi's eyes trembled as he looked into the eye of the storm where the golden lightning struck, and his field of vision was completely occupied by the two giant figures.

Compared with the real strong ones, Teliga is still too weak.


Sho Akira endured the pain and got up. He was surprised when he saw Tokioka Ryuichi. The usually calm and scholarly charm of Tokioka Ryuichi was a bit strange.

With his fanatical eyes and vaguely twisted expression, he seemed to be a different person.

"What's wrong with you, Tokioka-sensei?"

"Phew, I'm fine."

Tokioka Ryuichi took a deep breath, smiled at Akira Toki, and after cleaning up his appearance, he looked deeply and directly at the two giants who disappeared at the same time.

It turns out that this is the true power of Dark Tiga.

He still remembered that You Lian got that card, and it seemed that it had been inherited by Jing Jian.

If he could get that card back...


The center of the storm.

Natsuki was completely integrated with the dark realm, and all attacks from Tartarus were easily disintegrated. Even the "absolute destruction" that destroyed the world did not cause any damage, and even the aftermath was contained in a fixed space.

As long as the Dark World exists, he will be almost invincible within the realm.

At least Tartarus hasn't been able to deal with him yet.

Different from 6 years ago, now Tartarus has finally been resurrected and has no ability to break through to SSS again.

But now he is not suitable for long battles.

The power of darkness is like a double-edged sword. After swallowing Grimdor's power, he can no longer stop the darkness from advancing to SSS, but he cannot control it with his own mental power.

He himself is not a person with a bright heart, let alone a fatal memory.

Without the hearts of light from many human beings, I am afraid that I would have lost my mind long ago.


Facing Tartarus who was gasping for breath after a round of confrontation, Natsuki reached into the void and drew out the divine light sword again. The surrounding thunderstorm suddenly fell into silence.

After many years, this weapon is still stuck at the SS-level. However, as Natsuki injects the eternal core power of the current time and space, the long-dormant Divine Light Sword quickly buzzes to the critical point, and scattered energy surges around it like a whirlpool. It enters the sword body, and finally directly enters the SS like a bubble.


A long roar of excitement spread from the body of the Divine Light Sword. Although the level no longer changed, the energy carried on it began to increase exponentially, surpassing the "absolute destruction" emitted by Tartarus in an instant.


Tartarus' eyes darkened, and he waved his hand to open the Nalak Light Gate.

"As long as you are happy for a while longer, we Absolut people will come back sooner or later!"


The red and black sword light exploded in the battlefield area, and a giant crescent light blade broke through the thunderstorm and disappeared into the dark clouds in the sky.

Everyone in the elite team looked nervous. While waiting anxiously, they found that the giant was completely missing after the explosion.



"What is the result?" Tatsumi Cheng also said with a headache, "Who won in the end?"

"No energy response can be detected at the scene," the Metronian said uncertainly, "The crisis must have been resolved, right?"

"You call this crisis relief?" Tatsumi Cheng also pointed to the black clouds blocking the sky without saying anything.

"Maybe the battle has moved to other dimensions," Sheng Zhang said outside. "The crisis has been temporarily resolved. I'll go over and take a look."

"What's going on with these black clouds?"

Manaka Kengo looked at the sky in confusion.

"Would it be troublesome if it keeps like this?"

"It's more than just trouble," Shengzhang shook his head and sighed, "If it continues like this, there will probably be a glacier crisis."


On the streets of the war zone, Natsuki returned to the ground in the cold wind, with the aura of light and darkness swirling behind him. It took a while before he returned to normal.

3 minutes.

Unexpectedly, even today, his fighting time would be limited to 3 minutes.

Fortunately, there are no other big problems. As long as you pay attention, you won't be swallowed by the darkness for the time being.


After regaining his breath, Natsuki looked up at the sky.

Dark world...

He can't deal with this yet.

However, the moment he completely regained his memory, he saw the future where Teliga merged darkness and light through the eternal core.

Perhaps a solution can be found in the Eternal Core.

"Mr. Tiga!"

Shengzhangren ran all the way to the battlefield. When he saw Xia Shu, he was suddenly startled. Seeing Xia Shu's figure disappearing at the corner of the intersection, he hurriedly shouted.

"Mr. Diga, just now..."

Natsuki waved his hand and faded away.

Mr. Diga...this title is too weird.


The bright light flickered, and Natsuki returned to the space of light in an instant.

We haven’t seen each other for 6 years. The experimental area of ​​Light Space is filled with all kinds of sundries. There are also several pieces of underwear hanging in the corner, and the whole area has become a living area.


"Consultant!" Ellie opened her eyes like a rabbit, and her eyes turned red when she saw Xia Shuhuli. "You are finally back, consultant! I miss you so much! It's been 6 years, and you haven't ignored me once..."

Xia Shu's eyes twitched as she looked at the instruments and equipment that had been torn to pieces.

"Something happened suddenly. Next, you go to live on the monster planet. I will come back after the incident is over."

Unlike the light space, the star domain where the monster planet is located is completely under his control and is a space that truly belongs to him.

The Divine Light Mirror did help him a lot, but he never really understood this prop.

After all, coming from the dark clan, it’s always good to be cautious.


After arranging Ellie, Xia Shu stood in front of many gray space-time light groups.

He actually didn't care at all about what happened to the Absolut clan and the Kingdom of Light.

His real enemy has always been himself.

This time those mysterious dark clans showed themselves, and the time left for him was getting less and less.

It is necessary to advance and control SSS level power as soon as possible.

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