As the sickle-shaped arm of Mechanical Tyrant broke, a huge gap was cut in the armor of Mechanical Tyrant.

At this moment, Sero suddenly turned around,

I don't know when the plasma spark knife turned into a head dart again, and was stuck on both sides of the colored timer on Zero's chest.

"Zero Twin Rays"

With the injection of Zero's energy, the two silver-white ice axes shone with silver-white light.

‘Uh-huh! ’ A beam of white light roared towards the mechanical Tyrant,

Accurately hitting the gap made by him on the body of the mechanical Tyrant,

The terrifying energy crazily impacted the body of the mechanical Tyrant.

With a final "bang" sound, Zero's attack directly penetrated the body of the mechanical Tyrant.

With a "boom", the mechanical Tyrant also exploded.

In the horrific explosion, the body of the mechanical Tyrant was completely destroyed.

Only a few parts were left, scattered randomly on the ground.

Almost at the same time that Zero destroyed the mechanical Tyrant,

On the other side, the Flame Warrior and the Mirror Knight also launched the final blow against the mechanical King Grant.

The flame stick in the Fire Warrior's hand burned even hotter, and the flames became more raging.

The Mirror Knight crossed his arms again, condensing an even larger cross blade of light,

Mirror Knight and Flame Warrior launched attacks almost simultaneously,

The flame stick penetrated directly through the huge body of the mechanical King Gurant like a stream of light, leaving a huge gap.

The Mirror Knight's huge cross blade directly cut the mechanical King Grant into four halves with the gap as the center.

It was reduced to ruins in the explosion.

Zero looked at the Flame Warrior and said with some pride: "If you want to surpass me, you are still 20,000 years early."

"Hmph, it can only be considered a tie this time, and you didn't win either,"

Just when Zero was about to say something else,

At this time, a terrifying explosion sounded again on the ground.

After hearing the explosion, I felt the breath flying up,

Zero couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly: "Are the two brothers still quite fast?"

Chapter 193: Zero, I miss you so much. I have missed you for a long time (please subscribe)

Not long after, Iron Samurai and Iron Nine came to the three Zeros.

At the same time, in the command room in the center of the island,

Belial looked at the screen as Zero destroyed the mechanical Tyrant.

The faces of the five people who gathered together became even more gloomy: "Is this the experimental subject you are talking about? Is it just that little strength?"

"Your Majesty, this is the planetary base that was destroyed by the Kaz Empire before.

Some of the information obtained records the monster battleships of the ancient A empire.

It's just that some information is missing, so..."

After hearing the words of Slan, the Mephilasian wizard, Beria waved his hand,

Let those cosmic beings who were kneeling on the ground in fear stand up,

Even so, Beria knew,

The strength of the three experimental subjects in front of me has exceeded the strength of the previous Imperial mechanized soldier Reginald.

Even stronger than the Dark Dark Cylops created later.

What really makes Beria unhappy is that

When Beria watched Zero and Raybots fight before,

I just thought it was just Zero's form that was powerful,

But now it seems that Zero's strength has improved too much.

Beria stood up,

He shook his head and neck and said, "How can you not welcome your 'friend' when he's here?

I think ‘Sero’ will be very happy to see me, right Slan?”

As he said this, Beria glanced at Slan, the Sorcerer from Mephilas,

Hearing Beria's words, Slan, the Mephilasian and Sorcerer, didn't know what to say.

I didn't expect His Majesty the Emperor to have such a side.

But Slan, the Mefilasian and wizard, could only say flatteringly: "Yes, Zero will be very happy."

At the same time, he criticized in his heart and said: Only if you can be happy can you be a ghost.

"However, now that you are here, don't leave," Beria said with a cold light flashing in his eyes and flew in the direction of Zero and the others.

Behind them, the five people from Mephilas and Magic Slan followed closely behind.

On the other side, the five Zero members rushed towards the control center.

At this time, the five people almost stopped at the same time.

Feeling the six powerful energy fluctuations flying from a distance,

Zero felt this familiar energy fluctuation, and there was a little doubt in his eyes.

Not long after, Zero saw six people flying over.

Looking at the leader himself, Zero's eyes were suddenly filled with anger: "Beria"

"We meet again, Zero. I really miss you. I have missed you for a long time." Beria's miserable voice sounded.

