With Asakura Riku’s last cry,

The blue light that enveloped Geed’s body,

The original three-color interlaced pattern of black, red and silver on Geed's body was only revealed in this light.

Just like an ice cube encountering flames, it quickly dissolves and becomes invisible.

In the blink of an eye, it was replaced by blue like the sea.

Geed, who unlocked the new Ultraman Capsule, also unlocked a new form.

His color changed to blue, and the light on his body was gentle and powerful, making people feel good about him.

At this time, Astrom also waved his arms directly, raised his sharp claws, and grabbed Ged.

Geed's whole body shone with blue light, and he lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot.

The body is as light as a feather,

Easily dodged Asteron's attack.

Geed did a 360-degree forward somersault in the air, and then landed firmly on the ground.

At the same time, on the other side, Slan, the Mephilasian and Sorcerer, looked at Ultraman Geed who was fighting Asteron.

He murmured: "The Litru Star has appeared, and Ultraman Geed has also obtained a new Ultra Capsule.

It looks like Astrom will be able to solve it soon.

In this case, the next game can begin. "

As the words of Slan, the Mephilasian and wizard, fell,

A monster capsule appeared in the hands of the Mephilasian Sorcerer Slan,

The figure moved and instantly disappeared from its original place.

When he reappeared, Slan, the Mephirasian and Sorcerer, still came to the city that was previously destroyed by Dark Cyrops.

Looking at the host of the Litru Star that is faintly shining,

Slan, the Mephilasian and Magician, thought of the "Ultraman Seven" who appeared before.

He murmured to himself: "Although I don't know who you are, it's best not to interfere with my plan, or...?"

Saying this, Slan, the Mephilasian Magician, inserted a monster capsule into the reloading fist gun.

As the Beliya sublimator slides, a black light

After Slan, the Mephilasian Sorcerer, pressed Anushi,

It was released from the Belial sublimator and gradually expanded.

Eventually, the figure of the mechanical King Grant was formed.

“Go ahead and let them pray out of fear?

Go, find them, pray and dedicate the power of their Litru Star,

In this way, His Majesty the Emperor can be resurrected faster. "

As the words of Mefilasian and Sorcerer Slan fell, King Mechanical Grant began to take action.

That body weighing more than 200,000 tons,

Every step he takes will cause the road under his feet to collapse, and dense cracks will appear.

With the swing of his arms, the surrounding houses seemed to be made of paper.

It broke into pieces at a touch, and the cars on both sides of the road also turned into "pieces of paper" under the feet of the mechanical King Grant.

Suddenly, the whole city was reverberated with thunderous explosions one after another.

Every explosion caused the nearby ground to tremble.

Along with debris and dust flying all over the sky, columns of black smoke shot straight into the sky.

It can be seen from a long distance away.

At this moment, a piercing air raid siren sounded in the city.

At the same time, all the LED screens on the street changed their images.

A host held a piece of paper and read loudly: "A minute ago, a huge monster appeared in the southern part of the city.

Citizens in the following areas are now asked to evacuate quickly according to the instructions..."

When the host read the evacuation area and evacuation route loudly,

The scene was also shown on the big screen, and black smoke was seen rising from the city.

In the underground base, Lem also detected the appearance of the mechanical King Grant.

He turned to Jed and said, "Xiao Lu, another monster has appeared.

Like the previous mechanical Tyrant, he is also a mechanical monster,"

At the same time, Lime's voice also reached Lin Tian's ears,

After hearing Lime's words, Lin Tian glanced at the place where the previous city was.

Several dazzling lights rose in the city.

"It seems like this guy's goal is the Litru Star in that place?"

But this time Lin Tian did not choose to intervene.

Instead, let it develop and find out the real guy behind the scenes.

After all, the guy who hides is sometimes troublesome.

When Ultraman Geed heard Lem's words, he couldn't help but speed up his attack.

At the same time, Igauri also saw monsters appear again in his city.

"The mechanical monster...is it really Belia who is behind this, or is it a remnant of the Kaz Empire? These guys are really haunting."

Sero's hateful voice was recalled in Igauri's mind.

It's just that he no longer has the slightest intention to listen to Zero's words. He is stretching his neck hard and looking up at the big screen.