"How is it possible, Beria, you're not...," and at this time, Zero suddenly spoke,

I use the shining form of Zero to reverse time and space,

And Beria was probably resurrected at that time.

Beria looked at the suddenly enlightened Cero, smiled slightly and said, "Remember, Cero, you were the one who resurrected me?"

Hearing what Beria said, "Beria" Cero shouted angrily,

He rushed directly towards Beria, and at the same time, the head dart on his head appeared in Cero's hands.

Then Zero touched his hands and turned into a crescent-shaped plasma spark knife.

"Haha!" Zero roared, and the plasma spark knife held in his right arm slashed hard towards Beria in front of him.

Looking at the plasma spark knife in Zero's hand, Beria couldn't help but think of everything that happened in the monster cemetery.

Zero was recognized by the Ultra King and also recognized by the Plasma Spark Core.

At this moment, Beria's inner anger was completely detonated, and he roared like a wounded beast. The sharp claws of his black hands suddenly extended,

Became the claws of Caesar Belial,

Beria rushed towards Zero, with ten sharp black claws lingering with red lightning.

The two people seemed to have turned into a stream of light and collided with each other instantly.

The silver stream of light and the dark red lightning are constantly colliding,

The plasma spark knife in Zero's hand and the Claw of Caesar Belial collided instantly, splashing extremely bright sparks.

The powerful recoil shook Zero's right arm, and the plasma spark knife in his hand almost fell out of his hand.

On the other side, the Flame Warrior, Steel Samurai, Steel Nine, and Mirror Knight also faced off against the Four Dark Kings.

Groza Galaxy Man·Frozen Groza Sword

Desthrei Nebula Man: Deslog of Fire,

Imperial Star: The Evil Velanias

Hippolyte Star Shatar of Hell,

Four versus four, the two sides collided instantly.

The Fire Warrior faced off against the Groza galaxy man, the frozen Grosword.

The Iron Samurai faced off against the Desire Nebula man, Desrogu of the Flame,

Steel Nine faced off against the Imperial Star, the extremely evil Velanias.

The Mirror Knight faced off against the Hippolyte Xiatar of Hell.

Compared with the direct and constant collision of moves between Zero and Beria, their fight can be said to be fist-to-knuckle.

Slan, the Mefilasian and Magician, looked at the battle in mid-air thoughtfully.

"Sero, you only have so much strength,"

Beria shouted and waved his free left hand forward suddenly.

It slashed across Zero's abdomen fiercely, and bright sparks splashed wherever the black claws passed.

Zero let out a groan and stepped back involuntarily.

However, while flying upside down, the beam light on Zero's forehead immediately fired an emerald-colored Emelium cut.

The small beam of light instantly hit Beria's head, splashing violent sparks.

Beria couldn't help but let out a scream and stepped back uncontrollably.

Zero was covering his abdomen with his left hand, and his right hand holding the plasma spark knife was trembling slightly.

During the constant powerful collisions, Zero felt that his right arm was shaking.

And the abdomen that was hit by Beria felt burning pain, and I felt extremely painful when I applied even a little force.

Beria also felt uncomfortable.

Covering the right side of his face near the eye that was hit by Zero's Emelium Cut,

His fingers stroked the red scar under his right eye,

Beria's right hand trembled slightly, and the bad memories came to Beria's mind again.

Especially when Zero was still holding the original plasma spark knife.

"Zero..." Beria gritted his teeth and roared, wanting to tear this guy into pieces.

But Belial looked at the battle between the Groza Galaxy people, the frozen Grosword and the Flame Warrior below.

As well as the Mephilasian and Sorcerer Slan who was watching the battle from the sidelines,

Beria couldn't help but think of something, although she was still very angry,

But the corner of his mouth still couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Chapter 194 Beria: Zero, I will bring you memories (please subscribe)

Looking at Zero, Beria immediately said with a smile: "Sero, your attacks are still so sharp.

It is indeed the strongest body in the universe. After taking over your body,

Your so-called Ultimate Zero Guard is no match at all.

I was easily killed by your so-called strongest body.

I still remember that kind of scene and that kind of power."

Beria looked at Zero and said mockingly.

Hearing what Beria said, Cero couldn't help but get angry.

After the Galactic Empire was destroyed by himself, Beria actually relied on the genes of the Reblondo people to

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