Chapter 243: Zero in poor condition (please subscribe)

According to the picture displayed on the big screen, Igali made people feel

Quickly looking for landmark buildings near his home,

What made him feel a little relieved was that the location of King Mechanical Grant was still far away from his home.

But according to the opponent's pace, I'm afraid it won't take long.

And now I can't contact Runami and Xiaoyu at all.

I still don’t know where the two of them are and whether they escaped from home...

Just when Igauri wanted to say something,

Ultraman Zero's voice rang out in Igaurijin's mind again.

"Let me lend you your body."

"Ah? Use my body?"

At this time, Igali found that his body was a little out of control. He raised his left hand and took off his short-sighted glasses.

Under Sero's control, Igauri walked to the corner of a small alley.

And Iguri said to Sero: "Sero, I leave everything to you. You must protect Rumina and Kokoro.

Don't let them get hurt. I know I don’t have much ability, but..."

Before Igari could finish his words, Sero's voice rang out and he said directly: "Renjin, you talk a lot of nonsense.

Don't worry, I'll leave the rest to this young master.

Although the physical injuries have not recovered, it is still more than enough to deal with such a small character. "

Sero's voice rang in Igauri's ears,

Under Zero's control, Igauri took out Zero's glasses from his clothes with his right hand and placed them in front of his eyes.

The Zero glasses on his eyes bloomed with colorful brilliance,

Rings of red and blue light swirled rapidly around Igauri's body,

Wrap Igaguri completely inside.

"It's about to happen!" Sero shouted, and then the red and blue light covered Iga Guri's body,

Turn it into a dazzling beam of light and fly high into the sky,

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to a height of 1,000 meters.

It flew directly towards the place where the mechanical King Gulant was.

At the same time, the red and blue radiance quickly converged, condensing Zero's figure.

At this time, the mechanical King Grant was moving his legs and walking towards the place where the Litru Star was.

At this moment, a ball of flame burned in the sky and rushed down at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed from a thousand meters to the ground.

Mechanical King Grant seemed to notice something and couldn't help but raise his head.

I saw a ball of flames expanding continuously in his eyes,

It hit his body in an instant.

I just heard 'Clang! ’ There was a loud noise, raging flames splashed with bright sparks,

At the same time, there were some cracks in the hard armor of King Mechanical Grant.

The huge body of the mechanical King Grant also couldn't help but take a few steps back under the strong impact before he stabilized his body.

Looking at the mechanical King Gurant who was knocked back by his own blow, Zero said contemptuously: "Doesn't it seem like this? Let's see how much I can recover with you."

After saying that, he immediately took steps and rushed towards the mechanical King Grant.

Like a gust of wind, he rushed to the front of the mechanical King Grant in three or five steps.

Then a punch suddenly blasted out, and the mechanical King Grant faced Zero's attack.

The sharp blade-like arm of his right hand was blocked in front of him,

And Zero's powerful punch hit the mechanical King Grant directly on the arm.

All I heard was ‘Boom! ’ There was a muffled sound, and Sero felt as if the punch had hit an iron plate.

At this time, the mechanical King Gulant had no choice but to attack Zero directly with his pliers-like arms.

Faced with such an attack, Zero quickly turned his body to the right side by ninety degrees.

Narrowly dodged the attack of the mechanical King Grant,

At the same time, Zero suddenly took a step to the right,

At the same time, the body also shifted to the right, his left leg suddenly kicked out, and a whip kick directly hit the mechanical King Gulant.

Facing Zero's attack, King Mechanical Grant had no intention of evading at all.

He directly resisted Zero's attack, and at the same time, he quickly slashed out with the giant sword on his right arm.

Facing the attack of Mechanical King Grant, Zero quickly retreated and avoided the attack of Mechanical King Grant.

But this kind of avoidance caused Zero to lose his balance and fall backwards.

In addition, at this time, the pincer-like arm of the left arm of the mechanical King Gurant hit Zero's body impressively.

Huge sparks came out of Zero's body,

The powerful force made Zero stagger back a few steps.

His broad back suddenly hit a tall building on the street that was twenty or thirty stories tall.

'Bang! ’ There was a loud noise, and the solid building seemed as fragile as paper in front of Zero.

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